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Genetic algorithm enables precise design of phononic crystals

The advent of quantum computers promises to revolutionize computing by solving complex problems exponentially more rapidly than classical computers. However, today's quantum computers face challenges such as maintaining stability ...

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Bio & Medicine
Patent could be inexpensive method to improve creation of solid-state nanopores
Bio & Medicine
Nanorobot kills cancer cells in mice with hidden weapon
Can a computer chip have zero energy loss in 1.58 dimensions?
Bio & Medicine
Organ-on-a-chip mimics blood-brain barrier for better drug delivery
Bio & Medicine
Detecting lung cancer early with sugar-sensing nanotech
A possible world record: Studying thin films under extreme temperatures with reflectometry
Researchers develop novel atom-thin material heat test
Soft, stretchy electrode simulates touch sensations using electrical signals
Bio & Medicine
Gold nanoparticles kill cancer—but not as thought
First comprehensive characterization of the extraordinary thermoelectric properties of cadmium arsenide thin films
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Simulating blood flow dynamics for improved nanoparticle drug delivery
New method visualizes ligands on gold nanoparticles in liquid
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Novel peptide formulation shows promise of restoring cognitive decline in schizophrenia
New strategy to obtain carbon nanotube fibers with higher dynamic strength
Fundamental spatial limits of all-optical magnetization switching
Bio & Medicine
Researchers find intriguing new tool for tendon healing: Nanoparticles for precision drug delivery
Scientists develop the next generation of highly efficient memory materials with atom-level control
Bio & Medicine
Microrobot-packed pill shows promise for treating inflammatory bowel disease in mice
New insights into mechanical weakness of twisted carbon nanotube yarns
Breakthrough nanoporous material exhibits giant piezoelectric response

Other news

Earth Sciences
Polar warming may be underestimated by climate models, ~50 million year old climate variability suggests
Astronomers find surprising ice world in the habitable zone with JWST data
Quantum Physics
A new approach to realize quantum mechanical squeezing
Plants & Animals
Brain size riddle solved as humans exceed evolutionary trend
Two new variable stars detected in globular cluster NGC 6558
Plants & Animals
New study augments distribution and reproduction data for little-known female Oceania fantail rays
Plants & Animals
Restored oyster sanctuaries host more marine life despite parasites, biologists discover
Ancient dingo DNA shows modern dingoes share little ancestry with modern dog breeds
Analytical Chemistry
Unlocking the potential of anti-perovskites through a convenient one-step synthesis route
Optics & Photonics
Scientists develop new technique for bespoke optical tweezers
Cell & Microbiology
Bacterial glitter: New findings open up possibilities for sustainable color technologies
Optics & Photonics
New technique offers unprecedented control over light at terahertz frequencies
Cell & Microbiology
New discovery boosts bioethanol production efficiency and profits
Analytical Chemistry
Textile scientists offer fresh insights on why some clothes get smellier
Quantum Physics
Researchers realize time reversal through input-output indefiniteness
Lithium ion batteries a growing source of PFAS pollution, study finds
Optics & Photonics
New shapes of photons open doors to advanced optical technologies
Earth Sciences
Researchers use 1,000 historical photos to reconstruct Antarctic glaciers before a dramatic collapse
Study projects major changes in North Atlantic and Arctic marine ecosystems due to climate change
Researchers predict new phase in neutron stars that favors 'nuclear pasta'