The Governor’s Workforce Council has been tasked with setting strategy and policy for the state’s Pre-K through retirement workforce pipeline, and to serve as the prime coordinator for businesses, educators, trainers, state agencies, state workforce boards, non-profits, and others.

The primary goal of the Governor’s Workforce Council is to ensure that Connecticut maintains the most accessible, equitable, aligned and high-quality workforce pipeline in the country, ensuring our workforce remains agile through curricula and programming that is responsive to the needs of the 21st century economy.

The GWC will partner with K-12, post-secondary, employers, and regional workforce boards to coordinate workforce policy and programs and ensure the overall strategy is reflective of the needs of the different areas of the state.

NEW: Click here to review the DRAFT Connecticut Workforce Strategic Plan: "Unlocking Connecticut's Growth Potential"


The Governor’s Workforce Council Priority Areas

Create a system where businesses are setting the overall workforce agenda through robust partnerships with educators that focus on aligning curriculum with the needs of Connecticut employers and industries.

Partner with K-12 and postsecondary educational institutions to ensure our educational system is accessible, equitable, and aligned with in-demand career pathways in Connecticut.

Develop a comprehensive system of supportive services that increases participation in the workforce through increased access to childcare, transportation, and behavioral health services.

Build a comprehensive set of workforce and education data systems that provides resources to students or job seekers to learn about different programs across the state that will allow them to progress their overall education or enter the workforce.