Bumah A.

    Bumah A.


    Tutor de inglês certificado com 7 anos de experiência / dou aulas para todos os níveis.

    As aulas experimentais são 100% reembolsáveis

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    Sobre mim

    Olá, sou Bumah, falante nativo de inglês dos Camarões, com 7 anos de experiência ensinando inglês em um país estrangeiro, tanto presencial quanto online. Tenho bacharelado em gestão de negócios e também certificado como scrum master. Tenho habilidades de conversação que podem ajudá-lo não apenas a atualizar seu conhecimento e capacidade em inglês, mas também a se tornar fluente e confiante ao falar o idioma por meio de aulas interativas, exercícios práticos, jogos divertidos e trabalhos de casa.

    Entendo vários idiomas, então minha especialidade está no fato de entender em primeira mão as dificuldades, processos e etapas do aprendizado de um novo idioma e ajudar meus alunos tornando o processo fácil e divertido e ao mesmo tempo atingir seus objetivos. habilidade e conjunto de habilidades para ajudar todos os alunos que enfrentam desafios de pronúncia, gramática, redação, leitura, vocabulário, tempos verbais e ortografia.

    Eu me envolvo com meus alunos fazendo-lhes muitas perguntas em suas áreas de interesse, a fim de desenvolver um plano de aula ou currículo que atenda às necessidades de meus alunos. Também tenho métodos de ensino diferentes porque cada aluno é único e aprende de maneira diferente.

    Ensino inglês para todos os níveis, desde iniciante até nível avançado, mas tenho muita experiência com crianças de 6 a 15 anos.

    Você deseja falar como um nativo ou tornar-se mais fluente na língua inglesa, com poucos ou nenhum problema com pronúncia, expressões idiomáticas e gramática? Você precisa de ajuda para se preparar para apresentações, entrevistas, conferências e falar em público? Ou você simplesmente precisa de um professor nativo de inglês que irá construir uma confiança sólida dentro de você? Então você acabou de encontrar o perfil certo.

    Em minha primeira aula, adoro manter as coisas muito, muito simples, descontraídas, divertidas, interativas e dedicar meu tempo para conhecer meus alunos e me conectar com eles em um nível pessoal. Eu conheço meus alunos e descubro sua formação em inglês, seu nível de inglês e seus objetivos.

    Também crio um plano de aula específico para cada um dos meus alunos, pois cada aluno é único e tem um processo de aprendizagem diferente. Cada aluno requer um método ligeiramente diferente de aprendizagem

    Eu sou muito bom em trabalhar com pessoas. Eu sou engraçado de uma forma responsável eu sempre faço meus alunos rirem. Ajuda a construir sua confiança e a ignorar o medo e o nervosismo

    Eu faço com que meus alunos falem muito, cometam erros normais enquanto eu presto muita atenção em ouvi-los e corrigi-los de maneira agradável. Isso torna minhas aulas mais divertidas e prazerosas, ajudando meus alunos a aprender e melhorar o inglês.

    Agende uma aula de trilha comigo e vamos discutir seus objetivos e como posso ajudá-lo a alcançá-los em um curto espaço de tempo.

    Eu prometo que você não vai se arrepender, vamos nos divertir enquanto aprendemos.

    Eu falo






    Proficiente C2


    Avançado C1


    Avançado C1


    Avançado C1


    Avançado C1


    Intermediário-Avançado B2

    Chinês (Mandarim)

    Intermediário-Avançado B2


    Intermediário B1


    Pré-Intermediário A2


    Iniciante A1

    Opinião dos meus alunos


    12 avaliações

    • Giovanna


      maio 16, 2024

      Bumah is a great teacher! She is patient and didactic.
    • Marianna


      março 11, 2024

      Our lessons are very interesting, I have no stress to speak english because the teacher is very helpful and kind to me. I can only recommend
    • Cristina


      fevereiro 19, 2024

      Bumah is a very good teacher. With her I improve my speaking
    • Sylwia


      outubro 26, 2023

      Bumah is great lector. The lessons are relaxed.
    • daniel


      outubro 22, 2023

      My son likes lesson with Bumah
    • Wiktoria


      outubro 22, 2023

      My son is very grateful for every lesson. Bumah is patient and very nice. My son likes learning English with Bumah.


