Lance Armstrong Posts Bloody Selfie After Falling on Trail: 'Sometimes You're the Nail'

While riding on a bike trail in Colorado on Wednesday, Lance Armstrong fell off his bike and took "quite the blow to the noggin'"

Photo: Lance Armstrong/Instagram

While riding on a bike trail in Colorado on Wednesday, Lance Armstrong fell off his bike and took “quite the blow to the noggin’.”

Alongside a photo of his bloodied and bruised face, the 46-year-old former professional cyclist — who was banned from the sport after he admitted to doping in a 2013 interview with Oprah Winfrey — recounted what happened on the fateful trip.

“Well, sometimes you’re the hammer and sometimes you’re the nail,” Armstrong wrote on Instagram. “The Tom Blake trail (one of my faves) came up and tried to KO my a– today.”

In the photo, his nose, chin and mouth were all speckled with blood, while there were also bruises and scrapes on his forehead, under his eye and on his cheeks. His jacket was also stained with blood.

Explaining the injury, Armstrong shared that he then “swung by the Aspen Valley Hospital” in order to get himself checked out.

“For the 46 yrs prior to today I completely would have blown off getting checked. Not now,” Armstrong added, before sharing a funny story about how, as fate would have it, he already sort of knew the doctor who took care of him at the emergency room.

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“Small world story – a few weeks back I posted a pic of @ghincapie, @mikekloser, and myself,” he wrote, explaining that the photograph had been taken by “some dude” they met there.

“Well, that ‘dude’ turned out to be @ajaxrider – the ER doc on duty today!” he added. “Charlie, thanks for looking after me.”

The photo in question was taken two weeks earlier, while Armstrong and some of his friends biked together for “2.5 hours,” in Aspen.

After praising himself and his friends for successfully finishing the trip, Armstrong went on to credit “some dude at the top of Buttermilk [whose] name we didn’t catch” for taking a photo of them.

“Sorry bro!” he added, apologizing for not knowing his name.

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