Armyne K.

    Armyne K.


    Business English, IELTS, CELPIP, BEC, TOEFL

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    À propos de moi

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    Préparation à l'IELTS, au TOEFL, au CELPIP, au Bec/Bulats, à l'anglais des affaires et à la conversation, propres conseils et stratégies pour les examens, révision des tâches écrites et orales, entretiens d'embauche.

    L'enseignement de l'anglais est mon passe-temps principal depuis mes années d'étudiant. Étant un linguiste anglais de formation, je travaille comme professeur particulier depuis plus de 15 ans.

    De plus, j'ai acquis une expérience de travail internationale dans différents pays, incl. Canada, où j'ai immigré dans le cadre du programme fédéral des travailleurs qualifiés il y a 6 ans. Au Canada, j'ai acquis une expérience de vie, de communication et de travail avec des locuteurs natifs, ainsi qu'avec des représentants de différentes nationalités et mentalités tout en pratiquant l'utilisation du vocabulaire anglais des affaires, économique, informatique et technique au travail.

    Comprendre de l'intérieur les spécificités de l'immigration, des études, de l'emploi dans les pays anglophones, non seulement je vais vous aider à améliorer votre niveau d'anglais, à vous préparer aux examens internationaux que j'ai moi-même passés, mais aussi à conclure un CV et une lettre de motivation, à préparer pour une entrevue ou pour s'inscrire à un programme universitaire ou collégial. Je me donne corps et âme à mon travail, car votre résultat est notre succès commun.

    En plus de l'expérience dans le domaine des activités d'importation et d'exportation, de la vente B2B et des projets internationaux dans le domaine de la métallurgie et des télécommunications, des traductions techniques, j'ai une formation en philologie de la langue anglaise, en gestion, un certificat en anglais des affaires et en compétences conversationnelles de Malvern House International School, à Londres et une formation de troisième cycle dans le programme de gestion de la logistique et de la chaîne d'approvisionnement du Fanshawe College au Canada.

    Le programme d'entraînement pour vous est sélectionné individuellement, en fonction des objectifs, du moment et de l'âge. Fondamentalement, dans mon travail, j'utilise uniquement des manuels modernes des éditeurs d'Oxford et de Cambridge, ainsi que des matériaux auxiliaires et mes propres matériaux. Je mets fortement l'accent sur les compétences en communication, mais je n'oublie pas non plus la maîtrise de la grammaire.

    Avant le 1er cours, je teste le niveau de votre langue, si nécessaire, et détermine les buts et objectifs pour sélectionner des supports pédagogiques adaptés. Ensuite, pour chaque section du cours, le matériel grammatical et lexical enseigné est testé.

    Je parle




    Supérieur C2


    Intermédiaire B1

    L'avis de mes élèves


    26 avis

    • Hilal


      mai 9, 2024

      She is really professional and nice teacher. She helped me to study on writing and speaking parts for Duolingo English exam and it was beneficial. Thank you Armine :)
    • Reinier


      février 11, 2024

      Very helpful and handy documentation, a professional methodology that makes the session easy interactions to get the best result for the test.
    • Melissa


      janvier 29, 2024

      Armyne is a kind, patient and reliable teacher. I wanted to improve my English in the business and legal fields, and I learned a lot with her. I think teaching Legal expressions in English was her first time, and she did great. I am really pleased about my experience with her!
    • Анастасия


      avril 3, 2017

      Cambridge ESOL: FCE, CAE, CPE...
      I am very pleased with the first lesson of English with Armina. The teacher quickly determined my level of language proficiency. The trail lesson was not only introductory but voluminous. It included reading, listening and communication etc. All had time to adopt and determining my desires for learning the language. Also, we discussed the schedule for the next classes. 10 lessons passed. I have added to my vocabulary of synonyms, it is very important for learning the language. I really like the tutorials that the tutor picked for me. The lessons are interesting, sufficiently voluminous with grammatical material and new vocabulary. The teacher is a real professional. Thanks!!!
    • Eli


      juin 1, 2016

      Never before had i have such a good and professional tutor. In no time she has managed to get me ready to IELTS test, which i passed with overall score of 7.0. Besides her professional features, which are undoubted, I would like to apprise her personality. Armina is a very nice and friendly person and it was a great pleasure for me to study with her.
    • avatar


      mai 24, 2016

      Hello, Beside the fact the Armina is a very nice person, she upgraded the level of my English from a grade of 7.5 to 8.5 in the IELTS test. She send me a lot of material and gave me homework for our next lesson. I will definitely recommend you to choose her as your Tutor. Alex


