John Oliver Buys Ad Space on 'The O'Reilly Factor' to Teach Donald Trump About Sexual Harassment

Donald Trump defended the Fox anchor to The New York Times, stating that Bill O'Reilly "shouldn't have settled"

John Oliver has a message for President Donald Trump — and he knows exactly where the business mogul will see it.

After the Last Week Tonight host realized Trump was such a big fan of cable news programs in February, Oliver purchased ad space on the shows in hopes of educating the president about the nuclear triad.

In wake of Trump defending Fox News host Bill O’Reilly as “a good person” after a slew of sexual harassment allegations against him, Oliver announced he was once again deploying the widely recognized “Catheter Cowboy” to teach Trump another lesson.

“We submitted it to stations on Friday, but weirdly we haven’t heard back from them since,” Oliver said, “which is a little surprising, because we are one of the only advertisers offering to buy time on his show at the moment.”

After The New York Times reported O’Reilly and Fox paid five women a total of about $13 million to settle claims of sexual harassment or other inappropriate behavior, at least 60 companies have pulled their ads from The O’Reilly Factor or said that they don’t plan to buy new ads.

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“Repeated unwanted sexual advances or obscene remarks in the workplace constitutes sexual harassment. If there’s a power disparity between the two parties, well, that’s about as inappropriate as lubricating a catheter with hot sauce, partner. Why would you do that? I do not like pain when I cath,” the cowboy say in Oliver’s ad. “And if you’ve got a friend who was accused of something like that over and over again, I might think twice about defending him, because that just contributes to a culture where women don’t want to come forward.”

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Trump, 70, defended the Fox anchor to The New York Times on Wednesday, stating that O’Reilly “shouldn’t have settled.”

“I don’t think Bill did anything wrong,” the president said. “I think he’s a person I know well — he is a good person.”

Many on social media were quick to point out that Trump has no credibility on the question of O’Reilly’s behavior as Trump himself has been accused of sexual misconduct by at least 12 women. Among his accusers is former PEOPLE writer Natasha Stoynoff, who alleged last year that Trump attacked her at Mar-a-Lago in 2005, while she was covering his first wedding anniversary with wife Melania.

The president has repeatedly denied the allegations against him.

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