JJ Delgado🤙

JJ Delgado🤙

Lisboa e Região
245 mil seguidores + de 500 conexões


PhD Cum Laude in Digital Economy. Honored​ to have led the day with the most…

Artigos de JJ

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Formação acadêmica

  • London School of Business & Finance


    Atividades e grupos:Class representative.

    To study in the London School of Business & Finance clearly uplifted my professional career to another level. With a strong international environment, I did learn how to manage with different cultures and lead projects in an global perspective. The fact of being in one of the Top International Schools helped me to understand how resources, frameworks, analysis and strategic thinking help to drive successfully an organization. On top of that, the valuable set of professors opened me a new…

    To study in the London School of Business & Finance clearly uplifted my professional career to another level. With a strong international environment, I did learn how to manage with different cultures and lead projects in an global perspective. The fact of being in one of the Top International Schools helped me to understand how resources, frameworks, analysis and strategic thinking help to drive successfully an organization. On top of that, the valuable set of professors opened me a new perspective of what knowledge means.

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    Doctors of Doctors. Cum Laude is the maximum grade that a Doctor can achieve. It illustrates the excellence of the excellence.

    Topic of my thesis: Digital economy and online Human Behaviour. How Personality influences on Social Media and How Marketing Can Make The Best of It.

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    This executive programme on business networking gave me the tools to boost my performance within a dynamic business environment. These skills are key when you become a Director or CEO level.

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    This experience helped me to substantially improve my international skills meanwhile I approached the American Business English. In adddition, it was a great opportunity to work together with professors of great universities such as Harvard Business School. These teachers clearly helped me to improve massively my personal branding as well as my professional skills.

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Experiência de voluntariado

  • Cofounder

    24 Friends: Education for Kenya

    - o momento 11 anos 1 mês


    Sponsorship of disadvantaged kids´ education. 24 children sponsored so far at Sawa Sawa Academy in Watamu (Kenya). 92 more children to be added to the program soon.

  • Voluntee

    Fundación Adecco

    - o momento 11 anos 10 meses

    Serviço social


  • Smash It. How to Dominate The Digital Era and Make Your Business Grow Like Hell!

    Bestseller Publisher

    “Smash It” is not just a tool for pure digital companies. It can be applied to traditional companies and to companies that need to reinvent their business models in order to keep being competitive. As such, it's equally useful to all professionals that want to understand how to deliver value to their organizations in the coming years; everyone from c-level, to managers, to senior leaders, to salespeople, to beginners.

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  • A CIO’s Guide to Strategy Development


    Digital business has made information and technology (I&T) more strategic than ever, but most enterprises are not very effective at addressing this. CIOs must take on a bigger role in shaping the business strategy, but they will need to navigate several challenging scenarios along the journey.

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  • Video and Story telling. How to create virtual experiences to transform.

    Harvard Deusto

    Storytelling is a technique used by many companies since the beginning of corporate communication. However, it will not be until the appearance of the digital world when it acquires greater popularity, due to its simplicity to integrate the message in a natural way and to expose the values ​​of the brand within a narrative. In this area, it is undeniable that online video has multiplied the applications of this methodology, as it is a visually attractive format, easy to consume and that…

    Storytelling is a technique used by many companies since the beginning of corporate communication. However, it will not be until the appearance of the digital world when it acquires greater popularity, due to its simplicity to integrate the message in a natural way and to expose the values ​​of the brand within a narrative. In this area, it is undeniable that online video has multiplied the applications of this methodology, as it is a visually attractive format, easy to consume and that combines audio and image in one and the same, ideal, therefore, to develop this type of actions of marketing.

