David H.

    David H.

    Stati Uniti d'America

    Certified TESOL tutor ready to help reach your English potential!

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    Chi sono

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    Saluti! Il mio nome è David. Per parlarvi brevemente di me, sono nato e cresciuto in Florida ma vengo da origini giamaicane. Ho anche vissuto da sola a New York per 7 anni, dove ho avuto modo di fare amicizia con molte culture. Ciò ha sviluppato in me il fascino del viaggio, che mi ha portato a incontrare la mia bellissima, adorabile moglie. Dopo aver visitato Israele, l'ho incontrata nella sua isola natale, Cipro. Sono entusiasta di sapere che ci sono studenti studiosi come te desiderosi di espandere le proprie competenze in inglese. Il mio obiettivo sarà aiutarti a raggiungere i tuoi obiettivi in ​​inglese.

    Ho completato il corso certificato TESOL di 120 ore. Per prima cosa capisco lo stile di apprendimento dello studente, quindi personalizzo l'atmosfera e il ritmo a suo piacimento. Sono uno studente più visivo o uditivo? Conservare meglio le nuove conoscenze dalla ripetizione o dagli esempi di vita reale? Nessun problema, mi adatterò alle loro esigenze. Organizzerò anche le lezioni per aiutarli a massimizzare la loro conoscenza dell'inglese, indipendentemente dal fatto che il loro focus sia la scrittura, la conversazione o la lettura professionale; o normali capacità di conversazione.

    Espandi le tue competenze in inglese con un tutor appassionato che personalizzerà la tua esperienza di apprendimento in base alle tue esigenze. Con il completamento di un corso certificato TESOL di 120 ore, ti aiuterò a raggiungere i tuoi obiettivi in ​​inglese attraverso lezioni personalizzate e un approccio su misura per il tuo stile di apprendimento. Iniziamo questo viaggio insieme!





    Base A1


    Base A1

    Cosa dicono i miei studenti


    13 recensioni

    • Yeşim


      settembre 4, 2024

      David has a great communication with children. My sons love him so much. They are looking forward to lessons. David is successful
    • Linda


      luglio 30, 2024

      David has a very positiv energie :) we have a lot of fun and laugh a lot. He is very patient and kind. I even like the homework ;) We also talk about stuff that i like which makes the lesson very interesting for me. I always feel comfortable during our lessons and would recommend him as a teacher :)
    • Hani


      luglio 29, 2024

      David is very proactive in his classes. He keeps my 6-year-old engaged in learning English.
    • Angel


      maggio 28, 2024

      David is very involving in his lessons. The conversation just flows naturally and new interesting topics rise along the way, which he patiently and diligently explains with excitement. "I just can't wait to sink my teeth into the next lesson..." ;-)
    • Dayana


      maggio 7, 2024

      With David time goes very quickly, he seeks to make conversations enjoyable and fun while he is teaching you to pronounce correctly and develop ideas to express yourself in a better manner in English.
    • Galit


      marzo 31, 2024

      The classes with David are very varied, David is very creative and prepares interesting, challenging, and fun things in advance. David is professional and patient. I highly recommend classes with him.


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    set 4–10, 2024

    set 4–10, 2024
















    • 2024 — 2024

      Preply Language Teaching Certificate

      Preply Language Teaching Certificate

      Certificato verificato

    • 2023 — 2023


      Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages

      Certificato verificato

    Le mie specializzazioni

    Born and raised in the United States for 25+ years and conversed daily in conversational English.

    Worked 10+ years in the United States having to communicate daily via email, phone calls, and text messages in professional, formal English.

    I regularly have public speaking assignments to hundreds in audience, from young children to adults, who speak English as their second language.

    Born and raised in the United States for 25+ years and conversed daily in conversational English.

    Currently live in Cyprus for the past 6+ months, and travelled to many countries prior having to communicate to others who's second language is English.

    Have 3+ years experience voluntarily teaching children from the ages of 5-12 bible subjects.Also I regularly have public speaking assignments to hundreds in audience, including young children who speak English as their second language

    Completed all 3 levels of school (elementary, middle and high) in the United States and graduated high school with a GPA of 3.73.

    Born and raised in the United States for 25+ years and conversed daily in conversational and professional work in English.

    Have 15+ years experience writing and constructing talk outlines for public speaking assignments.Worked 10+ years in the United States having to communicate daily and text messages in professional, formal English.

    Certified from International Open Academy.

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