Sherilyn B.

    Sherilyn B.


    Certified tutor with almost 12 years experience... FUN, ENERGETIC and LOVE TEACHING CHILDREN.

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    Engelska lektioner

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    Hej, jag heter Sherilyn, en erfaren ESL-instruktör med ett TESOL-lärarcertifikat och nästan ett decenniums erfarenhet av att arbeta med utländska studenter i alla åldrar, från barn och tonåringar till vuxna. Min passion för undervisning kommer från min kärlek till att interagera med människor från olika bakgrunder och lära av deras kulturer.

    Som ESL-instruktör finner jag en enorm glädje i att hjälpa mina elever att förbättra sina engelska språkkunskaper, särskilt när det gäller examensförberedelser för standardiserade test som IELTS, TOEFL, TOEIC, FCE och EIKEN. Jag tror att mina elevers framgång är en återspegling av min undervisningsförmåga, och ingenting gör mig lyckligare än att se dem uppnå sina mål.

    Med min tålmodiga, uppmuntrande undervisningsstil strävar jag efter att skapa en bekväm, inkluderande lärmiljö där mina elever känner sig trygga och motiverade att uppnå sin fulla potential. Oavsett om jag undervisar i grammatik, ordförråd eller konversationsfärdigheter, är jag fast besluten att ge mina elever den kunskap, färdigheter och självförtroende de behöver för att lyckas i sina personliga och professionella liv.

    Jag har undervisat i ESL under de senaste 12 åren, med erfarenhet av både privata och grupprelaterade miljöer. Jag har en TESOL-certifiering (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages), som jag fick efter att ha slutfört en rigorös kurs som inkluderade kurser i undervisningsmetoder, språkbedömning och klassrumsledning, samt övervakad undervisningspraktik med personer som inte har engelska som modersmål.

    Min undervisningsmetodik bygger på ett kommunikativt förhållningssätt, som betonar kommunikation och interaktion mellan elever och lärare. Jag strävar efter att skapa en bekväm, inkluderande lärmiljö där eleverna känner sig trygga och motiverade att delta i samtal och förbättra sina engelska kunskaper. På mina lektioner använder jag autentiskt material, som mina egna filer, många engelska böcker, nyhetsartiklar, videor och poddsändningar, för att främja språkinlärning och uppmuntra kritiskt tänkande. Jag använder även spel och aktiviteter för att göra lärandet roligt och engagerande för mina elever.

    Som en erfaren ESL-instruktör har jag utvecklat en stark förmåga att anpassa min undervisningsstil för att tillgodose olika inlärningsstilar och förmågor. Jag tror på att ge konstruktiv feedback för att hjälpa eleverna att identifiera förbättringsområden och bygga vidare på sina styrkor. Mitt mål är att hjälpa eleverna att nå sina språkinlärningsmål och få förtroende för sin förmåga att kommunicera på engelska.

    Vill du förbättra dina engelska språkkunskaper och uppnå dina språkinlärningsmål? Jag är här för att hjälpa! Som en erfaren ESL-instruktör med passion för undervisning är jag fast besluten att ge dig den kunskap, färdigheter och självförtroende du behöver för att lyckas.

    Oavsett om du är nybörjare eller avancerad kan jag hjälpa dig att förbättra din grammatik, ordförråd, uttal och konversationsförmåga. Mitt kommunikativa förhållningssätt till undervisning betonar interaktion och kommunikation, vilket säkerställer att du tränar och använder engelska i verkliga situationer. Genom att använda autentiskt material, såsom nyhetsartiklar, videor och poddsändningar, kommer du att få värdefull exponering för det engelska språket i dess naturliga sammanhang.

    Under vår provlektion kommer vi att få möjlighet att lära känna varandra och bedöma din nuvarande nivå i engelska. Jag kommer att lyssna på dina mål och lärandebehov och skapa en personlig lektionsplan anpassad efter dina individuella behov. Du kommer att få chansen att ställa alla frågor du kan ha och uppleva min undervisningsstil på egen hand. Tillsammans kan vi bygga en solid grund för din språkresa och hjälpa dig att nå dina mål.

    Låt inte språkbarriärer hålla dig tillbaka – boka en provlektion med mig idag och ta första steget mot att nå dina språkinlärningsmål!

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    What my students say


    105 reviews

    • Alla


      juli 15, 2024

      I love the lessons with Sherilyn. She can always direct the conversation so that there are no pauses and my brain works all the time thinking in English, this is very important for me. It always turns out very naturally without any tension. And I like that these are often different topics of conversation.
    • Maia


      juni 9, 2024

      teachar thanks for the casses i very like to talk with you
    • Felipe


      april 4, 2024

      Sherilyn is a good teacher. She has a lot of patient and the classes are very interesting.
    • juan david

      juan david

      mars 26, 2024

      I really enjoy my Classes! the Teacher is Great.
    • Angela Carvajal

      Angela Carvajal

      mars 21, 2024

      I've had several lessons with Sherilyn, she has really helped me feel more confident when I speak in English. She is an amazing tutor, she continuosly asks to move forward the conversation to a new topic, making the lesson dynamic and fun. Also, we have exchanged differents points of view and experiences related to our own countrys allowing me to have a broader world view.
    • avatar


      februari 21, 2024

      She used to arrive late to the lessons.

