The arXiv (pronounced "archive", as if the "X" were the Greek letter Chi, χ) is an archive for electronic preprints of scientific papers in the fields of mathematics, physics, astronomy, computer science, quantitative biology, statistics, and quantitative finance which can be accessed online. In many fields of mathematics and physics, almost all scientific papers are self-archived on the arXiv. On 3 October 2008, passed the half-million article milestone. The preprint archive turned 20 years old on 14 August 2011. By 2012 the submission rate has grown to more than 6000 per month.

Cornell University Library

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A new way to make element 116 opens the door to heavier atoms

Scientists at the Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) are credited in the discovery of 16 of the 118 known elements. Now they've completed the crucial first step to potentially create ...

New extremely r-process-enhanced star detected

Using the Gran Telescopio Canarias (GTC), astronomers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and elsewhere have discovered a new extremely r-process-enhanced star in the Milky Way's thin disk. The finding was reported ...

AI may be able to predict droughts a year in advance

Skoltech researchers and their colleagues from Sber have proposed deep learning models that predict droughts using climate data. Long-term forecasts of this kind are sought by agricultural producers planning their operations, ...

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