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Wspieramy przemysł w dążeniu do cyrkularności


Naszym celem jest dostarczanie produktów o niskim śladzie węglowym. Należą do nich sadza, olej, czy stal pochodzące z zużytych opon. Tym samym umożliwiamy partnerom dekarbonizację ich łańcuchów dostaw, przyczyniając się do realizacji wizji przyszłości, w której odpady gumowe z recyklingu mogą być wykorzystywane jako surowiec zamiast paliw kopalnych.

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Pracownicy Contec


  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Contec; grafika

    1507 obserwujących

    Can we scale up recovered Carbon Black production? ⭕️🛞 Yes! 🙌 But we still face industry-wide obstacles. The current supply of rCB falls short of industrial demand. 👀 At Contec, we’ve identified several roadblocks hindering rapid rCB scale-up. Read what they are (and how we’re actively working as a team to find solutions).👇 You can also visit our website to discover end products upcycled from end-of-life tires: ConBlack®, ConPyro®, and ConWire® ( 🔗

  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Contec; grafika

    1507 obserwujących

    Air pollution knows no borders. 💨 The International Day of Clean Air for blue skies (7 September) strengthens international collaboration to improve air quality and reduce air pollution. 🤝 Discover the importance of this day in our video, and visit our website to discover end products upcycled from end-of-life tires: ConBlack®, ConPyro®, and ConWire® ( 🔗 #CleanAirNow

  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Contec; grafika

    1507 obserwujących

    There is no better time than now to invest in CleanTech ⭕️🛞 In our latest edition of the Contec monthly, we argue the business case for investing in CleanTech across Europe and Poland. 💶 Contec is helping businesses transition to low-carbon operations and contributing to the broader global effort to combat climate change and secure a sustainable future. 🌍 Read the latest issue! 👇 #Contec

    Contec Monthly #25: The Current State of CleanTech Investments 👀

    Contec Monthly #25: The Current State of CleanTech Investments 👀

    Contec na LinkedIn

  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Contec; grafika

    1507 obserwujących

    No one can deny the opportunity of molten salts in our industry🧂♻️ Molten salt storage uses molten salts as a heat storage medium. This promising technology addresses the challenge of an energy storage that is safe, consistent, and sustainable for several manufacturing processes. ⭕️ Discover how molten salt storage works in our article (, and visit our website to discover end products upcycled from end-of-life tires: ConBlack®, ConPyro®, and ConWire® ( 🔗 #SustainableManufacturing

  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Contec; grafika

    1507 obserwujących

    "Why Now is the Best Time to Invest in CleanTech - Interview with Contec CFO" In a recent conversation with the My Company Polska team, our CFO and Board Member Dominika Żelazek, shared her insightful perspectives on the booming CleanTech market and the immense growth opportunities it presents. 🔄 The key takeaway? There has never been a better time to invest in CleanTech. With the market expected to reach new heights by 2025, this sector is not just the future, but very much the present. Having reached €184 billion in 2023, the global CleanTech market is forecasted to triple in the coming years, making it one of the most promising investment opportunities of the decade. 🌍 "The CleanTech industry is not just about the future - it's about the here and now," says Dominika. "The rapid growth and transformative potential of this sector present incredible investment prospects that savvy investors cannot afford to miss." In the full interview (coming soon), Dominika dives deeper into the future of CleanTech, outlines innovative business transformation strategies, and highlights the crucial role of innovation in driving sustainable growth. She shares her unique insights on the trends, technologies, and investment opportunities that are set to shape the CleanTech landscape in the years ahead. 🤝 If you're looking to get in on the ground floor of the most exciting industry of the future, now is the time to act. Stay tuned to learn why the future of clean technology is brighter than ever, and why the time to get involved is now. 💡 #CleanTech

  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Contec; grafika

    1507 obserwujących

    How does Contec ensure rCB quality? ⚫⭕️ When launching a new product on the market, putting special effort into the first step of the process is crucial to ensure that the quality assessment of the final product meets the market's needs. 🚗 Each step of our process is highly monitored and verified in our in-house lab to ensure that each parameter meets our specifications. We start with the quality of the feedstock and end with the final product control. 🛞 Klaudia Końska, Contec's R&D Manager, explains: 'We constantly improve quality by continually developing our knowledge about the chemical and physical composition of our feedstock because that influences the market's final products'. ♻️ Investment in people, test capabilities, and collaboration is our know-how to provide qualitative products for the market and allow for a constant improvement. 🙌 Find out more about the measures we take during each step below (and visit our website to discover end products upcycled from end-of-life tires: ConBlack®, ConPyro®, and ConWire® (🔗 #rCB

  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Contec; grafika

    1507 obserwujących

    ”The research and development (R&D) sector is essential for enhancing the quality of recovered Carbon Black (rCB) from tire waste.”🛞⭕️ Klaudia Końska, R&D Manager and Krzysztof Wróblewski, CEO, elaborate in their latest published article on how R&D is the foundation of successfully transitioning the tire industry to carbon neutrality. 🙌 It’s only from continued investment in the improvement of tire pyrolysis as an environmentally conscious, safe, and economically viable technology - will carbon neutrality be possible in the manufacturing industry. 🏭 Our team elaborates further in the article 🔗 (

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Contec; grafika

    1507 obserwujących

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming industries, and recycling is no exception. ♻️ At Contec, we’re constantly looking for ways to enhance our operations and drive sustainable practices. With AI, we can analyze operational data in real-time, optimising processes, and identifying efficiencies that were previously out of reach. 🤝 AI-powered systems enable recyclers to sort materials with more precision, reducing contamination and improving the quality of recycled products. AI can also be used to predict maintenance needs, optimise energy consumption, and even forecast market demand for recycled materials. 🛞 Wojciech Paruzel, our Chief Operating Officer, says: "As we continue to embrace AI in our operations, we're not just advancing our technology—we're enhancing our ability to create sustainable solutions that make a real impact." This vision aligns with our commitment to innovation and sustainability, paving the way for a cleaner, more sustainable future. 🌍 #Sustainability

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Contec; grafika

    1507 obserwujących

    Our participation in the BNP Paribas campaign is in full swing. This time, our CEO Krzysztof Wróblewski is featured in Puls Biznesu, discussing the growing importance of recycling in business and how Contec is aligning with this trend. 🌍♻️ We invite you to check out the article and stay tuned for more updates about our involvement in this campaign. More insights and interesting information will be coming your way soon! #sustainability #recycling #Contec #BNPParibas #CircularEconomy BNP Paribas Bank Polska

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