Eli T.

    Eli T.


    Professional interpreter and tutor with 5 years of experience, TEFL certified

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    Saya seorang penerjemah profesional yang menerima kontrak dari perusahaan swasta dan publik, pemerintah, dan militer.

    Saya telah aktif mengajar bahasa Inggris selama 4 tahun terakhir kepada siswa dengan berbagai latar belakang, dari siswa hingga ahli medis yang ingin meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa Inggris mereka.

    Salah satu pengalaman paling berharga dalam karir penerjemahan saya adalah ketika saya menerima Challenge Coin dari Jenderal Angkatan Darat AS untuk layanan penerjemahan yang luar biasa. Saat ini, saya sedang mengejar gelar master dalam Filologi Bahasa Asing (Inggris) dan Studi Sastra Perbandingan.

    Fakta menyenangkan: Saya punya kucing shorthair Inggris, American Whiskey, dan saya berbicara bahasa Rusia.

    Selama 5 tahun pengalaman mengajar saya sebagai guru bahasa Inggris, saya menemukan bahwa pendekatan individual adalah metode terbaik untuk membantu siswa belajar dan berkembang.

    Saya menggunakan metode berikut untuk membantu Anda mencapai tujuan Anda:

    • Pertama, saya mempelajari kebutuhan, tujuan, dan ritme penguasaan bahasa Anda.

    • Kemudian saya membuat catatan untuk selalu mengingat apa yang ingin Anda capai.

    • Bersama-sama kita menemukan pendekatan yang tepat - ini adalah kunci untuk mencapai tujuan bahasa yang diinginkan.

    Bagaimana kita belajar dan maju bersama:

    • Ketika kita mempelajari pola bahasa, bersama-sama kita juga akan belajar MENGAPA penutur asli menggunakan preposisi atau sintaksis tertentu, LOGIKA apa yang mereka gunakan untuk menyusun bunyi dan kalimat tertentu.

    • Kami akan mempelajari aturan yang rumit dengan cara yang menyenangkan dan mudah, dan memahami logika di baliknya akan membantu Anda tidak hanya menghafal aturan tetapi juga menganalisis, mengingat, dan memainkannya secara mandiri.

    • Anda akan dihujani koreksi, pengulangan, dan umpan balik reguler untuk membantu Anda merefleksikan, menganalisis, dan membangun di atas pengetahuan yang ada.

    Selama pelajaran pertama kita, kita akan membahas rencana tindakan dan bagaimana saya dapat membantu Anda mencapai tujuan Anda. Anda adalah bintang pertunjukan dan saya akan belajar dari Anda sebelum saya mulai mengajar. Saya melihat hubungan dengan siswa saya sebagai pertukaran nilai dan informasi. Sementara saya melatih dan mengarahkan Anda melalui kekacauan tata bahasa, fonologi, atau sintaksis bahasa Inggris, Anda mengajari saya cara terbaik untuk membantu Anda, hal-hal apa yang Anda minati, dan melalui latihan yang menyenangkan, kita tumbuh dan menjadi lebih baik bersama.

    PS Oh, kamu benci belajar bahasa baru? Apakah bahasa Inggris tampaknya sangat sulit? Apakah Anda membutuhkan waktu 5 bulan untuk mengambil langkah pertama? - Ketika Anda mengajukan pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini, yang saya dengar hanyalah betapa Anda menyukai bahasa itu dan betapa inginnya Anda untuk mulai belajar. Dan jika bukan itu masalahnya sekarang, kita hanya perlu beberapa pelajaran sebelum itu menjadi fakta.

    Anda menyukai bahasa Inggris, Anda hanya tidak tahu mengapa.

    Saya fasih berbahasa

    Bahasa Georgia

    Penutur Asli

    Bahasa Inggris

    Penutur Asli

    Bahasa Rusia

    Penutur Asli

    Testimoni siswa saya


    52 ulasan

    • Elena


      April 13, 2024

      Eli is a great tutor! His lessons are very structured, he’s following the curriculum, yet manages to make every lesson (and even homework) fun and enjoyable. The combination of materials such as workbooks, whiteboards, entertaining quizzes and videos is there to make Eli’s lessons engaging. In each session you acquire new language skills as well as a lesson on culture, history and modern insights on the country. Top that with a great conversation with a friend and you have a typical hour with Eli :) I really feel that after 2 months of lessons my Georgian level has improved and I thank Eli for that!
    • gogli


      November 8, 2023

    • Iuliia


      Oktober 27, 2023

      I wanted to express my gratitude for the past four months of fantastic English lessons. Your clear explanations, friendly demeanor, and engaging lesson topics have not only improved my language skills but also made learning enjoyable. I look forward to our future lessons and feel lucky to have such an excellent and fun tutor.
    • Thomas


