Join The Pitcher List Team – All Positions Paid!

Updated April 25th, 2024 - Join the Pitcher List team!

Pitcher List is a constantly evolving company with a large vision for 2024 and beyond. We hope you’re the right person to join us as we continue our goal to create the best baseball experience on the internet.

We have many positions on staff ranging from graphic design to database engineering to baseball writing. All open positions are listed below.

Experience is not a requirement in writing positions. Your samples are more important than your resume as they better display your abilities.


Applications are now open and will remain open until Sunday, October 15th. We hope to respond to all applicants by the end of October.

Updated: September 28th, 2023.


Apply To Pitcher List Here

Inside the form you will be asked to submit:

  • Your resume with relevant experience.
  • Samples of your work (your written articles or otherwise relevant examples).
  • A cover letter with any additional information you’d like to share (optional).
  • A new written sample from one of the topics listed (only if you’re applying as a writer or an editor).

We hope to respond to all applications by the end of October, please don’t hesitate to follow up with us at [email protected] if you have not heard back after that time frame. Thanks!


Things We Do As A Staff

With a staff full of people enthusiastic about baseball, we have a rare opportunity to do a lot of fun things as a community. Here are some of the things to expect as a member of the Pitcher List staff:

  • Staff mock drafts during the winter and pre-season
  • Hangouts and Voice Chats inside our Discord
  • Bold Predictions / Season awards / Staff Consensus rankings in the pre-season
  • Work together to exchange ideas, give feedback, and improve Pitcher List as whole
  • Arrange meetups across various cities
  • Help each other improve inside the industry
  • Relegation fantasy leagues where the top and bottom move up/down each year (Trophies are included!)
  • Freedom to contribute outside of your single position. Examples:
    • Writing a Going Deep piece as a Data Scientist
    • Contributing to our newsletter and taking an editing shift


Positions Available


We’re looking for much more than just writers here at the site. Don’t hesitate to send us an email ([email protected]) if there’s an area of expertise not listed here or with any questions that you have.

Every position is paid, part-time, and fully remote.


Database Engineer

Potential full-time in 2025, part-time in 2024.


  • Maintain the batch processes to load pitch data into our data warehouse on a daily basis.
  • Administration of the data warehouse. Including DDL changes based on data feed changes, provisioning users, creating indexes and views for usage by the site.
  • Performance is key. We’re working to cut as much latency as possible both in the Database side and the application side of the API
  • Ad hoc requests by the analysts at Pitcher List for data scraping and organization.

Technologies in Use:

  • Postgres
  • Redis
  • Apache Airflow
  • Heroku
  • GitLab – including CI/CD using GitLab runners


Fantasy Baseball Writer

  • Our articles do more than just cite a few stats and call it a day. We’re looking for writers who not only are able to display the true value of the numbers, but do so in a way that sounds like a story instead of a textbook of stats. We have a few different sections for fantasy-baseball-focused writers to contribute in, including:
    • Core Fantasy – covering fantasy baseball at large
    • Going Deep – deep dives into players or metrics, utilizing deeper analysis to really tell the story of that player or metric
    • Dynasty – more on this below
  • The expectation for this position is to publish one article per week during the season, with the freedom to write more.


Dynasty Writer

  • We’re looking to continue expanding our focus on dynasty fantasy content, including prospect assessments, keeper-focused strategies, and dynasty-specific rankings.
  • In addition to the sample from inside the Google Form, please submit your ranking of the Top 30 prospects from the organization of your choice – just the ranking is fine, but be prepared to outline your thought process during an interview.


Baseball Writer

  • There’s a whole world of baseball beyond fantasy baseball, and we’re looking for the right voices to help us cover the game as a whole. We have different ways to contribute on our baseball team, including:
  • The expectation for this position is to publish one article per week during the season, with the freedom to write more.


Content Editor

  • We have a team double-checking our articles before they are published on the site
  • Would have at least one shift per week and work with the team to ensure consistency and polish across the Pitcher List site.


Graphic Designer

  • Help us create graphics for not just articles on the site, but charts showcasing data, event images, T-Shirt designs, and site banners.
  • Expectation is roughly 15 graphics per month, but more of a case-by-case situation.



Click Here To Apply To Pitcher List


I’m looking forward to meeting you and we hope you’re a great fit!

-Nick Pollack

Nick Pollack

Founder of Pitcher List. Creator of CSW, The List, and SP Roundup. Worked with MSG, FanGraphs, CBS Sports, and Washington Post. Former college pitcher, travel coach, pitching coach, and Brandeis alum. Wants every pitcher to be dope.

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