How to speak Spanish once and for all – 11 things you must do

Want to get started on your Spanish speaking journey? Muy bien! Here are 11 of the best ways to learn how to speak Spanish.
Adam Volz

Want to learn Spanish but feel uncertain about where to start? 

Becoming one of the 500+ million Spanish speakers worldwide takes dedication, but it’s a more achievable goal than you might think. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through 11 expert ways to learn how to speak Spanish effectively. 

Whether you choose to learn independently or with the help of online Spanish classes, these strategies will take you from beginner level to a fluent Spanish speaker. Ready? Vamos (let’s go).

Learn how to speak Spanish step-by-step

There are certain things you’ll need to do to master the Spanish language and use it with confidence. Here’s a step-by-step guide to take you from beginner to fluent, whether you’re learning to speak by yourself or with a Spanish tutor.

1. Learn to spell and pronounce Spanish words

Spanish words are spelled exactly how they sound which makes it much easier than English. Once you know a few basic rules, that’s it – Spanish spelling and pronunciation unlocked. 

For example:

  • The “ñ” is pronounced “nyah”
  • “h” is silent unless it’s after a “c”
  • In Spain and Central America, double “l” is similar to a “y” in English, so paella is “pie-ey-a” 
  • “j” is pronounced like “h” in the Scottish “loch”
  • “v” and “b” sound the same
  • In some parts of the Spanish speaking world, “z” and “c” are pronounced like “th” in the English word “bath.”

Lastly, you’ll need to master the rolling “r” sound at the beginning of words like rojo (red) and in words with a double “r” like perro (dog).

2. Get the hang of basic vocabulary in Spanish

At first, learning vocabulary will make more difference to your understanding of Spanish than grammar will. You’ll find you can follow the gist of a conversation even if you only know the most common nouns and verbs

Even better, you’ll be able to make yourself understood even if you’re not producing grammatical sentences – yet! Throw in some basic Spanish phrases and you’ll soon be having conversations.

3. Master your grammar

The good news is that, at lower levels, Spanish grammar has many of the same structures as English and the word order is the same (subject-verb-object). Another easy win is that you can ask questions just by making your voice go up at the end of the sentence. 

The bad news is that all nouns are masculine, feminine or plural, and their adjectives change accordingly. 

Verbs also change form depending on whether it’s I, you (informal), he/she/it, we, they or you (formal). Irregular verbs don’t follow the same rules, so you just have to learn them or pick them up as you go. But a good teacher or self-study book will make all the difference to mastering grammar. 

4. Practice reading aloud

Reading aloud is a great way to improve your speaking because it means you can focus on pronunciation and stress without the added cognitive load of also thinking of the grammar and what you want to say. 

Choose short texts to start off with and practice them until you can read them at a natural speed. You can even find someone to read to and make it even more useful.

5. Watch movies in Spanish

Spanish cinema is world-famous. But, even if you’re not feeling up to the subtleties of movies by directors like Pedro Almodóvar or Guillermo del Toro, most streaming platforms will let you switch the language to Spanish. 

When you’re a beginner, try simple action movies without much complex dialogue. Or choose classics you’ve seen a bunch of times so you already know the story. 

Also, using the subtitles will help you learn vocabulary and phrases in context and you’ll probably find you spot the grammar you’ve been learning. 

6. Listen to music and sing along

There’s a reason we remember song lyrics. Songs feature repetition, connections, rhyme, and pattern – all of which aid memory. You might want to look the lyrics up online to sing them properly but they’ll soon stick in your head. 

The best thing is that singing along to your favorite songs in Spanish is fun. And if learning’s fun, you’ll do it more often, so you’ll get plenty of practice without feeling like you’re studying.

7. Educate yourself on common mistakes

While you won’t want to get hung up on every little mistake, it’s worth paying attention to some of the most common errors people make when they’re learning to speak Spanish. 

  • Confusing the verbs ser and estar – Both mean “to be”, but in Spanish estar means “to be in a place” or “to be” something temporarily.
  • Using false friends – Trust us, embarazada doesn’t mean what you think it does and if someone says they’re constipado, they just have a simple cold!

8. Immerse yourself in the language

Maybe you can’t pack your bags and move to a Spanish-speaking country (though if you can, do!) . But, there are plenty of other ways to immerse yourself in the language. 

As well as changing Netflix to Spanish, switch the language on your phone and laptop. Don’t worry, you’ll soon find your way around and you’ll pick up useful vocabulary too. 

Label objects and furniture around your house with post-it notes in Spanish. And best of all – talk to yourself in Spanish around the house and describe what you’re doing. For example, estoy comiendo pan. (I’m eating bread.)

9. Record yourself speaking Spanish

If you have a smartphone or laptop, use it to record yourself speaking. A cool trick to improve pronunciation is to use the voice dictation feature a lot of apps have. The better your pronunciation is, the more accurately the app will transcribe what you say. 

You can also use Siri or the equivalent on your device. If your instructions are clear, the virtual assistant will do what you ask!

10. Get a language buddy

The best way to learn how to talk in Spanish with confidence is to find someone to practice with. That could be someone you know who’s also learning. Alternatively, you could look for someone who wants to do an intercambio – a language exchange. 

