Piers Morgan Accuses Omarosa of Offering Him 'Sex to Win' 'Celebrity Apprentice'

"[Donald Trump] took this serial loser, and horrible human being, into the heart of the White House to spread her poison," Piers Morgan wrote

Omarosa Manigault Newman has been causing a stir on Celebrity Big Brother by talking about her stint in the White House — a job her former Celebrity Apprentice castmate Piers Morgan questions why she had in the first place.

In a column for the Daily Mail, Morgan asked why someone like Manigault Newman, who he describes as “relentlessly loathsome” and accuses of propositioning him for sex to win a reality show, was offered a job in the administration. Representatives for CBS and Manigault Newman did not respond to PEOPLE’s request for comment.

“[Donald Trump] took this serial loser, and horrible human being, into the heart of the White House to spread her poison,” he wrote, and later tweeted, “Omarosa offered me sex to win Celebrity Apprentice, then called me a ‘f***ing f*gg*t’, invented gay smears & threatened to punch me. Why the hell was this vile creature ever employed at the White House?”

In the op-ed, Morgan claimed that Manigault Newman asked him if he’d like to have a “showmance” in order to make “lots of money” while filming the competition series together in 2008.

“A showmance. You know, a romance on the show — we get it on together. Happens all the time on Apprentice. Everyone has sex together. Then we can make lots of money out of it,” Morgan alleged Manigault Newman said.

Morgan said he replied, “You must be joking, you deluded woman.”

After rejecting her advances, Morgan said that Manigault Newman turned on him “like a viper,” and asked in response, “What are you? Gay?”

“I can honestly say I’ve never been spoken to in my life like the disgusting, foul-mouthed, homophobic way Omarosa spat at me throughout the weeks of filming,” he continued. “Because I’d rejected her revolting sex plot, she decided the best line of attack was to repeatedly question my sexuality in the most crude and offensive manner imaginable.”

At the time of filming, Morgan was separated from his ex wife and mother of his four children, Marion Shalloe — which was information, he claimed, Manigault Newman used to her advantage.

According to Morgan, Manigault Newman would say things like, ” ‘The mother of your children hates you Piers … and your children f—king hate you, they’re embarrassed by you. Is there another man raising your children?’ ”

“None of these things was true,” said Morgan.

Morgan said that Manigault Newman even took her comments to the boardroom and told Trump, “I think Piers is in the closet.”

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“I’m not gay and she hadn’t heard that about me,” he said. “She’d just made it up to smear me and to provoke me into a confrontation.”

Piers Morgan/Twitter

On one occasion, Morgan said Manigault Newman’s comments prompted him to jokingly kiss one of their castmates, country singer Trace Adkins, on the show.

“Beneath the laughs though lay a less savoury truth,” he said. “Omarosa is a reprehensible human being, prepared to offer sex to win a reality TV show and use the most vile homophobic slurs against rival contestants.”

He added: “She did all this purely so it would bring her more airtime, and more attention.”

Manigault Newman, who is currently competing on Celebrity Big Brother, left her White House position in December. She has previously said to her fellow houseguests that she was “haunted by [the President’s] tweets every single day” and warned them that the country is “not gonna be okay” with Trump as president.

She has also said that she would never vote for Trump again “in a million years.”

Drew Angerer/Getty

In response, White House Deputy Press Secretary Raj Shah said during a press briefing, “Omarosa was fired three times on the Apprentice and this was the fourth time we let her go. She had limited contact with the president while here. She has no contact now.”

On Twitter, Morgan was asked why he chose to report his story about Manigault Newman now. He replied, “Because the focus right now is on White House employee screening & I find the hiring of Omarosa as scandalous as that of Rob Porter.” Porter resigned on Feb. 7 after being accused of physical and emotional abuse.

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