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    sep. 3–9, 2024
















    • 2021 — 2022

      Technical Education and Skills Development Authority

      English for tourism Professionals

      Diplom verifierat

    • 2000 — 2003

      Philippines Science and Technology Center

      Information Computer Technology

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    My specialties

    I will be your English conversation teacher. I am excited to be here and I am looking forward to helping you improve your English speaking skills.My approach to teaching conversational English is to focus on real-life situations that you may encounter in your daily life. We will work together to develop your vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar skills, so that you can confidently speak English in any situation.I believe in creating a relaxed and comfortable learning environment where you can feel comfortable practicing your English skills. I encourage conversation and interaction between students as this helps to build confidence and fluency.In my classes, I will use a variety of materials to help you improve your English conversation skills. This will include role-playing activities, real-world materials like movies and music, and games. I want to make learning fun and engaging, while also challenging you to push yourself to the next level.I will also provide constructive feedback on your progress and gently correct any mistakes you make. I want you to feel comfortable making mistakes as this is an important part of the learning process.My goal as your teacher is to help you feel more confident and comfortable when speaking English. I am committed to providing you with the support and guidance you need to achieve your language learning goals. I look forward to working with each and every one of you.You can probably think of what you want to say — but your mouth just can’t produce the words.I’ve got some answers explaining why speaking English can hard to master. We’ll also talk about some great ways to improve your skills and confidence.

    My approach to teaching Business English is to focus on the specific language and communication skills that are used in the workplace. We will work together to develop your vocabulary, grammar, and communication skills so that you can confidently communicate in a professional setting.I believe in creating a positive and supportive learning environment where you can feel comfortable practicing your language skills. I encourage active participation, collaboration, and engagement during classes, which I believe helps to accelerate your learning process.In my classes, I will use a variety of authentic materials such as case studies, reports, emails, and presentations. We will work on developing your writing, listening, and speaking skills by simulating realistic business scenarios.I will provide you with constructive feedback and guide you towards better communication skills for professional settings. We will work on various business skills such as making presentations, participating in meetings, negotiations, and developing your interpersonal skills for networking.My goal as your teacher

    I have been teaching IELTS for more than 10 years. I am excited to be here and I am looking forward to helping you prepare for this important exam.My approach to teaching IELTS is to focus on developing your language skills in the areas that are tested on the exam. This includes improving your reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills, as well as teaching you the specific strategies and techniques that are necessary for success on the test.Over the years, I have developed a deep understanding of the IELTS exam, including the test format, scoring system, and question types. I have also worked with students from a wide range of backgrounds and language proficiency levels, and have developed a range of effective teaching techniques to help each student achieve their goals.In my classes, I use a variety of materials and activities to help you improve your language skills and prepare for the test. This may include practice tests, authentic reading and listening materials, and speaking and writing exercises.I believe in creating a supportive and encouraging learning environment where you can feel comfortable practicing your language skills and asking questions. I will provide you with constructive feedback and guidance to help you improve your language skills and achieve success on the IELTS exam.My goal as your teacher is to help you feel confident and well-prepared for the IELTS exam. I am committed to providing you with the support and guidance you need to achieve your language learning goals. I look forward to working with each and every one of you.

    As your teacher, my approach to teaching English for Beginners is to create a supportive and engaging learning environment where you can feel comfortable practicing your language skills and asking questions. We will work together to develop your vocabulary, grammar, and basic communication skills.I understand that starting to learn a new language can be challenging, but I believe that with the right support and guidance, anyone can learn English. My aim is to make the process of learning English as enjoyable and rewarding as possible.

    I am excited to be here and I am looking forward to helping you improve your American English language skills.I have a deep understanding of the language and the culture associated with it. Over the years, I have developed a passion for teaching American English to students from all over the world, and I have helped many students improve their English language skills.My approach to teaching American English is to create an immersive learning environment, where you will have the opportunity to listen to, speak, read, and write in American English. We will work together to develop your vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation, as well as your understanding of American culture and idioms.

    I am excited to be here and I am looking forward to helping you improve your English language skills in a fast-paced and intensive learning environment.As your teacher, I understand that you are here to make rapid progress in your English language skills. Therefore, my approach to teaching Intensive English is to create a rigorous and challenging learning environment, where you will be fully immersed in the language.

    I have a deep understanding of the language and the culture associated with it. Over the years, I have developed a passion for teaching British English to students from all over the world, and I have helped many students improve their English language skills.My approach to teaching British English is to create an engaging learning environment, where you will have the opportunity to listen to, speak, read, and write in British English. We will work together to develop your vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation, as well as your understanding of British culture and idioms.

    As a teacher, I understand that English is a widely spoken language and it is essential to communicate while traveling, whether it's for business or pleasure. Therefore, my approach to teaching English for traveling is to provide you with the necessary language skills and vocabulary to help you communicate in a variety of real-life situations.

    As a teacher with years of experience teaching TOEFL, I understand the importance of the exam and the impact it can have on your future academic and professional goals. Therefore, my approach to teaching TOEFL is to provide you with the necessary knowledge and skills to help you achieve your desired score.In my classes, we will work on all aspects of the TOEFL exam, including reading, writing, listening, and speaking. We will use a variety of materials, such as past exam papers, authentic texts, and practice exercises, to help you develop your test-taking skills and become familiar with the format and structure of the exam.I will provide you with constructive feedback and guidance to help you improve your language skills, and I encourage active participation and engagement during classes. I will also provide you with valuable tips and strategies to help you manage your time, focus on the most important aspects of the exam, and improve your overall performance.

    As a teacher with experience teaching English for job interview preparation, I understand the importance of effective communication skills in the job market. Therefore, my approach to teaching English for job interviews is to provide you with the necessary language skills and strategies to help you communicate confidently and effectively during job interviews.In my classes, we will work on all aspects of job interview communication, including language skills, body language, and nonverbal communication. We will use a variety of materials and activities, such as mock interviews, role-plays, and situational exercises, to help you develop your communication skills and become familiar with common interview questions.

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