How Shanola Hampton Bounced Back After Baby - Without a Personal Trainer

The Shameless star shares some of her secrets behind staying in shape in the months after giving birth to son Doc

Shanola Hampton body after baby


Shanola Hampton sure knows how to multitask in new motherhood!

The Shameless star, 39, spoke with PEOPLE about her self-motivated plan to get herself back into shape after giving birth to Daren “Doc” O.C., now 3 months old.

“I hit the gym as soon as I could after giving birth,” says the actress, who has been married to husband Daren Dukes since 2000.

“Most importantly, I worked out until the day I gave birth,” she adds. “Staying in shape throughout the pregnancy made it easier to get back in shape.”

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“I started slow with just 30 minutes of cardio on the treadmill, along with taking a body works plus abs workout class once a week,” says Hampton, who is also mom to 2½-year-old daughter Cai MyAnna.

“Then I did planks and really worked out my abs,” she continues. “Three hundred crunches five days a week.”

Hampton didn’t work with a personal trainer, but she did meet for a single session with trainer Torri Shack, who showed her ways to incorporate little Doc into her workouts — a genius idea for any busy mom.

MOVE 1: Push-Up to Plank Hold

This move “targets the shoulders, arms, core and key muscle stabilizers,” according to Shack.

“The key is to keep the head, neck and spine in a neutral position, abs engaged, and lower body muscles (hips, glutes, etc.) activated throughout the movement,” she tells PEOPLE.

Shanola Hampton body after baby


MOVE 2: Mom and Baby Chest Press

This move can be performed while you’re lying on a bench or the floor, and targets the pectoralis major, triceps and anterior deltoids.

“Many women are inherently weak in the upper body,” Shack says. ” This exercise is a great way to help develop upper-body strength while having fun with your baby.”

Jen Juneau with reporting by Sarah Michaud

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