There are lots of Spanish speakers who’d love to practice their English with you so it won’t be hard to find someone online, or even in person. 

It’s not just speaking and listening that you can practice with your buddy, either. If you text or email each other, you can practice writing and reading too.

11. Remember practice makes perfect

The steps above are a great foundation for learning to speak Spanish with confidence. The only thing left to do is practice, practice, practice. 

Establish a routine that means you’re speaking, hearing, reading, and writing in Spanish every day and you’ll see amazing progress.

And, although we say “practice makes perfect,” remember, you don’t need to have perfect Spanish. 

Learners who don’t mind if they sometimes get the grammar wrong or forget a word will make much better Spanish speakers than people who worry about mistakes. 

Comparing the best methods for learning to speak Spanish

Once you’ve decided to commit to learning Spanish, you have to decide how to do it. Your choice will depend on factors like what’s available and accessible to you. You’ll also consider what best suits your lifestyle. And, of course, there’s the all-important cost factor. 

Here are five different ways to learn Spanish and their pros and cons.

Online tutoring

The most effective way to learn a language is from a real person, and with the convenience and flexibility of learning online, it’s a no brainer. Here’s what you need to consider:


  • Learning how to speak Spanish with an online tutor has never been easier. With just a few clicks you can learn with a low-cost, highly qualified teacher wherever you have an internet connection. 
  • Flexibility is a big plus. You can arrange as many classes as you need according to your budget. 
  • You can shop around until you find a teacher who’s a good match by booking a trial class before you commit. On Preply, if you don’t like the first lesson with a new tutor you can try another one for free or get a full refund. 


  • You miss out on the dynamics of interacting with classmates in an in-person group setting. 

Classroom learning

Learning Spanish in the classroom, with other students and a teacher sounds great. Here’s what you need to think about:


  • You’ll find in-person Spanish language classes in most towns and cities where there are higher education colleges or language schools.
  • Classes can be a fun way to make new friends as well as learn Spanish. 


  • You usually have to pay up front for at least a whole semester.
  • Classes will be at set times and locations so might not offer the flexibility you’re looking for.

Immersion learning

Fully immersing yourself in a language and culture is a fast and effective way of picking up a new language. But what are the benefits and drawbacks?


  • You’ll learn quickly in an environment where you’ll only hear and speak Spanish. 
  • You’ll motivate yourself even more, having a real reason to use the language you’ve been learning. 


  • Living abroad in a Spanish-speaking country could be costly, especially if you want to take some classes.
  • It’s best if you can spend a few weeks or more to fully take advantage of the experience, but not everyone can take this time off work or school.

Software and apps

Learning Spanish through apps is super convenient. But is it the best way to do it?


  • There are so many great (and free!) apps for learning Spanish, you’ll be spoiled for choice. 
  • Easily squeeze in bite-sized learning chunks on your daily commute instead of scrolling Insta one more time. 


  • Sometimes the language in the apps isn’t quite what you’re interested in or need. But apps could be a great addition to your own self-study or lessons with a teacher.

Spanish-language media

Why not spend the time you’d waste watching TV on something productive, like learning Spanish?


  • Once you’ve got a basic level, Spanish TV, radio and news sites are a great way of learning more vocabulary and expressions. The biggest newspaper in Spain is El País, and globally BBC Mundo or CNN Español cover Latin America too. 
  • Try Spain’s public television and radio network RTVE for listening practice, but News in Slow Spanish gives you the chance to listen at a slowed down speed – much more manageable for beginners.


  • This is hard for beginners. The vocabulary is normally a bit more formal too, which may not be what you are looking for if you want to learn informal language for chatting with friends.

Learning how to speak Spanish with Preply

Preply is an online learning platform that connects students and tutors for 1-on-1 private language lessons. There are more than 4000 Spanish tutors available on Preply and through structured lessons and feedback, they’ll help you reach your learning goals and become a fluent, confident Spanish speaker. 

You can choose when to take classes, how much you want to pay and what you want to learn. Preply also has an extensive self-study library that you get full access to outside out lessons.

Final thoughts

If your dream is to learn how to speak Spanish, the key is to get started. You’ll be surprised how quickly you can have basic conversations or understand a movie. 

From there, as long as you keep learning new words, studying the grammar and practicing, fluency in Spanish will be within touching distance. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I learn Spanish fast?
The fastest way to become fluent in Spanish is to learn the most common words and the basic grammar up to intermediate level. Then practice speaking and listening by having conversations with a native Spanish speaker.
Is it hard to learn how to speak Spanish?
It depends what your native language is but for English speakers it’s one of the easier ones. Spanish evolved from Latin and shares a lot of words with English. The word order is similar to English too, which makes it easier to learn compared with many other languages.
Can I learn how to speak Spanish on my own?
You can learn how to speak Spanish by yourself, but a qualified tutor will help you do so faster. You’ll have someone to correct your mistakes and motivate you too.
90 articles

Adam is a content marketing specialist with a passion for language. He's originally from Birmingham, England but now lives in Barcelona. He is currently learning Spanish on Preply with his tutor, Jordi.

Adam is a content marketing specialist with a passion for language. He's originally from Birmingham, England but now lives in Barcelona. He is currently learning Spanish on Preply with his tutor, Jordi.

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