Hannah V.

    Hannah V.

    Reino Unido

    Creative and focused teaching support with 5 years professional experience

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    Sobre mim

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    Olá, meu nome é Hannah e sou do Reino Unido. Trabalhei como tutor de jovens para suporte extra nos exames GCSE. Também trabalhei com crianças pequenas e também eduquei em casa. Minha paixão é apoiar os indivíduos a atingirem seus objetivos, ao mesmo tempo em que torna o aprendizado divertido!

    Tenho 6 anos de experiência trabalhando no 1-1 como tutor, ensinando crianças de 0 a seis anos e também eduquei minha filha em casa

    Desbloqueie seu potencial e alcance seus objetivos com minhas aulas particulares personalizadas. Dos exames GCSE à educação infantil, tenho experiência para orientá-lo em cada etapa do processo. Vamos tornar o aprendizado divertido e alcançar novos patamares juntos. Junte-se a mim nesta emocionante jornada!

    Eu falo



    Opinião dos meus alunos


    7 avaliações

    • sarah


      junho 2, 2024

      This is the best teacher ever she is patient , respectful and fun . She will help everyone. She teaches in an easy way and she encourages the children. She even helped me pass my test i got the best results she is kind and she believes that you can also pass . She will meet your goal towards English . I definitely recommend you to book lessons with her she will make you succeed in life so please listen to her . I enjoy her lessons very much .
    • Natalia


      abril 9, 2024

      I really enjoy my conversations with Hannah. Hannah is very nice and patient teacher. Lessons with Hannah help develop my English level. Thanks to these lessons, I speak with more confidence.
    • Dijana


      abril 8, 2024

      Hannah demonstrated dedication and kindness in working with my seven-year-old son, which was noticeable and appreciated. Thank you, Hannah, for tailoring the material to what Nikola enjoys.
    • Aleyna


      março 22, 2024

      Hannah is a good teacher. She makes an effort to help you learn. Thank you.
    • Jirina


      março 22, 2024

      Hannah is a very good teacher:) Her lessons are relaxed and I really enjoy them, I can learn so much! she is a really nice, friendly, patient and open minded person. she really struggles to help you to improve your English:) I appreciate that she explains things, give examples, corrects your pronunciation, and supports you by making mistakes. I definitely recommend her as a good teacher:)
    • Omar


      março 16, 2024

      Not recommend


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    set. 4–10, 2024

    set. 4–10, 2024















    Minhas especializações

    I have assisted Non-native speakers to better their pronunciation, vocabulary and conversation while working professionally in the UK.

    I have supported individuals that require English for a professional career. My experience is mostly focused on the Health and Social Care spectrum, supporting students to use verbal language and also written work - correcting mistakes and offering an alternative way of pronunciation

    I have supported Children that may be struggling with the English language both verbally and written.

    I have worked with Students that have a very basic understanding of English

    I have supported students to use the correct vocabulary, tenses through written work. I have also support younger students to complete their homework - talking them through tasks and explaining to my student what their main teacher may require of them.

    As a book lover I have a lot of experience behind my back. I have furthered my experience by offering private lessons (in the past) for students that require more practice for educational purposes.

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