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  • Think Video: Smart Video Marketing & Video Influencing

    Circulo Rojo

    Think Video exposes the main facts that have given rise to the emergence and hatching of online video and videoinfluence through the lines of research opened in the world of digital marketing, its main applications and the keys that define the architecture in the new ecosystem .
    Communication platforms, data analysis systems and new technologies, among other factors, have completely changed the way we access and work with information in less than a decade,. Despite this continuous…

    Think Video exposes the main facts that have given rise to the emergence and hatching of online video and videoinfluence through the lines of research opened in the world of digital marketing, its main applications and the keys that define the architecture in the new ecosystem .
    Communication platforms, data analysis systems and new technologies, among other factors, have completely changed the way we access and work with information in less than a decade,. Despite this continuous transformation, we can identify those data, facts and research that allow us to establish where we come from, where we are and where we are going, taking into account all the elements that have given rise to this phenomenon, directly or indirectly.

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  • Applying Neuroscience to Business Practice - Chapter: How Is the Personality of Facebook Customers?

    IGI Global

    About the book:

    Neuroscience is a multidisciplinary research area that evaluates the structural and organizational function of the nervous system. When applied to business practices, it is possible to investigate how consumers, managers, and marketers make decisions and how their emotions may play a role in those decisions.

    Applying Neuroscience to Business Practice provides theoretical frameworks and current empirical research in the field. Highlighting scientific studies and…

    About the book:

    Neuroscience is a multidisciplinary research area that evaluates the structural and organizational function of the nervous system. When applied to business practices, it is possible to investigate how consumers, managers, and marketers make decisions and how their emotions may play a role in those decisions.

    Applying Neuroscience to Business Practice provides theoretical frameworks and current empirical research in the field. Highlighting scientific studies and real-world applications on how neuroscience is being utilized in business practices and marketing strategies to benefit organizations, as well as emergent business and management techniques being developed from this research, this book is a pivotal reference source for researchers, managers, and students.

    About my chapter:

    This chapter claims to understand the implications of Cloninger´s psychobiological model of temperament in the people behavior on social networking sites. This study uses secondary information as well as primary data. The author collected and analyzed an online survey with a sample of 365 individuals. The study contributed to bridging the research gap of the correlation between the Cloninger´s psychobiological model of temperament and people behavior on SNSs. The main findings show that clear correlation exists between Cloninger´s psychobiological temperament dimensions and the way people interacts on Facebook. Mainly, temperament is affecting in almost all the areas that have been tested; Facebook affinity uses of Facebook, motives, and barriers of using Facebook.

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    • Manuel Alonso Dos Santos
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  • The new online consumer: Noriso Cube

    Circulo Rojo

    We are living the biggest revolution in the history: the digital revolution. It is bigger than the industrial revolution. With this book, you will understand what happens on the mind of the consumer, how they interact with products and services, how and what they choose to buy. You will discover how to emotionally connect with them by understanding their personality.
    This book has been written by a best selection of experts in communication, marketing, trends, and psychiatry. They present…

    We are living the biggest revolution in the history: the digital revolution. It is bigger than the industrial revolution. With this book, you will understand what happens on the mind of the consumer, how they interact with products and services, how and what they choose to buy. You will discover how to emotionally connect with them by understanding their personality.
    This book has been written by a best selection of experts in communication, marketing, trends, and psychiatry. They present the tools and tips that you will need to make the best of the new era. The social networking sites and the digital market will be your best friends in this new current paradigm.

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  • Speaker on the Big Media Event 2014 Madrid


    ¿Cómo pueden los Medios generar valor con los datos?

    La digitalización ha puesto los datos en el centro del ecosistema de los medios audiovisuales.
    Un mayor control sobre los contenidos combinado con un mejor conocimiento de la audiencia permite apoyar decisiones editoriales. Se abren oportunidades para ofrecer contenidos más pertinentes y experiencias más personalizadas adaptadas a un consumo multidispositivo y a contextos específicos.
    Para los 'publishers' el buen uso de los…

    ¿Cómo pueden los Medios generar valor con los datos?

