REG 02.20.07 – Course Syllabus

Authority: Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost

History: First Issued: 1995. Last Revised: May 27, 2020.

Related Policies:
NCSU POL11.35.01 – Code of Student Conduct

NCSU REG02.20.03 – Attendance Regulation
NCSU REG02.20.01 – Academic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

Additional References:
Disability Resource Office 

Contact Info: Vice Chancellor and Dean of Academic and Student Affairs (DASA) (919-515-2446)


All NC State faculty, lecturers, and other instructors (collectively “instructor(s)” herein) are required, no later than the first class, to provide students with a written or electronic course syllabus which contains the information listed below.

A syllabus must be submitted to and approved by the College Curriculum Committee, Associate Dean (AD) or AD designee, as in compliance with this regulation before the course is submitted to the University Courses and Curricula Committee (UCCC) for undergraduate courses or to the Administrative Board of the Graduate School (ABGS) for graduate courses as part of a new course proposal or a major revision of an existing course. Courses with multiple sections may submit a representative syllabus from a single section of that course.

Current, digital copies of all course syllabi must be maintained at the College or Department at all times.


A course syllabus must include the information listed below. The language enclosed within quotes in sections 2.10, 2.11, 2.16 and, if applicable, section 2.12, must be used verbatim.  For convenience a syllabus tool is available at

2.1. Instructor’s name, office address, telephone number, e-mail address, regularly scheduled class meeting times, and office hours for out-of-class consultation.  The course prefix, number and section, title, credit hours, and semester should be listed.

2.2 Catalog description. The catalog description should match the information in the Course Inventory Management (CIM) system and the Course Catalog. An overview of the course or a course introduction that expands on the catalog description relative to a particular course section may also be included.

2.3 Student learning outcomes for the course. Student learning outcomes in different sections of the same course should mirror the stated outcomes in CIM, including both general and, where applicable, General Education Program (GEP) outcomes.

2.4 Course structure (e.g., group activities, lectures, discussion, labs, field trips, studio, etc.). Explain how the course will operate.

2.5 Detailed grade determination information.

2.5.1 The relative value of the various evaluation components of the course (the proportion of the grade that is derived from quizzes, tests, final exam, projects, attendance, participation, etc.) and the expectations for each component.  When attendance and/or participation are graded, the requirements for earning full value and provisions for regular communication about student attendance and/or participation must be explained. This explanation must detail any penalties incurred due to the absence or circumstances (where applicable per the attendance regulation).

2.5.2 Grade conversion (if applicable). The conversion system from numerical to letter grading should be explained.  The University’s regulation on grades and grade point average is available here NCSU REG 02.50.03.

2.5.3 The requirements for obtaining a grade of “Satisfactory” in the case of an S/U (Credit Only or Pass/Fail) course. Information about credit-only courses can be found here: NCSU REG 02.20.15.

2.5.4 The requirements and procedures to audit the course as appropriate per the regulation on Audits available here: NCSU REG 02.20.04.

2.6 Course schedule. The best practice suggests a note that the course schedule is subject to change with appropriate notification to students. The course schedule must include the following:

2.6.1 List of major topics and approximate time allocated to each.

2.6.2 Projected schedule of readings, assignments, quizzes, and tests.

2.6.3 Required field trips and other out-of-class activities, if any.

2.6.4 Laboratory, studio, problem session, or other component meetings, if any.

2.7 Student expenses.

2.7.1 All required textbook(s) and other instructional material (ex: project supplies, laptop) and the range of cost of each. If materials are provided for students free of charge, this should also be clarified in the syllabus. For each required textbook, include the author, title, and date or edition.

2.7.2 Statement on required expenses (e.g., museum admission fee, field trip costs, liability insurance), if applicable, including the possible range of costs based on student choice (materials, tickets, etc.).

2.8 Late Assignments. Instructor’s policy on late assignments, including the impact of late assignments on the grading of the assignment and the course grade for that element.

2.9 Attendance/Absence Policy (see Attendance Regulation NCSU REG 02.20.03).

2.9.1 The instructor’s attendance policy, including procedures for submitting excuses and for scheduling makeup work when the excuses are accepted.

