'The Challenge: Final Reckoning' 's Cara Maria Sorbello Clears Up That Kyle Confusion in Her Premiere Blog

The champion of MTV's The Challenge: Vendettas is back — and blogging about the new season exclusively for PEOPLE!

After winning MTV’s The Challenge: Vendettas earlier this year, Cara Maria Sorbello is back in action for her 12th season, Final Reckoning. As she vies for the $1 million prize alongside rival and partner Marie Roda, she’s blogging about it exclusively on PEOPLE! Follow Cara Maria on Twitter at @CaraMariaMTV.

The first episode of Final Reckoning comes in with a BANG. Enemies? Check. Destruction of old relationships? Check. Handicapping strong players with challenging partners? Check. New hookups? Check. Fights? You bet.

In light of recent Twitter drama and what happens in the premiere, let me clear up some unfinished and much asked about Vendettas business before we roll into Final Reckoning goodness. Once filming wrapped, Kyle asked me to come straight to the U.K. to meet his friends and family. But after a falling out at a bar in Prague, where I called him out on yet another lie, I changed my plane ticket and went straight back to the U.S. He was wildly apologetic and wanted to visit me at my home. Realistically, I assumed we would do our own thing when we were away from each other, and be with each other when we were together. When I communicated this to him, he told me that if I were with someone else, it would “break his heart” and that he wouldn’t want to come out after all. He did end up coming to join me in an appearance in Chicago, some promos in NYC, and of course spend time in my home in Boston. He ended up meeting my family (which he knew very well was part of the deal) and was treated like a king. I only visit Boston around Christmas, so when I am home I usually stay with my dad and use his extra truck to drive around. I got us a hotel in South Boston so we would have more time alone until the final two days of his visit when we had dinner at my mother’s and then my father’s house. Then he left for Thailand for two months and communication lessened.

Fast forward to Final Reckoning. Kyle tells me he has a girlfriend. Joss confirms she’s a model named Lauren. I accept this. However, he acts like a d–k to me all the first night and ends up making out with another girl. And makes fun of me behind my back! The Kyle you all got to know in Vendettas is not the Kyle you will see here in Final Reckoning. Once a lovable underdog goofball, Kyle comes into FR as a heartless, lying, manipulative… pirate. But don’t let me steer your ship — keep watching and decide for yourself.

The Challenge CR: MTV

Speaking of the past, we unbury it on the first banger episode of Final Reckoning. C.T., a notorious unstoppable force who regularly gets credit for “carrying partners to the finals on his back,” gets partnered with feisty Veronica. V has won the lottery here, but C.T. is noticeably less than thrilled. Can CT “carry” her to the end? This will be a team to watch!

Monster player Zach unburies his partner first. Surprise! It’s the girl who publicly and ferociously dragged his beautiful and fan-beloved girlfriend, Jenna. Amanda not only spread lies about Jenna, she then spent numerous Instagram lives dedicated to trashing Jenna’s name. The hate is real with this team.

In the end, two relationships are torn apart as Britni and Jenna could not complete the opening challenge and are sent away from their men, Brad and Zach. However, we see the return of REDEMPTION HOUSE, so there’s a chance one or both couples will be reunited. Tough break for Britni as she dug THREE graves trying to find her ex, Chuck. Brit and Chuck haven’t spoken since he walked out on her — the wounds are still fresh, so it will be interesting to see how time in the Redemption House heals or further destroys their partnership.

The Challenge CR: MTV

One grave remains covered in dirt: Johnny Bananas, the Challenge King, the man with arguably THE MOST vendettas in Challenge history, is left without a partner. The backstory is that he was supposed to be partners with Devin, but Devin had a family emergency and had to leave as soon as he landed in South Africa. Not to worry, there is something in the works for the Banana man, so stay tuned to find out who is coming to fight for the crown with him.

Back in the main house, the party is on. Kyle gets the first makeout of the night with Faith. Having felt a connection with Big Brother alum Paulie since the airport, I went to him for comfort and, yes, to make Kyle jealous. Paulie is in a relationship and plays off my drunken advances like a pro. He laughs at me as I tell him about the best game strategy. I know nothing is going to happen, but I feel safe and comfortable around him and he brings my mood up.

(Editor’s Note: Cara Maria recently revealed that she and Paulie are now dating.)

As the party rages on, the alcohol makes some people much more bold. Downstairs, Melissa is trying to have a “make peace” chat with Kailah. Kailah wants no part of it. As Melissa inches closer to her, Kailah gives her a hard shove. Melissa, not one to back down to anyone, comes back claws first. The two fall into an all-out brawl before being ripped apart.

Well, everyone knows you keep your hands to yourself in the Challenge house, or you go home. There is ONE. MILLION. DOLLARS. on the line. These two girls let one million bucks slip through their hands in the heat of the moment! Now, as we leave off, their partners Kayleigh and Kam could suffer the consequences.

Stay tuned, because this is the most explosive season of The Challenge I have ever been through. Also, check back here for my weekly recaps, insider info, and juicy behind-the-scenes tidbits only I can give you. 😉

The Challenge: Final Reckoning airs Tuesdays at 9 p.m. on MTV.

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