Eddyn S.

    Eddyn S.

    Venezuela (República Bolivariana da)

    🥉 Bilingual (Spanish- English). 🥉Certified native Spanish teacher for pronunciation, fluency, vocabulary and more. 🤓for all learning levels (beginner, intermediate, advanced)

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    Sobre mim

    Olá, meu nome é Eddyn e sou um falante nativo de espanhol da Venezuela.

    Tenho vários anos de experiência no ensino de espanhol. Sou um cara amigável e me preocupo com a experiência de meus alunos e quero tornar o aprendizado agradável para você.

    (Eu também ensino violão e música no meu tempo livre, deixe-me saber se isso também lhe interessa :-))

    Sou um professor muito paciente e atencioso, fico feliz em seguir seu ritmo e adaptar as aulas para ajudá-lo a obter o melhor delas.

    Entre em contato comigo e vamos conversar sobre como podemos melhorar seu espanhol agora.

    podemos falar sobre o que você quiser, mas vamos falar em espanhol porque você vai aprender espanhol!


    Meu método é personalizado e abrangente, comigo você aprende do mais básico ao mais avançado no idioma de forma personalizada e divertida.

    Marque uma aula comigo e você verá como aprenderá de forma rápida e intuitiva, então não espere mais e vamos nos encontrar na aula!

    Eu falo




    Proficiente C2


    Iniciante A1


    Iniciante A1

    Opinião dos meus alunos


    36 avaliações

    • Eleanor


      setembro 2, 2024

      Eddyn is a fantastic tutor. I have tried a few different tutors through preply and he has been the best by far. I am pretty new to Spanish, and he explains everything clearly, while still challenging me and giving me a chance to practice. I would highly recommend Eddyn to anyone looking for a Spanish tutor.
    • Case


      agosto 21, 2024

      His approach is immersive and direct! Excited to keep learning :)
    • Maharab


      agosto 11, 2024

      He made the lessons very easy for me to learn
    • SYK


      agosto 11, 2024

      he is amazing at teaching because he gives hints and he helps us remember what the answers are
    • Mike


      julho 17, 2024

      Eddyn is super awesome. High energy, friendly, very organized and focused. As a private tutor myself, I know a professional when I see one. Eddyn has taught me so much in our several lessons together, much more than other tutors I have tried.
    • Ana


      junho 12, 2024

      I have my 6 year old son on clases with Eddyn and my son is so excited for his classes, he loves them. Eddyn is very patient and a great teacher.


    Selecione a hora da sua primeira aula. Os horários são exibidos em seu fuso horário.

    set. 18–24, 2024

    set. 18–24, 2024
















    • 2019 — 2023

      Preply Language Teaching Certificate

      Preply Language Teaching Certificate

      Certificado verificado

    Minhas especializações

    conversation is one of the skills that every person needs when faced with mastering a language.I have worked for many years on strategies to enable people to speak efficiently and fluently, making of course the lesson a safe space for self-expression.

    starting a new language is exciting but not everyone learns in the same wayin my experience beginners need a lot of support and a lot of feedback to reach the goal of speaking a new language.

    do you need to travel to a Spanish-speaking country?I specialise in highlighting the most important issues for a pleasant experience in another country, things like asking for an address will be no problem for you.

    as a Latin American the Spanish of this area is very varied and has some different constructions but I will help you to understand them very easily.

    I have prepared for many exams and I can say that the most important thing is motivation.the exams have a fixed structure so the goal is to study those structures and improve for each section.

    children are like sponges, they learn everything very quickly, as long as you capture their interest.explaining Spanish to children is not easy but with the right techniques it is possible for a child to learn a new language in time.

    european spanish is a bit different from latin spanish mostly because of the use of VOSOTROS , as well as other expressions, but with practice you will see that it is not so complicated.

    business is something necessary and professional life needs specific vocabulary so I teach how to prepare for job interviews and vocabulary in different areas such as medicine.

    Spanish for life, from conversation to grammar, I have been teaching general Spanish for years so that you can have an integral and personalised education.

    Spanish as a subject is a beautiful thing but certainly not very motivational but we can make those school or university studies more enjoyable with a different way of teaching.

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