    La digitalización ha puesto los datos en el centro del ecosistema de los medios audiovisuales.
    Un mayor control sobre los contenidos combinado con un mejor conocimiento de la audiencia permite apoyar decisiones editoriales. Se abren oportunidades para ofrecer contenidos más pertinentes y experiencias más personalizadas adaptadas a un consumo multidispositivo y a contextos específicos.
    Para los 'publishers' el buen uso de los datos se ha convertido en una cuestión estratégica para amplificar sus actividades a nivel editorial, marketing y comercial.
    Les permite consolidar sus catálogos, reforzar el valor de sus activos, conocer mejor su audiencia y monetizar mejor sus inventarios a través de nuevas herramientas. Su buen control puede incluso llevar a encontrar nuevas audiencias y abrir vías de diversificación.

    El 24 de junio, en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 150 profesionales con una treintena de expertos explorarán estos temas a través de casos prácticos, de ponencias y de debates.
    En paralelo la organización de talleres permitirá entender mejor la puesta en práctica de soluciones profesionales indispensable al sector del Big Media.

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  • Guest Speaker at European Business School

    The 8 segments to overcome the online consumer

  • NORISO Cube (Spanish)


    Anuncios is one of the most important marketing newspaper in Spain. It is focused on Marketing directors and people of that field.

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  • Consumo y Personalidad

    El Publicista

    La personalidad es un constructo que divide a nuestros clientes en un nivel igual que el hecho de ser hombre o mujer. La segmentación por personalidad abre claramente a los marketinianos un nuevo espectro de posibilidades para satisfacer a sus clientes: divide y vencerás. El cubo NoRiSo (Novedad – Riesgo – Social) ilustra cómo segmentar a tus clientes basándose en su personalidad. Estas tres dimensiones configuran ocho segmentos de personalidad (cada una de las esquinas del cubo); cada uno con…

    La personalidad es un constructo que divide a nuestros clientes en un nivel igual que el hecho de ser hombre o mujer. La segmentación por personalidad abre claramente a los marketinianos un nuevo espectro de posibilidades para satisfacer a sus clientes: divide y vencerás. El cubo NoRiSo (Novedad – Riesgo – Social) ilustra cómo segmentar a tus clientes basándose en su personalidad. Estas tres dimensiones configuran ocho segmentos de personalidad (cada una de las esquinas del cubo); cada uno con un comportamiento profundamente marcado que guía sus decisiones en todas las facetas de la vida. Entendiendo sus motivaciones y barreras podremos desarrollar propuestas de valor ganadoras que satisfagan las expectativas de nuestros clientes.

    El marketing y los marketinianos siempre han/hemos estado obsesionados con entender a la estrella de nuestro partido: el cliente. Hemos querido entender cómo juegan, cómo se mueven en el campo, cómo deciden y lo más importante, cómo marcan goles. Para ello se ha estudiado al cliente desde diferentes ángulos, pero una de las técnicas se ha convertido, con derecho propio, en un básico del marketing: la segmentación de clientes.

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  • Marketing with Personality

    The author

    Personality is a construct which divide our customers in the same way as we are divided being man and woman. The segmentation by personality provides marketing professionals with a new spectrum of possibilities to satisfy their customers: divide and conquer. The cube NoRiSo (Novelty-Risk – Social) shows how to segment your customers basing on their personality. These three dimensions make up eight personality segments (each one in one cube corner).

    The behaviour of each segment is…

    Personality is a construct which divide our customers in the same way as we are divided being man and woman. The segmentation by personality provides marketing professionals with a new spectrum of possibilities to satisfy their customers: divide and conquer. The cube NoRiSo (Novelty-Risk – Social) shows how to segment your customers basing on their personality. These three dimensions make up eight personality segments (each one in one cube corner).

    The behaviour of each segment is deeply marked guiding customers´ behaviour in all aspects of their life. Once we have understood this behaviour, we will be able to develop killing value propositions, which may meet our customers ‘expectations.

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  • The 8 personalities of Facebook users - Radio interview (Spanish language).

    La parte contratante

    JJ Delgado presents the 8 personalities to overcome the online consumer. He introduces the key success factors to know better the potential customers.

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  • Speaker at the Cobranding Marketing Club of Europraxis

    The 8 personalities to overcome the online consumer.

    Speaker at the II Cobranding Marketing Club Event of Europraxis consulting club.

