Inside 'Duck Dynasty' Star Sadie Robertson and Christian Huff's Sweet Love Story

Sadie Robertson and Christian Huff tied the knot on Monday, Nov. 25

More than a week after getting their wedding license, Sadie Robertson and Christian Huff have tied the knot!

During an evening ceremony at her family’s farm in Louisiana on Monday, Robertson, 22, and Huff, 21, said “I do” in front of more than 600 guests.

Officiated by Pastor Louie Gigilio, the couple exchanged both personal and traditional vows on a transformed tennis court on the property — a “unique and fun” decision that represented the couple’s shared love of the sport.

“Christian and I both love to play tennis and every time we’re home, we play tennis on this court. So we’re like, ‘Well, what if we transformed the court?’ So we’re taking off the net, taking off everything. We’re laying down AstroTurf and lights everywhere all over the fence and white roses. So it’ll actually feel like this nice garden,” the Duck Dynasty star told PEOPLE ahead of her big day.

Sadie Robertson and Christian Huff

Following the nuptials, the newlyweds, their family and and friends transitioned to a large, outdoor tent, where they ate and danced the night away.

“Christian and I both love night, we love the stars and the moon, so I think all of it together is going to be so magical,” she said.

“There’s going to be tons of lights, Christmas lights everywhere. Lots of white roses and greenery,” Robertson said of the decor. “It’s going to be very romantic and elegant.”

Their wedding comes five months after Huff popped the question to Robertson on the farm in June — but their love story began almost a year prior.

In July 2018, Robertson met Huff during a trip to Florida, where the Live Original author was crab hunting with friends.

“My sister actually had known Christian for the year before we met and they were all friends. He has a younger brother and they were friends. So I knew about Christian, but I just knew him as my sister’s friend who I’d never met, so I didn’t think much into it. The year after I kind of heard about this guy. I was in Florida with my friends on a trip and very spontaneously his cousin, she DM’ed me on Instagram and she said, ‘Hey, I see that you’re down in Florida. We love Bella, so if you want to hang out that’d be so fun!’ And I said, ‘Yeah! Why don’t you all come crab hunting with us? We’re going on the beach tonight,’ ” Robertson told PEOPLE shortly after her engagement.

Sadie Robertson and Christian Huff
Jayda Iye

“So were just running around being silly and they showed up and Christian was with them. And I was like, ‘Oh hello there.’ He was so cute. I was like shoot. So I actually tried to avoid him for most of the night because I did not want to get in a relationship and I was like, ‘He is too cute to talk to and not want to date.’ So it was kind of funny,” she recalled.

As the evening drew to an end, Huff “walked up to me and jokingly mentioned that I had followed everyone in his family but him, which is actually true,” explained Robertson. “I had followed his brother and his cousin just because of my sister knowing them, but for some reason I never followed him.”

At the end of the night, Robertson pushed the follow button on Huff’s account — and received a sweet and surprising message that he had sent two years beforehand.

“I don’t get messages on my Instagram unless I follow that person, and when I followed him a message popped up that he had tried to send me two years ago that I never saw. It was the sweetest message ever. I kind of jokingly responded and was like, ‘Sorry for the late response. Haha,’ ” said Robertson.

“We have been talking since that DM. I guess you can say it started in the DMs but more so started crab hunting on the beach,” said the reality star.

Robertson explained that Huff sent the uplifting message after he saw her speaking at a youth conference. “He had messaged me to encourage me about how encouraged he was to see what God was doing in my life and all this stuff. And he ended it with, ‘And I think you’re the most beautiful girl in the world.’ I was like, ‘Whoa! This dude!’ ” said Robertson. “I was like, ‘This is the perfect thing ever.’ ”

After meeting Huff on the beach, the pair communicated for a few months before they started dating.

But Robertson knew he was the one she’d spend forever with even before their first date.

Sadie Robertson and Christian Huff
Christian Huff and Sadie Robertson. Jayda Iye

“Once we started DMing, we started communicating and talking all the time and for a solid month before he asked me on a date. He would intentionally make a time each week not to just text me, but he would say, ‘Can I call you on this night at this time?’ And he’d call me and we’d talk for hours and hours. It wasn’t flirty, it wasn’t anything other than he was just really getting to know my heart,” she shared.

“Then a month later, he said, ‘Okay, I want to let you know the intention of me doing this is to take you on a date.’ And I said, ‘Okay, I need some more time.’ I dragged this thing out. So we talked for another month. But then when I knew when he was the one … it was after two months of really getting to know each other before we even started dating,” she said.

