Maxime W.
    • Spricht Deutsch (C2), Englisch (C2), Niederländisch (Muttersprache)
    • 144 Einheiten unterrichtet

    Maxime W.


    Passionate expat, who learned the art of feeling at home in multiple languages. I'm so excited to share this superpower with you!


    Eine erfahrene Lehrkraft mit hoher Bewertung. Mehr erfahren

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    Neue Bewertung

    Maxime ist eine ganz tolle Lehrerin! Ihre Methode macht großen Spaß und motiviert mich sehr. Sie geht sehr gut auf meine Interessen und Bedürfnisse ein. Dank Maxime mache ich große Fortschritte und habe viel Freude am Niederländisch!

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    Hello! My name is Maxime and I'm very excited to work on your language education. Living abroad, I know all about learning a new language and the struggles that may rise with that. Feeling comfortable and happy with your identity in this other language, is an important part of learning to speak well, and I will feel a lot of understanding for your process of adapting all layers of the language.

    I'm very passionate about creating an exciting and inspiring learning flow for you. I would love to have as much joy and connection together as we can, with you learning to speak Dutch. I'm already very excited for your learning journey and can't wait to meet you.

    I organise Creative Empowerment Workshops, in which I use Art Therapy Tools as baseline. Having this as a background, it will help me to make you feel as excited about your new language as I can. I will make sure to implement all knowledge I have about teaching in a clear, and understandable way. Besides that: I'm very patient and will take my time for you to really understand and feel the new language, as I know how important this is for the implementation into your new life: speaking Dutch with confidence and joy.

    Let's embark on an exciting language adventure together! I understand the challenges of learning a new language and the importance of feeling comfortable and happy with your identity in it. With my passion for teaching and creative empowerment workshops, let's make your Dutch learning journey joyful and inspiring. Can't wait to meet you!

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    • 2016 — 2020

      Willem de Kooning Academy / Hogeschool Rotterdam

      Bachelor's degree in Art and Advertising

      Diplom verifiziert

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    50-min. Einheit

    Diese Lehrkraft akzeptiert derzeit keine neuen Lernenden

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