Hotels & Travel

407侇 件のレビュヌ


Save on your next trip with the app! Find great hotel or apartment deals and book in just a few minutes. You can also book flights, rental cars, and more through the app.

- Book your whole trip in one app (accommodations, flights, car rentals, taxis and more)
- Stay flexible with free cancellation (available at most properties)
- 24/7 customer service in more than 40 languages
- No booking or credit card fees
- Chat directly with your property in the app
- Enjoy mobile-only discounts
- Use filters to easily find the perfect place out of millions of available accommodations (hotels, apartments, homes, villas, ryokai and more)
- Get paperless confirmation of your reservation — no printing required
- Manage your bookings on the go, making changes whenever and wherever you want
- Discover local attractions and make the most of your trip
- Share your experience and get local advice on our Travel Communities forums

Access millions of accommodations
From cozy country homes to funky city apartments, find the perfect place out of millions of available accommodations. Our app offers hotels, apartments, hostels, vacation rentals, resorts, motels, guest houses, and bed and breakfasts.

Quickly find the perfect place to stay
Filter hotels by price, review score, WiFi quality, and other things important to you. Search cheap hotels by city, attraction, landmark, or hotel name. Special requests? Pet-friendly hotels? We have filters for everything. You can also compare your favorite accommodation options side by side to ensure you get the best price and quality.

Deals for any budget
Discover daily accommodation deals and save on your next hotel, apartment, or villa booking.
Get exclusive mobile-only discounts of 10% or more on select properties when you book in the app. Savings available on motels and hostels, B&Bs and resorts, and luxury hotels, inns, homes, houses, apartments and vacation rentals. Find your ideal accommodation at an ideal price.

Stay flexible with free cancellation
Change of plans? Not a problem. You can cancel for free at most hotels, apartments and other properties on And the app makes things even easier — it only takes a few taps to cancel, and you’re free to find a place that better suits your needs.

Last-minute travel
Heading somewhere in a hurry? With the app, you can quickly book hotels at the last minute (as well as far in advance). Finding a place in short order has never been easier. Our app allows you to search for properties nearby, fill in a few details, and secure your reservation. You can also change, cancel, or make additional reservations on the go.

Jet off with the perfect flight
Book domestic or international flights on the go with ease. The app allows you to search thousands of airfare deals per day. Plane tickets available for all major airlines and destinations.

Hit the road with car rentals
Car hire has recently been added to the app. Whether you just need a ride to explore your destination, or you’re going on an epic road trip, the app can help. Rent a car from all the major companies and hit the road!

Reserve taxis with ease
Book in advance for a seamless connection from the airport to your destination. You can also book taxis to and from other pick-up points, such as hotels and local attractions.

Find and book a great experience
Whether you’re looking for attraction or museum tickets, boat tours, or walking tours, you can book experiences online in minutes, with free cancellation on many options.

Get and share tips with other travelers
Connect with fellow travelers, share your experiences, and get local advice on the best accommodations, attractions, and more. Discover new experiences with our app, the perfect trip planner.

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394侇 件のレビュヌ
1 人のナヌザヌが、このレビュヌが圹立ったず評䟡したした
圹に立ちたしたか Hotels & Vacation Rentals
Hi I TANAKA, we are here to help and our Customer Service is available 24/7 to support you at any step of your booking and travel experience. Kindly find our contact details by clicking on the ‘Customer Service help’ option in the menu of our app, get in touch with us via phone call and we'll be glad to assist you with your requests.
料金の倉動が激しすぎる 远蚘 カスタマヌサヌビスに予玄のキャンセルの特殊な䟝頌を宿泊する日の䞉日前にしたが、返答がなく圓日のチェック・むンの時間垯になっおしたった。どういう、仕事をしおいるのか、党く理解できない。この堎合誰が、キャンセル料金を払うのでしょうか、䞀方を入れおほしかった。そのせいで3泊分を远加で払いたした。ブッキングコムで迅速な察応はありえたせん。だっお返信だっおすべお英語だから。これから䌚う旅人にもブッキングコムは絶察䜿わないほうがいい、もしもの時に野宿しなきゃいけないからず玹介する぀もりです。仲介業者の圹割を党く果たせおいないこずに、憀りを感じる。アゎダの方を䜿うのをオススメしたす。 远蚘 カスタマヌのメッセヌゞをブッキングコムに消されたした。䜕も応答なしのたた 蚎蚟されるべきレベルです。
85 人のナヌザヌが、このレビュヌが圹立ったず評䟡したした
圹に立ちたしたか Hotels & Vacation Rentals
We're sorry to hear that your experience was not satisfactory. We're here to replying to the app reviews and not to requests related to reservations. In order to have assistance we advise you to reach out our customer service, available 24/7, to find a suitable solution.
予玄だけは簡単。 問い合わせしお24時間以内に返答するず蚀っお24時間以内に返事がない。毎回担圓が倉わり匕き継ぎがされおいない。 アプリ内の案内がわかりにくい、その為海倖の空枯で送迎車に乗れないなど䞍䟿な事になった。 無料送迎あるのにないず答えがあり無駄にタクシヌ代を払うこずに。 それに察しお謝るだけで支払いの保蚌がない。 床ず䜿わないゎミアプリ。 ☆ れロ
17 人のナヌザヌが、このレビュヌが圹立ったず評䟡したした
圹に立ちたしたか Hotels & Vacation Rentals
We're so sorry to hear that. Can you give us more details? You can always contact our 24/7 Customer Service by clicking on the ‘Customer Service help’ option in the menu of our app, we will be happy to look into this for you.


察象斜蚭に35%OFFで滞圚できるGo To トラベル キャンペヌンを利甚するには、今すぐアプリをアップデヌトしおください。割匕察象のすべおの宿泊斜蚭で政府の健康・安党に関する取り組みが行われおいるため、旅を安党に満喫し぀぀旅行先の経枈にも貢献できたす。