Kotaro U.

    Kotaro U.


    Tutor de inglês, japonês e português


    Kotaro U. é experiente e possui ótima avaliação. Saiba mais

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    Sobre mim

    Olá pessoal! Eu sou Kotaro Umeda e eu nasci em Japão mas cresci em EUA. Então eu aprendi inglês como iniciante e eu gostaria te ensinar algumas dicas e conselhos que me ajudou bastante. Podemos aprender o vocabulário de inglês ou japonês, e podemos conversar para melhorar seu discurso. Eu estudei comunicação na faculdade nos estados unidos antes de ir para o brasil para me tornar jogador de futebol profissional. Agora eu sou jogador em Portugal mas estou apaixonado para ensinar as línguas que me ajudou. Eu também sou um autor que escrevi um livro em inglês e português chamada “I’m With You” ou “Estou Contigo”. Vamos aprender as línguas juntos!

    Eu falo






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    20 avaliações

    • Hélcio


      março 20, 2021

      A aula do Kotaro é incrivelmente boa. Para os falantes de português que querem aprender inglês, não tem igual. Ele é falante da língua inglesa e fala muito bem o português. Se você não lembra ou não sabe alguma coisa, é só perguntar a ele. Você não vacinar arrepender. Kotaro is an amazing teacher. For Portuguese speakers, his class is very, very good, because when you don’t remember or don’t know something, you ask him. I recommend his class. You won’t regret this!
    • Mayuka


      março 9, 2024

      I’m taking his lesson now. His lesson is easy to understand and l’m very helpful to learn English!!!
    • Nicolas


      abril 27, 2023

      I have been studying English and Japanese with Kotaro and I'm really happy with the classes. He is open to my feedback and adjusting the content to meet my needs
    • Risa


      abril 20, 2023

      Thank you!! Very easy to understand.
    • Hiroaki


      abril 20, 2023

      He is a great teacher. He is also passionate and understands the weakness es of non-native speakers, especially Japanese speaker. Thank you for your supports in always, Kotaro!
    • thi


      setembro 11, 2022

      He can always offer a slightly higher level lesson than the student's English level, so that I can keep high motivation in each lesson. Also, since I have a plan to take the PTE exam, I asked him to provide special lesson for the exam. Then he willingly accepted and thought about the preparation. In class, I can clearly understand what I need to improve because the teacher clearly tells me my good point and bad point for my English.


    Selecione a hora da sua primeira aula. Os horários são exibidos em seu fuso horário.

    set. 4–10, 2024

    set. 4–10, 2024
















    • 2024 — 2024

      Hong Kong Premier League

      Professional Athlete

    • 2022 — 2023

      Tormenta FC

      Professional Soccer Player

    • 2021 — Até o presente

      Obsesh Media


    • 2020 — 2022

      FACE Models


    • 2020 — 2021

      Pevidem SC

      Professional Soccer Player

    • 2020 — 2021


      Children's Book Illustrator

    Minhas especializações

    Whether it may be individual or group conversations, I've had the privilege to learn the formal and informal ways of the english language and would love the opportunity to teach you certain tips and advices. Sometimes, the english we learn through lessons is different from conversational english and realizing the difference can be difficult but I am here to help!

    As a professional soccer player, the english, Japanese, and Portuguese I use with coaches, teammates, and the media is very important on how I represent not only myself, but the organization as well. I want to help you improve and grow in this area of communication because it can help you reach another level of greatness at work!

    My family and I moved to the United States when I was 7 years old and I did not speak english at all. However, with time and dedication, I have become a native speaker who have spoken at multiple events and ceremonies. I realize how difficult and intimidating it can be to learn the english language, especially for beginners, but I promise you it will be an amazing journey.

    Luckily for me, I was raised in the United States so I've had the opportunity to master the American English. I have colleagues from other parts of the world that speak a different style of english and I am fascinated by the difference in languages within the same language. I am excited to be able to teach and watch you grow as an American English speaker!

    I've had the privilege of living in 8 different cities in 4 different countries and so I have mastered the english language when it comes to traveling. Every city and country I had been to, the english language has saved me and I would love to not only teach you english for traveling but traveling tips as well!

    Not only from my personal experience but also from some of my colleagues' experiences, I have learned how to prepare and provide an excellent job interview and I am here to help!

    I've had the privilege to work for many youth camps in the United States and had the chance to teach english, soccer, and life advices which have helped me create a strong relationship with children and the youth.

    When I first moved to the United States, I was introduced to ESL and was saved by it. ESL not only helped me learn the english language but also the American culture as well. After 5 years of taking ESL, I was proud to graduate from it.

    Throughout my college career as an athlete and a student, I got to meet multiple international students and had the opportunity to teach them english and the American culture. Also, with my experience of living abroad, I know what it is like and what to expect from these new and exciting countries.

    I am currently a published author and have learned the general english, which was crucial in delivering my messages. With general english, you are able to hold great conversations and live stress free as it may help you tremendously in the United States or other english speaking countries.

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