Maša M.

    Maša M.


    Professor of Dutch language


    Maša M. cuenta con un alta valoración y experiencia. Más información

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    Sobre mí

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    ¡Hola! Mi nombre es Maša y soy profesora de holandés certificada, especializada en preparación de exámenes, gramática, enseñanza de habilidades de conversación y redacción de ensayos.

    He estado enseñando holandés durante 3 años y trabajé en una variedad de trabajos que implicaban buenas habilidades lingüísticas.

    ¡Mis pasatiempos incluyen leer literatura, aprender a tocar el piano, bailar bailes latinos e indonesios tradicionales y disfrutar de la naturaleza con mis tres perros!

    Durante mis estudios de lengua y literatura holandesas en la Universidad de Belgrado, recibí varias becas relacionadas con la lengua y la cultura de los Países Bajos, una para un curso de verano en Gante (2019; Taalunie) y la otra para un curso de verano en Bucarest (2018; Comenio).

    El material que tengo es material de la Universidad y todos mis alumnos aprobaron el examen de inburgering con excelentes calificaciones.

    En la Universidad, aprendí la metodología de planificación de lecciones para optimizar el tiempo que toma aprender un idioma, por lo que puede estar seguro de que con mi ayuda aprenderá el idioma de manera rápida y eficiente.

    Tal vez esté luchando por encontrar las palabras correctas o encontrar la manera correcta de expresarse en holandés. Ya no tienes que preocuparte, haré un plan solo para ti basado en tus necesidades personales y nivel de idioma y te llevaré a la meta que quieres alcanzar.



    Lengua materna


    Experto C2


    Avanzado C1


    Principiante A1

    Reseñas de mis estudiantes


    13 reseñas

    • Jason


      septiembre 5, 2024

      Maša is an excellent teacher! I have been learning Dutch with her for two years and she is very knowledgeable, patient, and friendly. She clearly explains the logic of sentence structure, correct grammar, etc. and is very supportive of my learning. Highly recommended!
    • Patrick


      marzo 17, 2024

      Masa is a wonderful tutor! She has created lessons to match my beginner status and she has challenged me to learn to speak, write and listen in Dutch. Masa also changes the lessons and homework based on my needs and current comfort with the topics and vocabulary. I highly recommend her.
    • Aaron


      enero 28, 2024

      Masa is a great teacher! She is patient but knows how to help me learn and always available to help with questions. I highly recommend her.
    • Luiz Henrique

      Luiz Henrique

      enero 13, 2024

      She is simply amazing! Respectful and has an easy way on conducting her lessons. Always adapting the lessons according to the needs and challenging to improve. Super recommended! :D
    • Nataliia


      agosto 31, 2023

      Maša is great! She has a lot of different materials and resources. And she is always adjusting the lessons depends on my needs. Highly recommend!
    • Alex


      junio 22, 2023

      enjoyed the lessons :) recommend!


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    sept 15–21, 2024

    sept 15–21, 2024
















    • 2015 — 2020

      University of Belgrade, Serbia

      Bachelor's degree in the Language and Literature

      Diploma verificado

    Mis especialidades

    I was Dutch teacher at several language schools in Belgrade. I gave Dutch language classes for beginnersinterested in learning this language, as well as preparing for Inburgeringsexamen (A1, A2, and B1, B2)

    At Smiley language school, I gave conversation classes to several students from different background, age and language level.

    The intensive Dutch course is intended for those who want to improve their conversational skills in a quick and easy way. At the moment, I have one student who is attending an intensive course and she is doing great!

    I studied Dutch language, literature and culture so the field of literature is also very close to my interests. I also receved several scholarships regarding language and literature such as -Taalunie Summer Course (Focus on various professional sectors such as media and politics, art and literature and translation.) and Comenius Summer Course, Boekarest- Language and Culture.

    At Euroschool Language school in Belgrade, I was specialised for preparing students for NT2 and Inburgeringsexamen (A1, A2, and B1, B2). The material is easy to master and all students had excellent grades.

    At Euroschool Language school in Belgrade, I was specialised for preparing students for NT2 and Inburgeringsexamen (A1, A2, and B1, B2)

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