      Oktober 10, 2023

      Great professor, pedagogue and very engaged in his students' learning experience! I recommend
    • Jeremy


      Oktober 10, 2023

      Eli is great. He's a very engaging instructor and is able to flexibly accommodate my learning style. I've tried a couple other tutors, and Eli is by far the best.
    • avatar


      September 1, 2023

      At the very beginning of our lessons with Eli, I asked him to help me understand the jungle of English grammar. Make a particular focus on grammar. And now I can say that I am very pleased that I see my progress. My understanding of the logic of constructing sentences has dramatically improved. I cannot fail to note that as a teacher, Eli is very punctual, stable, and polite. He is also a very smiling and pleasant guy. Each lesson is an entertaining immersion in the English language. Eli also has a very flexible approach to teaching, he can greatly customize the content of the lessons, and topics for study, depending on the student's request. This is very important and helps to keep the lessons interesting. I recommend Eli to anyone who needs an excellent teacher with a big heart! :)


    Piih waktu untuk les pertama Anda. Waktu ditampilkan dalam zona waktu setempat Anda.

    Sep 4–10, 2024

    Sep 4–10, 2024
















    • 2020 — 2021

      Ilia State University


      Diploma terverifikasi

    Spesialisasi saya

    Are you struggling with confidence when it comes to speaking English? Don't worry, I'm here to help! As an experienced English language instructor, I specialize in building my students' confidence so that they can speak fluently and express themselves confidently.As your conversational English coach, I'm here to help you master the art of communication. From slang to pronunciation, accents to body language, I focus on all the important elements that make up a great conversation. Together, we'll work on building your fluency and understanding of the English language, so that you can leave a lasting impression on native speakers.

    Are you looking to improve your English language skills for professional purposes? Whether you're communicating with international clients, negotiating business deals, or giving presentations, effective communication is key to success in the business world.My classes are designed to meet your specific needs and cover industry-specific vocabulary and language structures that you can immediately apply in your workplace. Let's work together to help you achieve your language goals and advance your career prospects in the business world!

    From zero to hero! I'll be there to guide you through the language learning challenges, making it easy for you to learn quickly, efficiently, and have fun all together. I've taught pupils and even 55+ olds English from the very start, and usually, the results and positive feedback are noticeable in around 2-3 months timeframe. If you are about to take up the journey to learn English, send me a message.

    I'm an Army Linguist specializing in interpreting and translating American English. I've been not only working as an Interpreter but teaching American English for the last 4+ years. Looking to learn/improve the pronunciation? accent? conversational English and be able to sound like you lived in the U.S since... forever?If you want to learn slang, improve your vocabulary, and actually understand Americans, feel free to reach out to me.

    Hey there adventurer! If you are looking for a quick and intensive way to improve your English language skills, you've come to the right spot. I just love coming up with fun, engaging, and yet useful exercises to help you improve speaking, writing, listening, grammar and pronunciation skills. More than 4 years of teaching and working experience related to the English language, desire to help students improve and grow, all here to stay and keep me motivated to help you achieve the levels you seek for.

    If you want to learn English for traveling, you need to have all the vocabulary tools prepared, fixed pronunciation so the listeners in host countries can quickly understand your needs. As well as, ability to understand slangs, different accents, specifics of the regions you are traveling to and necessary tips and tricks to avoid awkward situations, and find yourself in pleasant ones. If that is something you are looking for, be sure to leave a message. Always happy to respond

    I've helped dozens of students across the globe prepare for interviews, predominantly in IT, Design and Tech related fields, but not limited to.You will learn the following:How do HRs filter the applications and form questionsHow to mentally prepare and put aside your anxiety prior to an interviewWhat underlying questions do HRs ask and how to respond to themSpecific tips and tricks on how to maximize chances for landing the jobHow to dodge difficult questions, answer truthfully and leave a positive impression/stand outHow to highlight your Soft skills and show the best qualities of your character (despite having flaws)

    I have a proven track record of students who have mastered Pre-intermediate and Intermediate levels in the span of 4 months, while not knowing the very prepositions in the English language. You are warmly welcomed to join the ranks of these successful students and discover the joy of learning English.

    I've 2 years of experience teaching children and it is one of the most fun and joyful experiences I'm having so far. Helping kids create associations and funny interactions helps them learn more efficiently and enjoy the process of doing it. I make sure to consider the child's learning and skill acquiring speed, individual preferences, and the amount of knowledge they can consume per lesson.

    If you are struggling with the homework and looking for a patient teacher who is willing to go along with your learning speed, cheer you up at times, and engage with you in a friendly yet professional manner, feel free to reach out to me.

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