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Mantle upwelling may have triggered Morocco earthquake

On 8 September 2023, a magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck western Morocco, causing damage and destruction that claimed thousands of lives in rural communities in the High Atlas Mountains.

Tool predicts rogue waves up to five minutes in advance

A new tool that can be used to predict the emergence of unusually large and unpredictable waves at sea—known as rogue waves—up to five minutes into the future is presented in a study published in Scientific Reports. The ...

Scientists add the human element to long-term flood predictions

To better predict long-term flooding risk, scientists at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory developed a 3D modeling framework that captures the complex dynamics of water as it flows across the landscape. ...

New research sheds light on river dynamics and cutoff regimes

How are rivers characterized? Traditional methods rely on plant forms and sedimentological techniques, focusing on deposits. Riccardo Maitan, a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Padova, is developing a novel approach based ...

Diatom surprise could rewrite the global carbon cycle

When it comes to diatoms that live in the ocean, new research suggests that photosynthesis is not the only strategy for accumulating carbon. Instead, these single-celled plankton are also building biomass by feeding directly ...

AI may be able to predict droughts a year in advance

Skoltech researchers and their colleagues from Sber have proposed deep learning models that predict droughts using climate data. Long-term forecasts of this kind are sought by agricultural producers planning their operations, ...

Mega-iceberg melt affects important marine ecosystem

Scientists have for the first time taken in-situ ocean measurements during the collapse of a giant iceberg in the sub-Antarctic. These new observations reveal how ocean ecosystems may be affected if more icebergs calve due ...

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Tracing millions of years of geologic stress in the Andean Plateau
Earth Sciences
Oil and gas development in Permian Basin a likely source of ozone pollution in Carlsbad Caverns National Park
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Ground surface conditions found to impact speed and distance of leaking natural gas
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Machine learning unlocks secrets of early plate tectonics
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Weather experts discover new effect of storm—in a teacup
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Irish peat soils are far more vast than previously known, suggests study
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Researchers forge more open access data for studies of the Earth's lithosphere
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How climate change is altering the Earth's rotation
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Earth system scientists discover missing piece in climate models
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Climate model suggests extreme El Niño tipping point could be reached if global warming continues
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Research team uses satellite data and machine learning to predict typhoon intensity
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New dataset reveals accelerated global soil phosphorus release at higher temperatures
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Researchers discover novel deepwater renewal process in Lake Geneva
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Along shifting coastlines, scientists bring the future into focus
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How climate patterns contribute to coral bleaching in the Great Barrier Reef
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Unprecedented warming threatens Earth's lakes and their ecosystems
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Complex impact of large wildfires on ozone layer dynamics unveiled
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Algae instead of corals: A reef island adapts to changing environmental influences
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2023 Rolling Hills Estates landslide likely began the winter before
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Study shows severe droughts limit Amazonian communities' access to basic services

Other news

Plants & Animals
Biologists discover male elephants use infrasonic rumbles to signal 'let's go'
Plants & Animals
Smell of human stress can affect dogs' emotions, leading them to make more pessimistic choices
Molecular & Computational biology
Scientists uncover fundamental rules for how dengue virus infects its mosquito and human hosts
Molecular & Computational biology
New genetic test can help eliminate a form of inherited blindness in dogs
Saturday Citations: Scientists study monkey faces and cat bellies; another intermediate black hole in the Milky Way
General Physics
Results suggests titanium-48's nuclear structure changes when observed at varying distances
Results from Juukan Gorge show 47,000 years of Aboriginal heritage was destroyed in mining blast
Genome study informs restoration of American chestnut tree
Materials Science
Researchers zero in on the underlying mechanism that causes alloys to crack when exposed to hydrogen-rich environments
Social Sciences
International study highlights large and unequal life expectancy declines in India during COVID-19
New dawn for space storm alerts could help shield Earth's tech
Global study demonstrates benefit of marine protected areas to recreational fisheries
Plants & Animals
Giant millipede was lost to science for 126 years: It's just been found in Madagascar
Analytical Chemistry
Chemists design novel method for generating sustainable fuel
Enhanced information in national policies can accelerate Africa's efforts to track climate adaptation
Bio & Medicine
Innovative microscopy reveals amyloid architecture, may give insights into neurodegenerative disease
Killifish can adjust their egg-laying habits in response to predators, study shows
Condensed Matter
A new way to control the magnetic properties of rare earth elements
Analytical Chemistry
Gold co-catalyst improves photocatalytic degradation of micropollutants, finds study
Molecular & Computational biology
Study deciphers intricate 3D structure of DNA aptamer for disease theranostics