Yosuke K.

    Yosuke K.



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    Merhaba. Ben Yosuke'yim. Amerika'da Fizik okuyorum. Konuşmayı ve öğretmeyi seviyorum. Aslında, Amerika'daki üniversitede Fizik Laboratuvarları için TA (Öğretmen Asistanı) idim. Ben anlattıktan sonra öğrenciler sınıfta ne yapmaları gerektiğini anlarlarsa mutlu olurum. Neyse ki, işe yaklaşımım Fizik Kıdemli Bursu olarak kabul edildi, İngilizce ilk dilim değil.

    Ben de burada birine yardım etme şansına sahip olmak istiyorum. Hem İngilizce hem de Japonca Matematik ve Fizik öğretebildiğim için derslerim Fen ve Japonca ile ilgilenenler için iyi olurdu. Ayrıca bazı iş adamları benden bazı iş verilerini ve çözümlerini analiz etmemi istedi. Her türlü insana yardım etmek isterim. Her insanın öğrenmesi için farklı zamanlaması ve hızı vardır. Ben de her biri için hazırlamak ve hizmet etmek istiyorum.

    Spor yapmayı, fizik (Kozmoloji) öğrenmeyi ve ayrıca Japon animasyonları izlemeyi seviyorum. Benimle ne istersen konuşabilirsin.

    Hadi hikayelerimizi paylaşalım ve öğrenmenin tadını çıkaralım!!

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    Yeterli düzey C2

    Öğrencilerim hakkımda ne diyor?


    41 değerlendirme

    • Eloy


      Aralık 10, 2023

      Yosuke helped me greatly with undergrad math, such that I am now a lot more confident tackling problems on my own. We did the math lessons in Japanese so I can recommend Yosuke as a math and Japanese tutor.
    • Fuyu


      Temmuz 6, 2023

      Yosuke- sensei was my AP Physics tutor. He is very kind and understanding, even if I were to ask a silly question. His teaching style is very detailed as he starts from the fundamentals of equations, to ensure a solid understanding of the subject matter. He takes as much time as needed to explain the basic concepts behind the units, to make sure the rest of the lessons make sense. Yosuke's lessons are easy to comprehend because he uses many visuals and diagrams in his lessons and notes. He’s very patient, and his ability to break down complex concepts into easy to understand explanations make him an outstanding tutor. I highly recommend Yosuke for anyone seeking a AP Physics tutor.
    • Yuta


      Mayıs 28, 2023

      He is a fantastic teacher. He gives easy-to-understand lessons in math as well as physics. Explanations in Japanese are also really clear. I strongly recommend him.
    • Tiffany


      Şubat 19, 2023

      Yosuke makes learning japanese very easy, especially since I am starting from the basics
    • Shaileja


      Şubat 4, 2023

      Yosuke sensei is a very helpful and patient teacher. He is teaching me both math and Japanese, and in both those subjects he has taken time to explain everything to me to where I understand thoroughly and can use the knowledge in the future. He's a very friendly person and a lot of fun to talk to. He takes interest in what you have to say and will tailor lessons and conversations to your needs. My understanding of the math I'm learning has improved ever since starting lessons with Yosuke sensei, and speaking in Japanese has gotten much easier for me! 素晴らしいレッスンをありがとうございます!
    • Kana


      Eylül 2, 2022

      私の息子は11歳で6年生の算数を教えてもらっています。 少し苦手に思っていた算数でしたが、ようすけ先生の教え方がとても上手なので算数への苦手意識がなくなった様に感じます。 算数はようすけ先生をお勧めします。 My son is 11 years old and Yosuke-sensei has been teaching him 6th grade math. My son was a little bit afraid of math, but Yosuke-sensei's teaching style is very good, and I feel that my son's fear of math has gone away. I highly recommend Yosuke-sensei for your math tutor. Thank you.


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    Eyl 15–21, 2024

    Eyl 15–21, 2024
















    • 2013 — 2014

      Event Management


    Uzmanlık alanlarım

    Basically, most of Japanese are not good at using English because it is hard to have any chance to use it in Japan. I have been in America for 4 years. So, I can help people who want to have experiences to use it by skype. You would be comfortable because I understand how Japanese feel and think when they use English.

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