Hannah V.

    Hannah V.

    Regatul Unit

    Creative and focused teaching support with 5 years professional experience

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    Bună, numele meu este Hannah și sunt din Marea Britanie. Am lucrat ca tutore cu persoane tinere pentru sprijin suplimentar pentru examenele GCSE. Am lucrat, de asemenea, cu copiii mici și, de asemenea, am educat acasă. Pasiunile mele sunt sprijinirea persoanelor pentru a-și atinge obiectivele, în timp ce fac învățarea distractiv!

    Am 6 ani de experiență lucrând la 1-1 ca Tutor, predau copii mici de la 0 la 6 ani și am educat-o și pe fiica mea acasă.

    Deblocați-vă potențialul și atingeți-vă obiectivele cu ajutorul meu personalizat. De la examenele GCSE la educația timpurie, am experiența necesară pentru a vă ghida la fiecare pas. Să facem învățarea distractiv și să atingem noi culmi împreună. Alăturați-vă mie în această călătorie interesantă!



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    Ce spun studenții mei


    7 recenzii

    • sarah


      iunie 2, 2024

      This is the best teacher ever she is patient , respectful and fun . She will help everyone. She teaches in an easy way and she encourages the children. She even helped me pass my test i got the best results she is kind and she believes that you can also pass . She will meet your goal towards English . I definitely recommend you to book lessons with her she will make you succeed in life so please listen to her . I enjoy her lessons very much .
    • Natalia


      aprilie 9, 2024

      I really enjoy my conversations with Hannah. Hannah is very nice and patient teacher. Lessons with Hannah help develop my English level. Thanks to these lessons, I speak with more confidence.
    • Dijana


      aprilie 8, 2024

      Hannah demonstrated dedication and kindness in working with my seven-year-old son, which was noticeable and appreciated. Thank you, Hannah, for tailoring the material to what Nikola enjoys.
    • Aleyna


      martie 22, 2024

      Hannah is a good teacher. She makes an effort to help you learn. Thank you.
    • Jirina


      martie 22, 2024

      Hannah is a very good teacher:) Her lessons are relaxed and I really enjoy them, I can learn so much! she is a really nice, friendly, patient and open minded person. she really struggles to help you to improve your English:) I appreciate that she explains things, give examples, corrects your pronunciation, and supports you by making mistakes. I definitely recommend her as a good teacher:)
    • Omar


      martie 16, 2024

      Not recommend


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    sept. 15–21, 2024

    sept. 15–21, 2024















    Specializările mele

    I have assisted Non-native speakers to better their pronunciation, vocabulary and conversation while working professionally in the UK.

    I have supported individuals that require English for a professional career. My experience is mostly focused on the Health and Social Care spectrum, supporting students to use verbal language and also written work - correcting mistakes and offering an alternative way of pronunciation

    I have supported Children that may be struggling with the English language both verbally and written.

    I have worked with Students that have a very basic understanding of English

    I have supported students to use the correct vocabulary, tenses through written work. I have also support younger students to complete their homework - talking them through tasks and explaining to my student what their main teacher may require of them.

    As a book lover I have a lot of experience behind my back. I have furthered my experience by offering private lessons (in the past) for students that require more practice for educational purposes.

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