Note: Excuses for unanticipated absences must be presented to the instructor within one week after the return to class.

2.9.2 Penalties associated with the number of absences in a course. Instructors may use reasonable academic penalties commensurate with the importance of the work missed because of unexcused absences. These penalties must be explicitly explained.

2.9.3 The acceptable number of excused absences in the course as determined by the instructor. A reasonable number of anticipated University excused absences as defined per the University’s Attendance Regulation (NCSU REG 02.20.03) shall be accepted.

2.10 Academic Integrity statement

List the instructor’s expectations concerning academic integrity in the completion of tests, assignments, and course requirements. Include reference to the Code of Student Conduct (NCSU POL11.35.01) and Pack Pledge, as well as a statement that “Violations of academic integrity will be handled in accordance with the Student Discipline Procedures (NCSU REG 11.35.02).”

2.11 Statement for students with disabilities

“Reasonable accommodations will be made for students with verifiable disabilities. In order to take advantage of available accommodations, students must register with the Disability Resource Office at Holmes Hall, Suite 304, 2751 Cates Avenue, Campus Box 7509, 919-515-7653. For more information on NC State’s policy on working with students with disabilities, please see the Academic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities Regulation (NCSU REG 02.20.01).”

2.12 Digital Course Components

2.12.1 List of digitally-hosted course components, if any, such as Moodle, Zoom, Mediasite or other posting sites and forums or digital technologies. Instructors should identify any components that may present privacy, copyright, or accessibility issues for the student so that these issues can be addressed during the course drop/add period. If the faculty member is recording lectures in a way that might also record students, the faculty member must inform the students in the syllabus. Students should be allowed to opt-out of recorded class sessions, and participate through other means, if a recording identifying them will be used beyond the current semester or in any other setting outside of the course.

2.12.2 If software is being used by the instructor to detect the originality of student submissions, students should be informed of what software is being used, what assignment(s) it is being applied to, and any resources that students may be able to use to check their work prior to submitting it.

2.12.3 Note: Instructors are not responsible for ensuring privacy or accessibility of electronic materials that are not required components of the course (e.g., links to supplemental information that is not part of the required reading list). However, instructors should judiciously consider the privacy, copyright, and accessibility of supplemental links provided to students and warn them of any known issues or concerns in this regard. See Online Course Material Host Requirements (NCSU REG 08.00.11).

2.12.4 One of the following statements is required: For use in courses with online exchanges among students and the instructor, but NOT persons outside the course (e.g., wrapped):

“Students may be required to disclose personally identifiable information to other students in the course, via digital tools, such as email or web-postings, where relevant to the course. Examples include online discussions of class topics, and posting of student coursework. All students are expected to respect the privacy of each other by not sharing or using such information outside the course.” For use in courses where student information may be accessible to persons beyond the instructor and students in the course (e.g., not wrapped):

“This course may involve digital sharing or posting of personally identifiable student work or other information with persons not taking or administering the course. Students will be asked to sign a consent form allowing disclosure of their personally identifiable work. No student is required to sign the consent form as a condition of taking the course. If a student does not want to sign the consent form, s/he has the right to ask the instructor for an alternative, private means of completing the coursework.”

2.13 To ensure course continuity, changes made to the method of instructional delivery, course structure, course schedule, number of assignments, grading or other aspects of the course after the start of the term should be communicated to all students in written form (e.g., dated syllabus revision or syllabus addendum) when course changes are implemented.

2.14 Transportation statement (if applicable). Students must be informed whenever they must provide their own transportation to a field trip or internship site.

2.15 Statement on safety and risk assumption, where applicable, in courses requiring a laboratory, physical activity, field trips, studios and other special activities. Consult with your department on appropriate wording. Safety issues must be part of the course schedule at the first opportunity.

2.16 Additional NC State Rules and Regulations.

“Students are responsible for reviewing the NC State University Policies, Rules, and Regulations (PRRs) which pertain to their course rights and responsibilities, including those referenced both below and above in this syllabus: