Thalles L.

    Thalles L.


    Aprenda português, geografia e história do Brasil com um aspirante à diplomata!

    As aulas experimentais são 100% reembolsáveis

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    Sobre mim

    Olá, eu sou Thalles, sou professor nativo de português brasileiro.

    Como aspirante à carreira de diplomata, quero fazer com você um verdadeiro trabalho de diplomacia cultural, bem além do aprendizado do idioma.

    Vou ser seu guia completo, compartilhando também meus conhecimentos sobre geografia e história do Brasil.

    Por exemplo, se você quer passar suas férias no Brasil e deseja ter uma experiência de viagem mais local e autêntica, eu posso lhe ajudar.

    Ou então, se por acaso você encontrou seu amor em alguém que fale português;

    Ou ainda, se você pretende fazer negócios ou até mesmo morar no Brasil;

    Não importa seu objetivo ou nível, eu estou aqui à sua disposição.

    Então marque uma aula experimental e venha comigo aprender o idioma mais falado no hemisfério sul.

    Eu falo




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    Opinião dos meus alunos


    5 avaliações

    • Eliane


      agosto 24, 2024

      As aulas com ele sao muito boas. É um bom professor.
    • Lucas


      julho 8, 2024

      Thalles é um excelente professor, está adaptando todas as minhas aulas nos meus objetivos, didática incrível, focando bastante em conversação e estou gostando muito em aprender com ele.
    • Domitila


      setembro 3, 2024

      I had a very good conversational experience since the first class. Things just flow, as he can swiftly change the theme of what we were talking, and I can improve my vocabulary because of this diversity. Also, he sometimes point out pronunciation mistakes when it happens and explains with patience how to do some sounds. Strongly recommended!
    • Larissa


      julho 25, 2024

      Thalles is an excellent teacher. With his objective and patient teaching, I am leaning quickly and getting a better understanding of the language. He offers everyday examples to help further the learning curve. Also, his geographical knowledge and historical background enrich the process of language acquisition. I would really recommend Thalles as a teacher if you are looking for one.
    • Hector


      junho 25, 2024

      Very bright and erudit tutor. I noticed even on the first minutes that he has a vast cultural background. That knowledge became for me an opportunity to learn new and diverse vocabulary on each conversational class with him. We can freely discuss geography, history, world issues, and even strategies for language learning. He can even point out small details such as the source of the words, for example: when he told that English has lots of vocabulary from Latin origin, and that can be useful on detecting cognate words. They are very useful for persons who are natives of a Romance language, such as myself. Also, he sometimes gives hints on different accents of English, always tailoring my pronunciation skills. He is very patient: when I'm in trouble, he speaks slowly and repeats until I can fully understand all of the words in a sentence. We also simulated situations such as travel. He guided myself with mastery, I felt I was almost using the language on a real overseas situation. I appreciated a lot the experience and strongly recommend Thalles as your future conversational tutor.


    Selecione a hora da sua primeira aula. Os horários são exibidos em seu fuso horário.

    set. 4–10, 2024

    set. 4–10, 2024
















    • 2006 — 2014

      Universidade Federal Fluminense

      Architecture and Urban Planning

      Diploma verificado

    Minhas especializações

    If you are an absolute begginer, I can help you.I am fluent on English, conversational in Spanish, and currently learning the beautiful Ukrainian language. So, if you have any of these backgrounds, I can understand you and transform you into a Portuguese speaker.

    You can also practice your Portuguese speaking skills with me.I can point out your eventual mistakes and tailor your accent in order to make you sound like a native speaker.

    If you want to have business in Portuguese, I am the teacher for you, as I have experience doing business on my native language and study to enter into a business-related career (diplomacy).Also, you can perfect your writing skills with me.Writing well on a formal register of the language is a good skill to have when doing business.

    I am a native speaker of standard Brazilian Portuguese.I can teach you in the two mostly prestigious accents of it: the one of Rio de Janeiro and the one of São Paulo. You can choose.

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