    Selecione a hora da sua primeira aula. Os horários são exibidos em seu fuso horário.

    set. 4–10, 2024

    set. 4–10, 2024
















    • 2015 — 2016

      University of bamenda

      Professional degree in management

      Diploma verificado

    • 2012 — 2014

      University of siantou institute

      Higher national diploma

      Diploma verificado

    Minhas especializações

    People often say when you don’t have confidence in your words, then your product or services can not be trusted. You will build self confidence in your English as you speak, I have helped learners pick up grammar roles,vocabulary and great fluency in speaking.

    Confidence in one's words is indeed key to earning trust in one's products or services. Through our sessions, you'll gradually build confidence in expressing yourself in English. I've successfully guided many learners in mastering grammar rules, expanding their vocabulary, and achieving fluency in speaking. As you continue to practice and engage in our lessons, you'll notice a significant improvement in your English skills, boosting your confidence along the way.

    In our sessions, we'll delve into mastering the American accent and pronunciation. Additionally, we'll explore the distinctions between the American English accent and other variations such as British and Australian. This comparative analysis will aid you in selecting the accent that aligns best with your goals and preferences, ensuring a tailored learning experience suited to your needs.

    Teaching intensive English courses has been a dynamic and rewarding experience for me as an educator. Intensive English programs are designed to accelerate language acquisition and proficiency within a condensed timeframe, making each lesson and learning opportunity crucial for student success. Here's a detailed account of my experience teaching intensive English:Curriculum Development: As an instructor of intensive English, I am responsible for developing comprehensive and structured curriculum plans that cover all aspects of language learning, including grammar, vocabulary, listening, speaking, reading, and writing. I design lessons that are focused, engaging, and aligned with the objectives of the program, ensuring that each session maximizes student learning and progress.

    Teaching British English has been a fascinating and enriching experience for me as an educator. As a teacher of British English, I have had the opportunity to delve into the nuances of the language, culture, and society of the United Kingdom, and to impart this knowledge to students from around the world. Here's a detailed account of my experience teaching British English:Language Proficiency: My approach to teaching British English revolves around developing students' proficiency in all aspects of the language, including grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and language skills. I provide comprehensive instruction on British English grammar rules, idiomatic expressions, and linguistic conventions, ensuring that students acquire a solid foundation in the language.Accent and Pronunciation: One of the distinguishing features of British English is its distinct accent and pronunciation. I place a strong emphasis on helping students master British English pronunciation, intonation, and accent patterns. Through phonetic drills, listening exercises, and pronunciation practice, I help students develop a clear and natural-sounding British accent, enabling them to communicate effectively and confidently in British English-speaking environments.

    Traveling to various countries, I embraced the role of both teacher and student. Engaging with individuals from all walks of life enriched my understanding of the human experience. These encounters were not just conversations but exchanges of wisdom, laughter, and insight that transcended linguistic boundaries.

    Teaching TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) has been a challenging yet immensely rewarding experience in my teaching career. Helping students prepare for this standardized test, which is widely recognized as a measure of English proficiency for academic purposes, requires a comprehensive understanding of the test format, content, and strategies. Here's a detailed account of my experience teaching TOEFL:

    Teaching English for job interview preparation has been a fulfilling and impactful aspect of my teaching career. Helping students develop the language skills, confidence, and strategies they need to succeed in job interviews is crucial for their professional growth and success. Here's a detailed account of my experience teaching English for job interview prep:Understanding Job Interview Expectations: I begin by familiarizing students with common interview formats, expectations, and etiquette in English-speaking countries. This includes discussing typical interview questions, body language, dress code, and cultural norms to ensure students feel prepared and confident in any interview setting.

    Teaching English to children has been an incredibly rewarding and joyful experience in my teaching career. Working with young learners presents unique challenges and opportunities, and I have developed a specialized approach to engage and inspire children in their language learning journey. Here's a detailed account of my experience teaching English for children:Creating a Positive Learning Environment: I prioritize creating a positive and nurturing learning environment where children feel safe, supported, and motivated to learn. I decorate the classroom with colorful posters, interactive learning materials, and age-appropriate resources to stimulate their curiosity and enthusiasm for English learning.Interactive and Playful Lessons: I believe in making language learning fun and engaging for children. My lessons are designed to be interactive, hands-on, and filled with activities that cater to their interests and developmental stages. From games, songs, and storytelling to arts and crafts, I incorporate a variety of interactive and playful elements to keep children actively engaged in the learning process.

    As an educator, I excel in crafting homework assignments that align with the expectations of teachers. My expertise extends to guiding high school and university students through advanced writing and poetry classes, including those preparing for Advanced Placement English exams. The lessons I impart not only cover the fundamentals of English and communication but also equip students with the skills to surpass exam requirements and communicate with confidence.

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