Mohammed A.

    Mohammed A.


    Leer Nederlands met een taalkundige expert!

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    Ciao! Mi chiamo Mohammed, studente di Linguistica e Letteratura all'Università di Anversa. Ho 21 anni e sono all'ultimo anno di laurea.

    Mi piace essere attivo e incontrare gli amici. Inoltre, mi piace anche imparare nuove lingue e leggere libri.

    Ho esperienza nel dare lezioni online a madrelingua e nel corso degli anni ho acquisito una profonda conoscenza della grammatica e del vocabolario olandese. Posso aiutare principianti, parlanti intermedi e parlanti avanzati o madrelingua. Posso insegnare l'olandese come lingua straniera o aiutare i madrelingua a migliorare le loro competenze e abilità linguistiche.

    Immergiamoci insieme nel mondo delle lingue! Sono Mohammed, uno studente di Linguistica e Letteratura, appassionato di insegnare l'olandese. Che tu sia un principiante o un madrelingua, ti guiderò attraverso la grammatica, il vocabolario e la fluidità. Unisciti a me in questo entusiasmante viaggio di apprendimento delle lingue!





    Avanzato superiore C2


    Intermedio superiore B2

    Cosa dicono i miei studenti


    12 recensioni

    • Thais


      agosto 27, 2024

      After learning for a few weeks with Mohammed I can say he is a fantastic teacher! He’s knowledgeable, patient, motivating, and his classes are both structured and dynamic depending on what you need. His skill for teaching really shows and I feel my Dutch improving very quickly. Can’t recommend him enough!
    • Auguste


      agosto 15, 2024

      The lesson was great. I came only one time for an oral exam and he came with nice exercice to speak more fluently
    • Taleq


      luglio 4, 2024

      I have had several lessons with Mohammed. He's a great teacher. His classes are well-structured, interactive, and tailored to your objectives, and it's always a pleasure to have a lesson with him.
    • Francis


      luglio 3, 2024

      Mohammed is a serious and patient teacher, with a good structure and method. I do recommend him.
    • Yvonne


      maggio 14, 2024

      I have been working with Mohammed for several weeks now. I selected Mohammed as I wanted to learn Flemish as opposed to Dutch. To this end he has been great - he really understands the differences in pronunciation and is very patient teaching me to sound out the words correctly. He modifies the work plan to cater to my level, flexibly moving more quickly or more slowly depending on my largely incompetence. He is also fun to work with which makes the hour go faster.
    • Roksana


      febbraio 1, 2024

      It is a pleasure to study Dutch with Mohammed. He makes the atmosphere during the lesson pleasant and helps you not feel stressed during the lesson. Mohammed adds thematic videos that help with learning and is always enthusiastic and nice.

    Le mie specializzazioni

    I can teach Dutch for complete beginners, starting with introductions and basic vocabulary and grammar.

    If you would like to focus on conversations, I can teach you conversational Dutch. Tailored for you to learn how to speak and understand others.

    If you are short on time, we can work together with a more intensive learning plan tailored to your needs.

    How do I write an e-mail in Dutch, how to have meetings, what is appropriate Dutch for a business setting? If these are your concerns, we can work on this together.

    I am a Linguistics and Literature student, so Literature, from easy reads to classic literature is part of my expertise.

    Learning Dutch as a second language, for levels A1 up until C1.

    I am a native speaker of Dutch, living in Belgium. So Flemish Dutch can be taught if needed.

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