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Improper scaling of images sized with "pxpx"
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Author: jonnymt

A number of users are reporting issues with images displaying at a very large size (appears to be their default size) when the sizing is set using the "px" parameter. There is currently a handful of discussions at the technical village pump [ pump (technical)] indicating that the removal of the "px" parameter seems to be a workaround. I've personally tested this on Firefox/WinXP and Camino/OS X 10.5, and others have reported the same problem on IE/WinXP.

Version: unspecified
Severity: minor



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Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Medium.Nov 21 2014, 10:04 PM
bzimport set Reference to bz13500.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

The problem (in all test cases I've investigated so far) is images sized with pxpx, not px. This was recently changed so as not to work. See bug 13436.

This regression was made and undone previously wrt bug 8335.

ayg wrote:

It seems like it would be better to let the "pxpx" variant die, at least. It's not really a particularly sane thing to permit. Existing usages can be fixed easily enough.

One general problem here is that [[Image:Foo.jpg|some erroneous option|caption]] will silently eat the first option with no explanation as to what went wrong, and similarly for all options. Perhaps noisier failure modes would be useful to allow people to debug this stuff. That would definitely be a compatibility problem, but it might be a good idea looking forward.

ayg wrote:

Okay, this is causing a bit too much havoc. Fixed in r32504.