Tamar Braxton and David Adefeso Clash Over Abstaining from Sex in Docuseries Premiere

The star introduced her then-boyfriend to the WE tv cameras on Thursday's episode of Tamar Braxton: Get Ya Life!

Amid ongoing turmoil in her personal life, Tamar Braxton's new docuseries premiered on Thursday.

Tamar Braxton: Get Ya Life! explores the singer and reality star's journey with motherhood, love and her career as she records a new album. The six-episode WE tv series was originally scheduled to premiere on July 30, but was postponed after reports emerged earlier that month that Braxton, 43, had been found unresponsive by her then-boyfriend David Adefeso in her Los Angeles hotel room.

Two weeks later, Braxton broke her silence in a lengthy post on Instagram in which she opened up about her "path to healing" and revealed that she had attempted suicide after suffering "pain" for the past 11 years while working in the entertainment industry as a reality star. She also publicly thanked Adefeso for saving her life in a since-deleted follow-up post.

Thursday's premiere coincided with a troubling new development in the pair's relationship. Adefeso recently filed for a restraining order against Braxton, and in a lengthy video posted on his YouTube channel, the businessman detailed an alleged physical altercation between the two that prompted him to contact police. (Braxton, through her rep, did not comment.)

David Adefeso and Tamar Braxton
David Adefeso and Tamar Braxton. Earl Gibson III/Getty Images

When Get Ya Life! was shot, Braxton and Adefeso were still together, and the first episode offered fans an introduction to their relationship. The premiere opened with Braxton shooting a confessional while being peppered with questions from producers. Speaking to the cameras, she said she was working on turning over a new leaf for the sake of her 7-year-old son Logan with ex-husband Vince Herbert.

"I lost everything. I lost my identity, I lost my home, my career. I lost everything that was positive in my life," she admitted. "A lot of people don't understand losing everything means you lose everything, including yourself."

"I lost my mind, I didn't want to leave my house. I was paranoid. I didn't know who to trust. The only thing I had was my health and my strength and my kid. It's very hard to juggle being a mom, being a businesswoman and dating when you're fighting your way back from a disastrous moment that you had in your life," she continued. "So you can either give up and wallow in it, or you can get up and dust yourself off and understand that there are going to be days where you feel like you can't make it, some days you shouldn't have made it and you don't know how."

Tamar Braxton
Tamar Braxton. WE TV

The cameras followed Braxton as she got to work on her new album — marking her first time writing and recording music on her own, without Herbert, who was previously her longtime manager.

That night, Braxton and Adefeso hosted a "Taco Tuesday" get-together at his apartment to get acquainted with the film crew. The couple had been dating for 18 months at that point, and the star was singing Adefeso's praises.

"Sometimes you can get with people and they bring out the worst in you, and sometimes you can date people and they bring out the best in you, and sometimes you can date people to help you see who you are and how you need to change for the better," Braxton said. "And he's definitely been B) and C)."

Adefeso, for his part, acknowledged that reality TV was not in his comfort zone, but said he had agreed to film the show because it "was important for Tamar."

"I'm a big part of her life, so that's why I'm here," he said. "I'm here for Tamar."

Later in the episode, Braxton met with a creative coach named Goli Samii who utilizes a method called "dream work." Together, the women set up a plan to analyze Braxton's dreams and confront her subconscious in order to reach her highest potential. Samii informed Braxton that in order for the exercise to work, she would have to abstain from sex, alcohol and drugs in order to have the most "clean" dreams possible.

Braxton herself was slightly apprehensive, but agreed to give it a try for 45 days. "If Goli can help me, I believe," she said.

But when she relayed the news to Adefeso, he was furious and tried to dismiss the idea.

"How important is it for you, [on a] scale of one to 10?" he asked.

"One hundred," she replied.

"Okay. For me, sex, on a scale of one to 10 [is] 102," he said. "How about that?"

In a confessional, Adefeso said he thought it was a "terrible idea" and was annoyed with Braxton for "springing" it on him.

"Tamar is interested in doing the dream work, but I'm a hardcore, born-again, Jesus-believing Christian," he said. "I really don't know about who Goli is or how she does what she does. I'm not so sure that her methods are something that fit my own beliefs."

A sneak peek at the rest of the season teased tension between Adefeso and Samii. In one scene, Adefeso wondered if the coach was a "witch."

"I'm not sure what dream work is," he said. "If it doesn't come from God and the bible, then I can't subscribe to it."

Tamar Braxton: Get Ya Life! airs Thursdays (9 p.m. ET) on WE tv.

If you are experiencing domestic violence, call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233, or go to thehotline.org. All calls are toll-free and confidential. The hotline is available 24/7 in more than 170 languages.

If you or someone you know is considering suicide, please contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255), text "STRENGTH" to the Crisis Text Line at 741-741 or go to suicidepreventionlifeline.org.

If you or someone you know need mental health help, text "STRENGTH" to the Crisis Text Line at 741-741 to be connected to a certified crisis counselor.

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