Diane W.

    Diane W.

    United States of America

    TEFL and TESOL certified, passionate tutor with 6 years of experience

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    Привіт! Мене звати Діана, і я рада допомогти вам у досягненні ваших цілей з англійської мови! У вільний час я люблю готувати, подорожувати, займатися серфінгом, скелелазінням у приміщенні та проводити час з друзями.

    Я вивчав біологію та хімію, але це не означає, що я поні з одним трюком. Я люблю вчитися та говорити на нові та різні теми та інтереси. Кожен день – це можливість дізнатися щось нове, чи не так?

    Маю майже 5-річний досвід викладання в школах (початковій та мовній) та індивідуальних класах. Я персоналізую всі свої заняття відповідно до потреб і цілей кожного учня. На своїх заняттях я використовую комбінацію карток, TPR та ігор, щоб переконатися, що ми добре розуміємо те, що ми навчилися на уроці.

    Запишіться на пробний урок зі мною, щоб ми могли визначити ваші цілі, сильні та слабкі сторони, щоб покращити ваші навички англійської мови. Я хочу переконатися, що ви впевнено виходите у світ, розмовляючи англійською. Я буду тут, щоб підтримувати вас на всій дорозі!

    До зустрічі!

    Володію мовами


    Рідна мова


    Нижче середнього A2

    Китайська (Кантонська)

    Початковий A1

    Що думають мої учні


    31 відгук

    • Esther


      липень 29, 2024

      Diane is a warm and nice person to talk to. She helps me in becoming a better speaker in English, so I can spread my mission on Premium Minimalism with the world. Diane always comes up with interesting points of view and is very encouraging. I improved my vocabulary and talk more slowly now. Will continue to take lessons with her after my summer holiday. Thanks Diane!
    • Diwan


      липень 24, 2024

      I highly recommend Diane to anyone looking to improve their English skills. Their expertise and dedication make them a fantastic tutor. She is a very kind & friendly tutor
    • Matteo


      липень 24, 2024

      I have been taking English lessons with Diane and I am extremely satisfied with my progress. Diane is an excellent and patient tutor who has significantly helped me improve my conversational skills. Her teaching methods are engaging and effective, and she creates a comfortable learning environment. I highly recommend Diane to anyone looking to enhance their English proficiency.
    • Cláudio


      липень 17, 2024

      Diane has been bringing rich materials, interesting texts and subjects so I've been taking advantage of it to improve my English in the way I desired.
    • Małgorzata


      травень 21, 2024

      Diane is super teacher.Lesson with her are excellent


      квітень 17, 2024

      It was an amazing experience, Diane is really kind and ready to help you for any of your needs. I absolutely recommend her!


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    вер. 4–10, 2024

    вер. 4–10, 2024
















    • 2018 — 2024

      Self Employed

      English Tutor

    • 2018 — 2022

      NALCAP - Auxiliares de Conversacion

      English Language Assistant

    Мої напрямки навчання

    During my time as an English teacher at the Escuela de Idiomas in Spain. I held many one-on-one and group conversational afterschool sessions. During that time we talked about a variety of topics by using games and topics brought up by students.

    I was born and raised in Georgia, United States. This gives me the ability to help students obtain an American English accent and learn American colloquial words, phrases, idioms and etc.

    I have provided and assisted many students with intensive classes to help them achieve their goals such as passing their EOI exam.

    After my personal experience of traveling around, I know what are the important questions, words, and phrases to say and more when traveling trying to communicate and move around a foreign country and make new friends.

    Throughout my 5 years as a tutor, I have prepared many students of all levels and ages for their Cambridge exams.

    Before Preply and at this time most of my English classes are predominantly with children from ages 7 to 15. I have the materials and up-to-date knowledge of the current trends and pop culture to help motivate and improve your child's English. Along with this experience, I have also worked in primary schools for three years from infants to 6th grade so, I have the necessary materials to advance and reinforce the student's English skills.

    I have assisted many students with reinforcing and understanding the lessons and materials that are being taught in English at their schools such as Natural Science and Social Science.

    I have a TEFL certificate from TEFL Fullcircle.

    I have a TESOL certificate from the TESOL International Association

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    3 нові контакти та 4 бронювання уроку за останні 48 годин

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