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    sept. 4–10, 2024

    sept. 4–10, 2024
















    • 2019 — 2019

      Fanshawe College

      Postgraduate certificate

      Diplôme vérifié

    • 2008 — 2009

      Dniproperovsk National University


      Diplôme vérifié

    • 2003 — 2004

      Dniproperovsk National University

      Master's Degree in English language and Literature

      Diplôme vérifié

    • 1999 — 2003

      Dniproperovsk National University

      Bachelor's Degree in English language and literature

      Diplôme vérifié

    Mes spécialisations

    The program is selected individually, depending on your goals, level, and age. 80% of the lesson is focused on improving communication skills and breaking barriers, but I also do not forget about mastering grammar, which is mainly done via homework exercises and writing tasks. The new vocabulary we learn will be sent to you in electronic flashcards online that you can practice and learn by heart. During lessons, we will create dialogues and conversations on different topics to practice new structures or collocations and memorize new vocabulary. I use up-to-date textbooks from Oxford and Cambridge publishers, auxiliary video materials, and my own worksheets.

    I worked in Canada at a corporate level, including BIG4 and used professional English on daily basis. I will offer a specialized Conversational Business English course which will allow to practice negotiation skills and improve your business vocabulary. 80% of the lesson will be conversational + you will do writing tasks at home such as writing a resume/cover letter/ job application/all kinds of business letters, etc. Lеssоns can be cоmbіnеd wіth thе fоllоwіng cоursеs fоr рrоfеssіоnаls: IТ, Busіnеss, Bаnkіng, Ассоunting, Соmmеrсе, Sаlеs аnd Mаrkеtіng, Law, Nursіng, Tоurіsm, Еnglіsh fоr Rеstаurаnt Wоrkеrs, еtc.

    Preparation to IELTS includes my own tips and strategies for all exam parts, an evaluation of your current band, a review of writing tasks outside of the lesson, which means I return your essay with all the mistakes marked up in red, and some additional notes and recommendations on how to improve. If I notice some gaps in grammar, we will review the required grammar for writing. During the class, we also study new topical vocabulary and cover speaking tasks as on the exam with the current topics in use. I provide all the textbooks including IELTS Practice Tests in electronic format.

    I deliver general English lessons for beginners with a focus on accent reduction, correct pronunciation and breaking the ice in speaking . I have successful experience of teaching English to adult beginners starting from the alphabet via Skype who eventually reached some fluency level in one year. Есть опыт обучения людей с нуля по скайп, начиная с алфавита, которые до этого учили другие иностранные языки. В отличие от других уровней, на данном этапе обучение начинается с отработки чтения и изучения фонетики и правил чтения, постановки произношения.

    A specialized course and textbook with the vocabulary for tourists. New vocabulary we learn will be sent to you in electronic flashcards online that you can practice and learn by heart. During lessons we will simulate dialogues and conversations in the hotel, a café, booking a flight, or a car, practice new structures or collocations and memorize new vocabulary. I use up-to-date textbooks from Oxford and Cambridge publishers, auxiliary video materials, and my own worksheets.

    Preparation for TOEFL includes my own tips and strategies for all exam parts that significantly improve your band, an evaluation of your current band, and a and a review of writing tasks outside of the lesson, which means I return your essay with all the mistakes marked up in red and some additional notes and recommendations on how to improve. If I notice some gaps in grammar, we will review the required grammar for writing. During the class, we also study new topical vocabulary and cover speaking tasks as on the exam with the current topics in use. I provide all the textbooks, including Practice Tests in electronic format.

    Understanding from the inside the specifics of employment in Canada for a newcomer or an immigrant, I will share my own tips and help you to polish your resume and cover letter, prepare the list of potential questions for your individual role that we will practice answering on the lessons so that you could create your personal Q&A file for the job interview.

    I use specialized textbooks and own tips and strategies, which can significantly improve your results. Also I provide feedback on all writing tasks you make at home and review your speaking skills.

    A specialized course and textbook with the vocabulary for IT. New vocabulary we learn will be sent to you in electronic flashcards online that you can practice and learn by heart. During lessons we will simulate dialogues and conversations related to business to practice new structures or collocations and memorize new vocabulary. I use up-to-date textbooks from Oxford and Cambridge publishers, auxiliary video materials and my own worksheets. Сочетание курса разговорного делового языка для team leaders и sales managers , а также компьютерной лексики для технических программистов.

    I have experience teaching English to kids from the age of 4 . Занятия проходят в игровой активной форме, в ходе которых ребенок отрабатывает: чтение диалогов или текстов на усвоение новой лексики, разговорную речь в виде диалогов на заданную тему, выполнение грамматических упражнений, аудирование в виде прослушивания аутентичных диалогов или английских песенок.

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