Maryana D.

    Maryana D.


    Intensive Ukrainian

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    Sunt profesor profesionist de engleză. Îmi place foarte mult această limbă și fac tot posibilul să îmbunătățesc abilitățile studenților mei ascultând, vizionand podcasturi autentice și citind în original. În plus, sunt aici pentru a vă ajuta să vă pregătiți pentru cele mai eficiente și populare examene internaționale, cum ar fi Ucrainean ZNO, IELTS, TOEFL, FCE, DUOLINGO ENGLISH TEST și PTE Academic. Vă rugăm să mă contactați înainte de a rezerva o lecție.

    Am peste 11 ani de experiență în pregătirea studenților pentru examene și exersarea abilităților de limba engleză. În lecții, folosesc Predarea limbilor comunicative (CLT): Această abordare subliniază comunicarea ca obiectiv principal al învățării limbilor străine.

    Dragi studenti,

    Ești gata să pornești într-o călătorie captivantă de învățare și creștere?

    În timpul lecției, vă voi cunoaște mai bine, voi înțelege stilul dvs. de învățare și voi crea lecții care să rezoneze cu dvs.



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    Fluent C2


    Fluent C2


    Pre-intermediar A2

    Ce spun studenții mei


    50 de recenzii

    • Caio


      aprilie 11, 2024

      Maryana is an exceptional teacher whose support has completely transformed my English learning journey. From basic concepts to advanced proficiency test strategies, her guidance was crucial in achieving my goals
    • Tania


      ianuarie 26, 2024

      Do not believe her Bambi eyes and soft facial features. There is a real terminator inside that will lead you to the expected desired result. Maryana brought me to my goal in three weeks. I fought to achieve my goal for six months. I suffered and despaired, but the teacher covered me with informative and effective teaching methods as tightly as a cast covers a broken leg, and since the leg has no other choice but to heal, I had no choice but to achieve the result I wanted.
    • Alex


      octombrie 25, 2023

      Maryana is a fantastic teacher, very patient with a great emphasis on developing conversation skills very quickly. I really enjoy her informal and fun teaching style. The lessson are good fun and my Ukrainian is really improving. Highly Recommended!
    • Igor


      septembrie 7, 2023

      Maryana is a very good teacher. She understands the student’s gap and how to fill it. I strongly recommend her.
    • Maria


      iulie 4, 2023

      I worked with Maryana for several months to prepare for IELTS. She provided me with all the needed information and vocabulary. What I liked the most is Maryana's ability to talk on a variety of topics with ease. Eventually, I made a significant progress in fluency and gained confidence in engaging discussions in English. Her personal approach and supportive atmosphere during our lessons have helped me to achieve my goals and succeed in the exam.
    • Elliot


      august 3, 2020

      Duration with tutor: 6.5 Months. Pros: 1 - Tutor's knowledge of grammar is fantastic. 2 - Tutor provides material for new learners. 3 - Feedback always explained well. 4 - Conversation always spoken in context of everyday life. 5 - Passionate about teaching languages was clear. Feedback: 1 - Lesson prices went up after I started and back down once I stopped. 2 - Needs more variety in exercises to solidify theory in practice. 3 - Sometimes rushes through theory to quickly. 4 - Extremely formal - made for a strict setting that's not for everyone. 5 - Seemed to want control over how I used learning materials.


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    sept. 15–21, 2024
















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