  • CryptoYield News

    LinkedIn Newsletter

    A biweekly summary of the news you cannot miss - Crypto, NFTs, Tokens, Metaverse, DAOs, DEFI, and Web3 Businesses.

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  • How to Understand the Stimuli and Barriers of Customer Behaviour

    Speaker at the International Forum Mobile Payment and VAS Europe

    A Valuable Resource on How to Understand the Stimuli and Barriers of Customer Behaviour

    •A fresh look at mobile payment adoption from a customer perspective
    •Experience counts; identify the 3 key drivers that will drive mobile payment adoption
    •How to classify customer payment personality and identify which ones are primed for adoption

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  • Inspiration Hub

    Inspiration Hub is a meeting point for sharing ideas. This is where we bring together true innovators from different sectors, types of business and geography, all with one factor in common: a proven ability to deliver exponential growth through the power of collaboration, innovation and partnership.

    Together, we will explore the greatest question of all for innovative business leaders today: how can we turn our biggest challenges into opportunities that drive fast, sometimes exponential…

    Inspiration Hub is a meeting point for sharing ideas. This is where we bring together true innovators from different sectors, types of business and geography, all with one factor in common: a proven ability to deliver exponential growth through the power of collaboration, innovation and partnership.

    Together, we will explore the greatest question of all for innovative business leaders today: how can we turn our biggest challenges into opportunities that drive fast, sometimes exponential growth?
    In these case studies, we gain privileged access to a whole range of customer insights and strategies. These stories show how customers are working with NTT DATA to gain early access to emerging technologies, and are then using innovation, technology leadership- and just a sprinkle of inspiration- to gain competitive advantage.

  • Bigcrafters

    The marketplace for products with an artisan spirit promoted by Estrella Galicia.

    We have realized that we are not alone and that there are many more of us who fight against the standardization of Food & beverages.

    Although it was born promoted by Estrella Galicia, the platform plans to become the first decentralized Marketplace in the community that loves artisan products.

    Thanks to Web3 technology, decisions on the management and future of the platform will be…

    The marketplace for products with an artisan spirit promoted by Estrella Galicia.

    We have realized that we are not alone and that there are many more of us who fight against the standardization of Food & beverages.

    Although it was born promoted by Estrella Galicia, the platform plans to become the first decentralized Marketplace in the community that loves artisan products.

    Thanks to Web3 technology, decisions on the management and future of the platform will be decentralized in the community, which will allocate 5% of the revenue to help accelerate digital sales to small and medium-sized artisans.

    The future is today.

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  • Neuromarketing en español

    - o momento

    This is the #1 Linkedin group for Spanish Neuromarketing. The best forum for sharing content, get updates about this practice and make contacts of Neuromarketing. Contact directly to me if you want to collaborate in the project.

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  • Newvideo Congress


    Newvideo is the #1 Spanish Summit on new Video Trends: Video Marketing, Youtubers, Branded Content, Social TV, NewMedia, Sound, Gaming, Transmedia, Cinema, Virtual Reality, and Storytelling.

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  • Video Experts Academy (VEA)


    Video Experts Academy (VEA) is a club formed by leaders and experts in different areas related to the video industry and digital marketing. Restless minds that share the same passion.

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  • How Cloninger´s psychobiological model of temperament impact on online consumer behaviour


    Data shows that clear correlation exist between Cloninger´s psychobiological temperament dimensions and the way people interacts online. Mainly, temperament is affecting in almost all the areas that have been tested; Facebook affinity, uses of Facebook, motives and barriers of using Facebook. With the data collected and with the analysis made, it could be concluded that temperament affects the way people behave on SNSs and online purchases. Therefore, hypothesis presented on this study could be…

    Data shows that clear correlation exist between Cloninger´s psychobiological temperament dimensions and the way people interacts online. Mainly, temperament is affecting in almost all the areas that have been tested; Facebook affinity, uses of Facebook, motives and barriers of using Facebook. With the data collected and with the analysis made, it could be concluded that temperament affects the way people behave on SNSs and online purchases. Therefore, hypothesis presented on this study could be proved. Clearly, Novelty Seeking (NS) and Explore Excitability dimension (EE) are two dimensions that impact the most on these correlations. However, both of the other two dimensions, Reward Dependence (RD) and Harm Avoidance (HA), present some interesting correlations as well.