This past June, following almost a year of dating, Huff got down on one knee and asked Robertson to spend forever with him — and how the proposal came about was a total surprise to the Dancing with the Stars alumna.

For months, the couple had been planning a large joint birthday party, which Huff decided was the perfect day to pop the question.

“Birthdays are my favorite thing ever. Not just my birthday — everybody’s birthday. For months, literally Christian and I have been planning our birthday party together. It’s just my favorite thing that Christian and I share a birthday week even, so ever since I found this out I was like, ‘Oh, we are going to have the most epic birthday of all time,’ ” she told PEOPLE in June.

But although Robertson said she “knew that we were getting engaged soon because I knew he had talked to my dad [Willie Robertson] and we had talked about it,” she admittedly “did not know it was coming at the party. It was the most perfect thing ever!”

Sadie Robertson and Christian Huff
Christian Huff and Sadie Robertson. Jayda Iye

After a fun day full of games — and a swim in the pond — with friends and family, Huff asked Robertson to put on her favorite outfit.

“After we had all swam in the pond — we were so gross — Christian looked at me and he was like, ‘Alright, I need you to go do something for me.’ I’m like, ‘Alright.’ He’s like, ‘Go put on your favorite outfit that you’ve ever worn.’ Immediately, I was like, ‘Oh my gosh,’ … And so I run upstairs and my heart is like pounding and I get to my room and my mom and his mom and my sisters were in my room waiting on me. And they said, ‘We’re here to be your helpers to help you get ready.’ And I started crying already and we were all crying; we were so happy. All the girls spent an hour getting ready and we prayed together and we talked about how exciting just everything is,” Robertson recalled.

Robertson then changed into an off-the-shoulder crop top and matching floor-length white skirt and walked downstairs to Huff, who had carefully planned out every romantic detail of his proposal.

“From that moment, it was just like the most special engagement ever. He had letters from all of my family and all of his family and my Bronco waiting on me. And so when I got in the car, there were all these letters everywhere and our favorite song was on,” she told PEOPLE.

“Then he drove me out to our farmhouse and there it was set up as you see in the pictures with the chair and the blanket and the little torches and stuff,” said Robertson. “He sat me down in the chair and I thought it was just me and him. I had no idea there were any cameras. He showed me later; they were hidden in the trees. There were two people there and I didn’t even know.”

Sadie Robertson and Christian Huff
Jayda Iye

As soon as Huff asked Robertson to be his bride, Robertson was beaming with happiness. “He proposed to me and of course I was so excited. I literally screamed ‘yes’ and he picked me up and it was absolutely perfect,” she said.

But the romantic details didn’t stop there!

Huff walked Robertson back to her car, where the pair watched a video that featured photos and memories made throughout their relationship.

Detailed Robertson, “After that, he had this projector set up — and this is the sweetest thing — he had popcorn, M&Ms and Coke, which are like my three go-tos like if I’m going to go out, I go all out. And he had all of it set up with a projector and we sat in the back of the Bronco and he had made this video of all of our pictures and videos just of us as a couple, so we got to sit there and enjoy our little moment of being just me and him together and our life before we came back to the party.”

Sadie Robertson and Christian Huff
Jayda Iye

Upon returning back to friends and family, the celebrations continued. “And that’s when everyone just completely freaked out and we just celebrated literally all night long. I don’t think anybody went to bed until like 2 a.m. It was so fun!”

Now, five months after their engagement, Robertson and Huff celebrated their love with the ultimate party: their wedding!

Of course, both Robertson and Huff are excited for the next chapter of their love story and can’t wait to create many more memories together.

“We’re excited to be married and live together, do life fully together and just become one. We’re pumped! We cannot wait. There’s a lot of things in life that I feel like might be scary to jump into, but this, there’s never been more peace. I’m just really excited,” she said ahead of her wedding.

Of the things she loves most about Huff, Robertson told PEOPLE, “There’s definitely a million things.”

“I think the most obvious is, everybody knows my faith is really important to me and his faith is the most important thing to him, so I think having Jesus at the center is really what makes our relationship work. And it makes it exciting because we’re equally as passionate about this hope we have,” she said.

“Christian is so kind and so affirming of who I am as a person. He makes me a lot stronger. I just feel like equally, we make each other better when we’re together. When somebody makes you better and they’re you’re best friend in the world, you don’t want to spend a day without them. So we’re excited to not have to spend the day without each other. We’re pumped,” Robertson said. “There’s so many things about him. I love his adventurous spirit in life, how much my family loves him, so we’re excited to be able to officially call him family.”

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