Sharethrough User Rights Center

Last Modified: December 19, 2022

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Welcome to the Sharethrough User Rights Center

Sharethrough, Inc., its affiliates, and subsidiaries (“Sharethrough” or we” or “us” “our”) respect your privacy and are committed to protecting your information. On this page you will find information about how you can access, delete, or opt-out of the processing of your personal information, personal data, or the equivalent terminology in your region (including in Canada, various United States such as California, Virginia, and more, the European Economic Area and globally) (collectively, “Personal Data”).  Personal Data is any information that while combined or on its own will directly or indirectly identify you and Sharethrough may collect, use, disclose, or otherwise process such data in the provision of our services.

About Us

Sharethrough is a supply-side platform (“SSP”) and advertising exchange. Our technology enables us to conduct online auctions for advertising space on third-party websites, mobile applications, and over-the-top (“OTT”) services (such as SmartTVs or applications on your Smart TV). These third-party partners are collectively referred to as “Partners” on this page.

As you navigate through and interact with advertisements served by our advertising platform on our Partner sites, we may use automatic data collection technologies to collect certain information about your equipment, browsing actions, and patterns, including details of your interaction with advertisements (“Categories of Personal Data”). From this collection, Sharethrough retains your cookie ID; which we make available to you as per below. For more information on our data collection practices please review our Privacy Notice for Users.

Exercising Your Rights

Access Your Personal Data

This page allows you to access or delete the Personal Data we may have about you (i.e., your cookie ID). You can find the ways to access, delete, and opt-out of your Personal Data below.


By clicking “View”, you certify that you are the owner and the sole controller of the browser and device(s) about which you are requesting information or making privacy elections.

This tool allows us to facilitate your requests in real-time. Please note, the tool will not work if you have ad blocking technology enabled. Please also note, this request only applies to the browser and/or device to which you are currently connected. To access or delete Personal Data on other browsers or devices, please follow the prescribed process for each browser/device. You also have the right to request the correction of any inaccurate Data that may be provided here, as well as the right to restrict and/or object to the processing of your Personal Data (to opt-out of such processing). To exercise these rights, if you have any questions, or if you experience technical difficulties, please contact us at: [email protected].

Delete Your Personal Data

To delete your Personal Data, click the “DELETE” button below. Your cookie ID will be deleted.

By clicking “Delete”, you certify that you are the owner and the sole controller of the browser and device(s) about which you are requesting information or making privacy elections.

Once you click the delete button, we may still retain your data  in our system for up to 48 hours, after which it will be permanently deleted. Please also note, as you continue to browse other webpages, you may see the Sharethrough cookie once again (or when you hit the refresh button). To stop the processing of your Personal Data all together (as opposed to deletion of your personal data), you may choose to opt-out of processing. Kindly note, opting-out of personalized advertising does not mean you will no longer see online ads, it simply means you will not see ads tailored to your personal interests. 

Opting-Out of the Processing of Your Personal Data

To restrict, object to, or “opt-out” of the processing of your Personal Data by Sharethrough, please follow the instructions here:

Contact Us

If you have any questions, please contact us using one of the methods below.

  To Contact Sharethrough (Controller)

5455 Gaspe Avenue, Suite 730
Montreal, Quebec,
Canada H2T 3B3
Attn: Legal Department
Email: [email protected]

To Contact Our Data Protection Officer in Canada

Chantal Bernier
99 Bank Street
Suite 1420
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 1H4
+1 (613) 783-9600
Email: [email protected]

To Contact Our EU Representative in the European Economic Area

Legal Army c/o Sharethrough Inc.
Enrique Extremera Maestro
C. de la Princesa, 31,
Moncloa – Aravaca,
Madrid, Spain, 28008
Email: [email protected]

Additional Information

Please find below additional information about the processing of your Personal Data.

Purposes of the Processing

Sharethrough processes your Personal Data solely for the purposes of delivering personalized advertising to you on behalf of our clients. 

Sources of Personal Data

Sharethrough obtains your Personal Data indirectly from you as you browse the websites or applications of our clients/partners. We do this by participating in a real time auction for the delivery of personalized advertising to you on our Partner sites.  

Categories of Recipients of the Personal Data

Sharethrough may send your Personal Data to the following categories of recipients:

  • Data management platforms – companies that  categorize you into overarching interests (e.g. “likes fashion” or “ages 25-35)
  • Demand Side partners  – these are intermediary companies that source advertisements from advertisers and advertising agencies. 
  • Advertisers and advertising agencies – Sharethrough partners with some of the largest advertisers and advertising agencies to deliver personalized ads to you. 
  • Fraud detection vendors – these are third party vendors that help maintain the integrity of our platform, for example, by preventing malicious software (e.g., viruses, trojans) or traffic from non-humans (i.e., robots) from loading on the websites you browse. Your Personal Data may be shared with our fraud vendors for the purposes of fraud protection. 
  • Third party service providers  – solely for the provision of our services, including cloud service providers.

Each recipient processes Personal Data in accordance with their own privacy policies. We encourage you to review their policies for more guidance on how your Personal Data is used by third parties.

Data Retention

Sharethrough will retain the above cookie IDs for 30 days after which your Personal Data is anonymized in a manner that it can no longer be identifiable. 

More Information

For more information, please visit our User Privacy Notice.