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Introducing Ramses, ESA's 2029 mission to asteroid Apophis

Thirty years ago, on 16 July 1994, astronomers watched in awe as the first of many pieces of the Shoemaker-Levy 9 comet slammed into Jupiter with incredible force. The event sparked intense interest in the field of planetary ...

Ground conditions can impact lunar swirls, study finds

Differences between the bright and dark patches in lunar swirls goes beyond the albedo variations; it includes differences in the structure of the lunar soils and the grains within those soils.

Scientists unveil cosmic fingerprints of sulfur rings

For the first time, a team of scientists from HFML-FELIX at Radboud University has unveiled the cosmic fingerprints of sulfur rings. These results, published in Nature Communications, may shed new light on the way sulfur ...

Here's how AI Is changing NASA's Mars rover science

Some scientists dream of exploring planets with "smart" spacecraft that know exactly what data to look for, where to find it, and how to analyze it. Although making that dream a reality will take time, advances made with ...

Bennu asteroid samples unveiled

In a discreet vacuumed-packed container inside a FedEx box lies a piece of ancient history; extremely ancient history.

New analysis of Cassini data yields insights into Titan's seas

A new study of radar experiment data from the Cassini-Huygens mission to Saturn has yielded fresh insights related to the makeup and activity of the liquid hydrocarbon seas near the north pole of Titan, the largest of Saturn's ...

New ultra-hot Neptune-sized exoplanet discovered

Using NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), an international team of astronomers has detected a new exoplanet. The newfound alien world, designated TOI-3261b, is nearly the size of Neptune and its equilibrium ...

More news

Space Exploration
Existence of lunar lava tube cave demonstrated
Webb investigates eternal sunrises, sunsets on distant world
Scorching storms on distant worlds revealed in new detail
Observatory gears up to detect thousands of elusive brown dwarfs, unlocking Milky Way mysteries
Space Exploration
A hopping robot could explore Europa using locally harvested water
Planetary Sciences
A walking balloon could one day explore Titan—or Earth's sea floor
Space Exploration
The CubeCat-4, a new nanosatellite, is already orbiting the Earth
Space Exploration
Juice's lunar-Earth flyby: All you need to know
Space Exploration
Could resources on Mars support human explorers?
Planetary Sciences
Meteorites from Mars help scientists understand the red planet's interior
Nearby exoplanet could be first known ocean world: Webb telescope
How astronomers work out the size of the solar system
Planetary Sciences
Scientific definition of a planet says it must orbit our sun: A new proposal would change that
JWST sheds light on the structure of interstellar water ice
Planetary Sciences
Modeling study proposes a diamond layer at the core-mantle boundary on Mercury
Planetary Sciences
Astronomers suggest up to 60% of near-Earth objects could be dark comets
Planetary Sciences
Auroras caused by head-on blows to Earth's magnetic field could damage critical infrastructure, scientists say
Researchers more precisely calculate how much faster time passes on the moon
Planetary Sciences
Mars likely had cold and icy past, new study finds
Planetary Sciences
GOES-U satellite reaches geostationary orbit, now designated GOES-19

Other news

Earth Sciences
Submarine canyons are crucial for the instability of the Antarctic ice sheet, suggests study
Eco-friendly treatment saves squid eggs from newfound parasite
Analytical Chemistry
Maximizing hydrogen peroxide formation during water electrolysis
Study estimates land use change emissions for six aviation fuel pathways
New polymerization approach could transform the manufacturing of specialty plastics
Plants & Animals
Genetic breeding offers new method for mosquito population control
Study investigates optical variability of blazar S5 0716+714
Paleontology & Fossils
Museum collections indicate Central Europe was a global biodiversity hotspot 15 million years ago
New method achieves controllable tuning, assesses instability in 2D materials for engineering applications
General Physics
Scientists discover energy and pressure analogies linking hadrons, superconductors and cosmic expansion
Plants & Animals
Biologists discover male elephants use infrasonic rumbles to signal 'let's go'
Testing of red textile found in Israeli cave shows it was from the Middle Bronze Age
Plants & Animals
Smell of human stress can affect dogs' emotions, leading them to make more pessimistic choices
Molecular & Computational biology
Scientists uncover fundamental rules for how dengue virus infects its mosquito and human hosts
Molecular & Computational biology
New genetic test can help eliminate a form of inherited blindness in dogs
Saturday Citations: Scientists study monkey faces and cat bellies; another intermediate black hole in the Milky Way
General Physics
Results suggests titanium-48's nuclear structure changes when observed at varying distances
Results from Juukan Gorge show 47,000 years of Aboriginal heritage was destroyed in mining blast
Genome study informs restoration of American chestnut tree
Materials Science
Researchers zero in on the underlying mechanism that causes alloys to crack when exposed to hydrogen-rich environments