NASA mission gets its first snapshot of polar heat emissions

NASA's newest climate mission has started collecting data on the amount of heat in the form of far-infrared radiation that the Arctic and Antarctic environments emit to space. These measurements by the Polar Radiant Energy ...

Why scientists are intrigued by air in NASA's Mars sample tubes

Atmospheric scientists get a little more excited with every rock core NASA's Perseverance Mars rover seals in its titanium sample tubes, which are being gathered for eventual delivery to Earth as part of the Mars Sample Return ...

Reconnaissance of potentially habitable worlds with Webb

Exoplanets are common in our galaxy, and some even orbit in the so-called habitable zone of their star. NASA's James Webb Space Telescope has been busy observing a few of these small, potentially habitable planets, and astronomers ...

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Carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere

Carbon dioxide forms approximately 0.04% of the Earth's atmosphere. It is essential to photosynthesis in plants and other photoautotrophs, and is also a prominent greenhouse gas.

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