Aisha P.

    Aisha P.

    Africa de Sud

    If you are looking to learn or improve your English then I am the teacher for you. I look forward to getting to know you and teach you in ways you will find exciting and enjoyable. For now get to know a little about me.

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    Despre mine

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    Afișează originalul

    Bună ziua, mă numesc Aisha, am 25 de ani și sunt din frumoasa Africa de Sud. Sunt un manager de evenimente certificat, am absolvit un semestru în educație și mi-am absolvit certificatul TEFL de 150 de ore.

    Am făcut 3 săptămâni de predare practică și mi-a plăcut foarte mult, am îndrumat și tineri cursanți timp de un an.

    Sunt hotărât să creez un mediu sigur și confortabil pentru ca elevii mei să învețe eficient. Rezervă o lecție cu mine, astfel încât să putem discuta despre obiectivele tale și cum te pot ajuta să le atingi



    Vorbitor nativ

    Ce spun studenții mei


    3 recenzii

    • mohammed


      mai 13, 2024

      The school is very excellent and I advise everyone to deal with it
    • Sebastian


      august 19, 2024

    • Santiago


      aprilie 25, 2024

      Excelente disposición y energía. Trata de adaptar sus clases a las necesidades y gustos de sus estudiantes, sin dejar de lado el enfoque en la consecución de resultados. Hasta ahora no tengo ninguna queja o inconformidad.


    Alege ora primei lecții. Orele sunt afișate în fusul orar local.

    sept. 15–21, 2024

    sept. 15–21, 2024
















    • 2017 — 2017

      A academy


    Specializările mele

    Do you want to converse with people around the world to better your experiences with them and understand them, to broaden your opportunities then let me help you

    I am a certified event manager and fluent in English i can help to converse and understand English in your work place

    I have tutored young learners for a year and also did 3 weeks of intermediate phase practical teaching, I have the skills to teach beginners

    I love travelling and being able to travel to different parts of the world I can guarantee that English has helped me tremendously. let me help you converse and understand English words and sentences that will be beneficial during travelling

    I have my 150hr TEFL certificate

    I have my 150hr TEFL certificate a

    I have tutored young learners for a year and also did 3 weeks of intermediate phase practical teaching, I have the skills to teach young children

    I have tutored young learners for a year and also did 3 weeks of intermediate phase practical teaching. During my tutoring I helped many learners with understanding and completing their homework

    I have completed my 150hr TEFL certificate and tutored for a year

    I love teaching English whether it be comprehension, literature, poetry etc.

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