
Want help in studying Spanish from a professional teacher online

I am writing to you because I had heard that Spanish could be taught in this app and I was interested but I don't know how you could help me, please, thank you!

15-25 USD

per timme

Looking for online tutor priced up to $10 to upgrade my Spanish.

Hello, My name is Jeff. I am new and I'm looking for a tutor that can help me get conversational in Spanish. I have been using Duolingo for a little while but feel stuck. I'm wondering if this lesson is immersive or if we can also communicate in English as well in case I'm having a problem. I have big desire to learn the Spanish Language. Gracias.

5-15 USD

per timme

Online tutor who will help me upgrade my pronunciation in Spanish is needed.

Hello~~ Are u familiar with Spanish Ab Initio? My daughter will switch language from Chinese to Spanish in IBDP. She has started taking a lesson but I think she needs more practice speaking.

20-30 USD

per timme

Instructor wanted for online Spanish teaching job

My name is Jessica and I’m looking forward in being more fluent in Spanish! I’m not very confident with my Spanish because I either mispronounce words or don’t know the word. I only feel comfortable speaking with my family or small talks with strangers. I really hope this class could help me with my problem. I wanted to know , what is the difference between a 25 minute class and a 50 minute class? Thank you for your time!

21-31 USD

per timme

Want to find a qualified online private teacher in Spanish.

I'm looking for a tutor for my kids afterschool on a Wednesday pm (between 3.45pm and 5pm). Would you be interested in a 4 (nearly 5 year old) with no Spanish, and an 8 year old with some Spanish (had a Spanish Nanny for 6 years). Thanks, Frances

27-37 USD

per timme

Earn up to $2500 per month by teaching languages

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Native tutor is wanted for online Spanish teaching jobs

This Vivek KV I am an officer of the Indian Administrative Service which is the most prestigious civil service of the nation. I have a B.Tech and an MBA from the top most institutions in the country. I know English, Hindi , Malayalam and Tamil languages. I really want to know a European language and I like Spanish since i have watched a lot of Pedro Almodovar cinema. I would also like to give Dele. Please guide me

16-26 USD

per timme

I would like to make progress in Spanish online and receive useful evaluation from a great mentor

I want to start Spanish lessons. It's my first time with Spanish so start from scratch. I prefer a strict teacher with homework and class rules as that way I believe is the best. Are you a strict teacher?

2-8 USD

per timme

I want to find a professional online teacher in Spanish.

My name is Jordan and I'm very interested in becoming more fluent in Spanish. A little bit of background about myself to give you a better of idea of why I'd love to learn is my wife and her family are from Venezuela. English is my wife's family's second language, and as fluent as they are, when other family + friends come over, a majority of the conversation is in Spanish and I can't really contribute. I do understand quite a bit but not enough to speak. I hope that helps! :)

10-20 USD

per timme

I would like to start learning sessions online with a creative Spanish teacher who will assign me useful activities

I hope you are doing well. I was just wondering if you do lessons with multiple people, my girlfriend and I both want to learn Spanish together, could we join together but of course pay for 2 people? Thanks, Jake

5-15 USD

per timme

I am looking for a qualified online tutor in Spanish.

I'm interested in learning Spanish with you. I'm a nurse and want to understand and speak to my Spanish speaking patients. If you are interested in teaching me, let me know and I will set up a schedule as I work shifts. I can do 2 - 3 x 55 min lessons a week.

7-17 USD

per timme

I would like to find a perfect online private tutor in Spanish.

Do you have availabilities for reoccurring appointments on Sunday and Monday? I'm looking to have two sessions weekly

5-15 USD

per timme

I want to upgrade my writing ability in Spanish with an empathetic online teacher

My daughter is finished 10th grade and has a test In November essentially because she then wants to do Spanish 3 and 4 in next 2 years of her high school. so we are essentially Looking for test prep approach for a High school student. have You done anything like this before? If yers, do You Know the syllabus or material or we have to Provide the same? And do You work In person or online...I would prefer to speak over the Phone if Possible. I am the Mom, Sarla kale. My nPlease let me know a time and may be we can speak In person? thanks for Your time.

28-38 USD

per timme

I would like to improve my knowledge in Spanish online and receive constructive feedback from a experienced coach

I am Mexican but I do not know any Spanish at all. Is that something you can work with? And my only free time is Wednesdays and Sundays, but I feel I will need more than 2x’s a week. Is this something we can do while driving to and from work on other days or wld I need to be at a computer sitting down?

17-27 USD

per timme

Online Spanish private tutor priced around $19 is wanted.

I'm looking to learn conversational Spanish since my wife speaks with her family from Guatemala. My mother in law doesn't speak English so i would live to be able to speak with her. Thanks!

14-24 USD

per timme

Online Spanish teacher priced up to $9 is needed.

I listened to spanish song for first time a week ago and I’m in love with this language. I have C1 in German and C1 in English and have one year free till I finish school. For this amount of time I would want to learn everything from the basics to B2 included. Would this be possible if we have one-two lessons per week? I’m extremely dedicated to the things I do so I will do all my assignments and everything. Thank you for reading all of this! I’m looking forward to your answers.

4-14 USD

per timme

I wish to have Spanish lessons online rich with real-life tasks with a respectful expert

I would love to work with you to improve my Spanish! I am intermediate level, looking to get to the advanced level especially with conversation. A major goal is to be fluent during conversation and have confidence when speaking.

2-12 USD

per timme

Want to find a perfect online teacher in Spanish.

I am looking for a Spanish tutor to help me become fluent. I am really looking for a teacher who has curriculum we can work through with assignments and practice outside of class. I am currently at a low conversational level. Do you think you might be able to help me? Thanks!

15-25 USD

per timme

Online Spanish private teacher priced up to $4 is wanted.

I’m highly interested and intrigued to learn Spanish not only as a hobby but for traveling purposes as well

2-9 USD

per timme

Interactive online Spanish lessons are needed with a qualified tutor

I’m reaching out as I have noticed that my son seems very interested in learning Spanish. He’s making simple sentences already and I want to help him grow better.

2-9 USD

per timme

I want to find help in studying Spanish from a perfect teacher online

I’m a student studying advanced Spanish in college . Due to unfortunate circumstances I failed my exams at the end of the year and I have resits to determine if I continue with college with my other subjects into second year . As I am the only person to go to college in my family and I have worked so hard to get here in the first place , I would be heartbroken to not be able to pass. I am coming to you as I need some support and you look like the perfect tutor for me . I need to work on verbs , tenses , reading comprehensions and essay writing help. If you could help me with this it would mean the world to me. Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to read my message. Sincerely, Ellen Brogan

10-20 USD

per timme


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