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For Love and Faith, The Days At Auschwitz
For Love and Faith, The Days At Auschwitz
For Love and Faith, The Days At Auschwitz
E-book58 páginas37 minutos

For Love and Faith, The Days At Auschwitz

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Published by Mafra Editions, Publishing House based Joinville city, Santa Catarina/Brazil, the book ' For Love and Faith, The Days at Auschwitz' is a work of historical fiction that has already conquered thousands of readers in Brazil and worldwide!Mia lived a happy and normal life with her family and her boyfriend in Germany in the 1930s. True to her beliefs, she propagated the teachings of her religion with pleasure and devotion. Until the arrival of Hitler to power put at stake her whole life and the lives of her family members.Threatened by an increasingly explicit Nazi spread, Mia saw her temples destroyed and her religion increasingly persecuted. Forbidden to demonstrate public acts of faith, she, her family, and her boyfriend then begin to exercise their religion in a veiled way. However, the strategy does not work for long.Mia then sees a series of unexpected and heartbreaking events take over her life. She will have to deal with death, loneliness, persecution and the ravaging sadness of an anguished soul. Will her faith be able to keep her head held high in the face of so many atrocities committed by the Nazi regime and the constant threat of the worst, which seems closer and closer?
Data de lançamento22 de out. de 2022
For Love and Faith, The Days At Auschwitz

Jamila Mafra

Jamila Mafra, Paulista, nascida na cidade de Guarujá, é advogada, Especialista em Ensino de Astronomia e Docência no Ensino Superior, Professora de Geografia, editora e escritora.A autora escreve romances, contos, ficção científica e poesias. Além de publicar suas obras através da Mafra Editions, também participa ativamente de antologias diversas lançadas por outras editoras.Jamila Mafra is a Brazilian writer, lawyer, Specialist in Astronomy Teaching and Teaching in Higher Education, Geography Teacher, publisher, translator. She was born in Guarujá city. She writes novels, short stories, science fiction and poetry. In addition to publishing her books through Mafra Editions Publishing House, she also actively participates in various anthologies released by other publishers.

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    For Love and Faith, The Days At Auschwitz - Jamila Mafra


    Mia lived a happy and normal life with her family and her boyfriend in Germany in the 1930s. True to her beliefs, she propagated the teachings of her religion with pleasure and devotion. Until the arrival of Hitler to power put at stake her whole life and the lives of her family members.

    Threatened by an increasingly explicit Nazi spread, Mia saw her temples destroyed and her religion increasingly persecuted. Forbidden to demonstrate public acts of faith, she, her family, and her boyfriend then begin to exercise their religion in a veiled way. However, the strategy does not work for long.

    Mia then sees a series of unexpected and heartbreaking events take over her life. She will have to deal with death, loneliness, persecution and the ravaging sadness of an anguished soul. Will her faith be able to keep her head held high in the face of so many atrocities committed by the Nazi regime and the constant threat of the worst, which seems closer and closer?


    Sweet memories of that spring, when we used to play every afternoon in the colorful flower garden. There were even some trees with apples and other fruits. We had a small vegetable garden with potatoes and some vegetables. Mom was a woman dedicated to her home and family, as well as serving fervently in missionary work. We were a happy family and true to our beliefs. Germany was our country. We lived in the city of Cologne, in the countryside, a place where I had good and bad times.

    Dancing with my sisters was one of my favorite pastimes. I remember like it was yesterday when we took some flowers and made crowns to put in our hair. It was customary, always after the game, to take the geese to the river that was close to my house. They swam, and my sisters and I swam too, we had fun. Those were memorable days.

    My family's house was known as the golden age because on its facade there was a large sign written in gold letters that announced the Watchtower, a magazine published by us, Jehovah's Witnesses.

    My siblings and I were very loved by our parents. I was happy in a Christian home. We always studied the Bible together, and we learned piano and violin, my father's favorite musical ins instruments. These were teachings that would significantly impact my life in the face of the events that were to come.


    Of all the memories, the most beautiful days were with my first boyfriend and fiancé Vagner. We were always together sharing our beliefs and ideals. We stand up for our love and our faith no matter what we have to face.

    Vagner was also very fond of playing the piano. We admired classical music. My favorite composers were Ludwig van Beethoven and Johann Sebastian Bach. We spent afternoons playing, sometimes even risking compositions. Music is truly inspiring art and has the power to strengthen the good memories and the love that exists in our hearts.


    We had some peace

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