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Reconhecimentos e prêmios

  • Top 50 Business & Marketing Visionaries

    Adello Magazine

    Selected top 50 Business & Marketing Visionaries by Adello Magazine.


    In today's digital age, every company is trying to figure out how to stay relevant, and digital transformation is seen as the solution to this challenge. However, digital transformation is not just about technology, it's about people's mindset. An entrepreneurial mindset can be the key to success.

  • Member of Royal European Academy of Doctors

    Royal European Academy of Doctors

    The Hon. Mr. Dr. Juan José Delgado Soriano, Doctor in Digital Economy, enters as Corresponding Academician of the Royal European Academy of Doctors, with the speech titled “The decision process of the digital consumer and his behavior in social networks”.

  • Top 10 LinkedIn Stories in 2016


    Awarded Top 10 LinkedIn Stories in 2016, underpinned by the post: Digital Marketing Plan Template (19.6K shares).


  • Top 50 Human Behavior Experts to Follow in 2017

    iMotions - https://imotions.com/blog/top-50-human-behavior-experts/

    The world of human behavior is vast, innovative and always evolving. Trying to stay up-to-date on the newest discoveries may seem like an impossible task – until now! We have combined a list of some of the most influential and revolutionary profiles in the industry, ranging from neuroscientists and marketers to key authors and journalists.

    The common denominator for these experts is their activity in the community and their willingness to share and be open about their…

    The world of human behavior is vast, innovative and always evolving. Trying to stay up-to-date on the newest discoveries may seem like an impossible task – until now! We have combined a list of some of the most influential and revolutionary profiles in the industry, ranging from neuroscientists and marketers to key authors and journalists.

    The common denominator for these experts is their activity in the community and their willingness to share and be open about their work.


  • Most Talented Spanish Marketer 2015

    Clear Channel

    Made of Talent is a private initiative that operates with the sole objective of raising the public profile and visibility of those who use their talent day after day to improve Spain’s reputation, development and image.

  • Top Speaker Today is Marketing 2015


    Today is Marketing is one of the most important marketing forums in Europe with more that 2,500 people.

  • Top Speaker on the III International Forum of Neuroscience, Communication & Economy.


  • Class Representative


    I was designed class representative of my MBA Class by my colleagues. It was a real pleasure to help them to unlock their maximum potential and help for the best of the class.


  • English


  • Spanish



  • Foreign Multinationals for the Spain brand


    - o momento

    Foreign Multinationals for the Spain brand is an association that: (1) Brings together multinational companies from various sectors operating in Spain and would like to demonstrate their commitment to Spanish society and the Spain brand. (2) Works in three main areas to achieve its purpose: active collaboration on boosting the Spain brand, cooperation on promoting our country as an investment destination of multinationals, and the development of Spain as a favourable environment for…

    Foreign Multinationals for the Spain brand is an association that: (1) Brings together multinational companies from various sectors operating in Spain and would like to demonstrate their commitment to Spanish society and the Spain brand. (2) Works in three main areas to achieve its purpose: active collaboration on boosting the Spain brand, cooperation on promoting our country as an investment destination of multinationals, and the development of Spain as a favourable environment for multinationals. (3) Promotes cooperation with the public administration to boost the Spain brand and defend the country’s common interests; to inform the heads of the public administration about the aspects that multinationals take into account when making decisions that position Spain as a destination with guarantees for the development of their business activities. (4) Works on the image of Spain within multinationals so that it is perceived as a future investor destination due to its political and social stability, its quality of life, and its competitiveness. (5) Promotes the dissemination of the role played by multinationals in the economic growth and continuous improvement of Spain.

  • Video Experts Academy

    Honored Memeber

    - o momento

    Video Experts Academy is a group of professionals and industry leaders that orchestrates the new industry of Video Marketing and Video Influencing.

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