Leslie Mann and Daughter Maude Apatow on Bonding Over Beauty, Raiding Each Other's Closets and More

The actress and her 20-year-old daughter dish on working with Jergens, their beauty regrets, red carpet dressing and more!

You've probably seen the commercials with Leslie Mann and her 20-year-old daughter Maude Apatow playfully bickering as they bond over Jergens Wet Skin Moisturizer. It's a situation many mother-daughter duos can relate to: Mom pesters daughter to do something out of love, daughter begrudgingly agrees because she knows mom is usually right. But despite their Hollywood zip code, Mann and Apatow are just as down-to-earth IRL as they are in those TV spots. We know because we sat down with them.

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The pair celebrated Mother's Day early at a recent brunch with Jergens in L.A., bonding alongside other moms and daughters who also love all things skincare. Catch PEOPLE's one-on-one chat with the dynamic duo below.

Maude, what was it like joining your mom on the Jergens set?

MA: My mom's taught me everything about beauty since I was really, really young. How to curl my hair, how to put on mascara and the importance of always moisturizing! I was excited to join the Jergens family, because we've been using the products forever in my house.

LM: They're everywhere. My friends are always requesting boxes of Jergens! It was really fun to work together. We collaborated with Paula Pell, a writer who Maude has known since she was a little girl. We just hang out and kick ideas around and come up with all this fun stuff together, so it's a fun creative experience.

Are you hooked on the Jergens wet skin moisturizer now?

MA: Yes, It's so easy to put on and fast. The pain with moisturizing usually is rubbing in the lotion, because it usually feels sticky and this doesn't. That's what I love about the argan oil. It absorbs really quickly.

Do either of you have a beauty regret?

MA: I got a bob. My hair is curly so I thought I was like cutting it to my chin length, but when it would air dry it would go up to my ears like a little triangle hat and it was really ugly.

LM: A triangle hat? I got a pixie cut and I have really curly hair, so it was just a little Afro.

RELATED PHOTOS: Shop Leslie and Maude's Stylish Mother's Day gift picks!

How do you bond through beauty?

MA: We just had a spa day.

LM: Yeah we did. Had massages, we sat in the steam room. But like on a typical day, she'll come into my room and we'll stand side by side and do makeup together. And talk about whatever and then she'll sneak off into my closet…

That was my next question… what was the last thing you stole from your mom's closet Maude?

MA: We're the same shoe size, and so I'll be like, "Oh these shoes would be so cute on you!" Then I'll get my mom to buy them and then I'll steal them!

Fill in the blank, "I can't go to bed without…"

MA: Lip balm.

LM: Lip balm.

MA: Oh…

LM: You too?

Amazing that you said it at the same time. What are your favorites?

LM: I have a couple of good ones. My favorite is from Shiseido.

MA: I love the little Vaseline tubs. I have the rose one next to my bed.

Leslie, if there was a fountain of youth, would you drink from it?

LM: What does it taste like?

Your favorite wine.

LM: What would happen?

You would Benjamin Button through life.

LM: Maybe I would get a little vial of it and put it on cuts and things so they could heal. Like I would drop a little drop of it on my wound and it would go "whoosh" and it would magically heal.

Leslie, what's your go-to red carpet beauty look?

LM: I love a bright lip and anyone who tries to fight me on that, pays. People are always trying to do crazy looks on me, like tons of eyeshadows, and big, thick eyebrows and I start looking like just not myself anymore. So I'm always fighting for like less eye makeup, and just a bright lip because it's just easier.

Maude, what's your favorite red carpet look your mom has ever worn?

MA: I like the light pink pastel look she wore to the Golden Globes with the Irene Neuwirth rainbow choker.

LM: My favorite one that Maude just had was at the Chanel event in New York.

MA: I was like really freaking out. I loved the clear bag. I should have stolen it.

What's the most important piece of beauty wisdom you hope to pass on to your daughters?

LM: Always be nice on the inside so your outside can be really pretty. I have this friend who was the most beautiful girl I knew in school and over the years every time I see her, she's morphing into someone different. Someone might look beautiful when they're younger, but if over the years they're not a very nice person, that comes out on their face. I guess that's not a nice thing to say, they're still beautiful girls, but what's inside comes out on your face. So you better check what's inside.

Maude, what's the best trait that you've inherited from your mom?

MA: A good sense of humor, her passion… I feel like all of my good qualities. Also her feet. We literally have the exact same feet, even toenail shape and toe shape. Everything is exactly the same and the same size.

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