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Training Sessions

The table below includes VISIT training sessions that are currently available, listed in reverse chronological order from when they were developed. To sort by a different column, click that column heading.  More information about the WMO Satellite Skills covered in the training sessions can be found here.

See the VISIT Teletraining Calendar to register for instructor-led sessions that are currently being offered.

Former VISIT training sessions have been archived. For modules organized into courses by topic, check out the SHyMet page.

Title Topic Instructor(s) Developed Updated Length (min) WMO Sat. Skill(s)
Data Fusion in Dust Storm Warnings Blowing Dust
  • Dan Bikos
  • Jim LaDue
  • 2024 70 4.1.1
    Data Fusion Exercise for Flash Flood Warnings: 26 July 2021 Flash Flood Event Flash Flood
  • Dan Bikos
  • Katy Christian
  • 2023 60 2.1, 2.2, 2.5, 2.6, 3.3.2, 3.3.3, 3.3.4, 5.1.5, 7.1-5
    VIIRS Flood Map Satellite
  • Jorel Torres
  • 2023 20
    VIIRS Active Fires Satellite
  • Jorel Torres
  • 2023 20
    Data Fusion in Short-Term Severe Local Storm Forecasts and Warnings Exercise: 15 June 2019 Severe Thunderstorm Event Severe
  • Dan Bikos
  • Jim LaDue
  • 2023 60 2.1, 2.2, 2.5, 2.6, 3.3.2, 3.3.3, 3.3.4, 7.1-5
    Data Fusion Exercise: Anomalously low GLM flash extent density for the 28 April 2021 severe thunderstorm event Severe
  • Dan Bikos
  • Jim LaDue
  • 2022 45 2.1, 2.2, 2.5, 2.6, 3.3.2, 3.3.3, 3.3.4, 7.1-5
    Data Fusion techniques for Low-Topped Severe Thunderstorm Events Severe
  • Dan Bikos
  • Jim LaDue
  • 2022 60 2.1, 2.2, 2.6, 3.3.2, 3.3.3, 3.3.4, 7.1-5
    LightningCast Lightning
  • Scott Lindstrom
  • 2022 20
    GOES-R Blowing Snow Detection Winter / Sat
  • Scott Lindstrom
  • Carl Jones
  • 2020 15
    JPSS / GOES Fire Monitoring Capabilities Satellite
  • Jorel Torres
  • 2020 20
    Storm Signatures Observed in Satellite Imagery Severe/Sat
  • Dan Bikos
  • Ed Szoke
  • 2020 15 2.2, 3.3.3, 3.3.4
    Above Anvil Cirrus Plumes Severe/Sat
  • Scott Lindstrom
  • 2020 2024 30
    Integrating GOES Into Mesoanalysis Severe/Sat
  • Dan Bikos
  • Ed Szoke
  • 2019 25 2.1, 2.2, 2.6, 2.7, 3.3.2, 3.3.3, 3.3.4, 7.1-5
    VIIRS NCC Imagery in AWIPS Satellite
  • Jorel Torres
  • 2019 20
    NUCAPS Soundings Sat FC-J
  • Scott Lindstrom
  • 2018 20
    Uses of VIIRS Imagery Sat FC-J
  • Scott Lindstrom
  • 2018 25
    Microwave Surface Emissivity Sat FC-J
  • CIRA
  • 2018 25
    Oxygen and Water Vapor Absorption Bands Sat FC-J
  • CIRA
  • 2018 30
    Introduction to Microwave Remote Sensing Sat FC-J
  • CIRA
  • 2018 25
    Influence of Clouds and Precipitation Sat FC-J
  • CIRA
  • 2018 25
    GOES-17 Loop Heat Pipe and Predictive Calibration Satellite
  • Scott Lindstrom
  • 2019 30
    Severe Weather Applications of the GOES Split Window Difference Product Severe/Sat
  • Dan Bikos
  • Ed Szoke
  • 2019 2019 20 2.2, 3.3.2, 3.3.3, 3.3.4, 7.1-5
    Advected Layer Precipitable Water Product Satellite
  • Dan Bikos
  • Sheldon Kusselson
  • 2017 2023 20 3.1.6, 3.1.7, 3.2.2, 3.2.3, 5.1.5, 7.1-5
    Basic Review of Satellite Foundational Topics Satellite
  • Scott Lindstrom
  • Eric Lenning
  • 2017 10
    An Orientation to the GOES-R Foundational Course Sat FC-G
  • James LaDue
  • Anthony Mostek
  • 2016 20
    Designing an Effective Survey: A beginning course for physical scientists Social Science
  • John Weaver
  • 2016 25
    Visualizing the Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM) in AWIPS GLM
  • Geoffrey Stano
  • 2016 10
    GOES-R General Circulation Patterns Sat FC-G
  • Ed Szoke
  • Dan Bikos
  • 2016 2018 10
    GOES-R Cyclogenesis Potential Vorticity Concepts Sat FC-G
  • Scott Lindstrom
  • Scott Bachmeier
  • 2016 2018 10
    GOES-R Atmospheric Rivers Sat FC-G
  • Ed Szoke
  • Dan Bikos
  • 2016 2018 10
    Comparing NWP Synthetic / Simulated Satellite Imagery to Observed Satellite Imagery Sat FC-G
  • Dan Bikos
  • Dan Lindsey
  • 2016 2018 10
    GOES-R TROWAL Formation Sat FC-G
  • Scott Lindstrom
  • 2016 2018 10
    Basic Operations of ABI on GOES-R Sat FC-G
  • Scott Lindstrom
  • Tim Schmit
  • 2016 2018 15
    GOES-R Multi-channel interpretation approaches Sat FC-G
  • Scott Lindstrom
  • 2016 2018 30
    GOES-R Volcanic Ash Product Sat FC-G
  • Scott Lindstrom
  • Michael Pavolonis
  • 2016 2018 10
    GOES-R Derived Motion Winds Sat FC-G
  • Scott Lindstrom
  • Scott Bachmeier
  • 2016 2018 10
    GOES-R Aerosols in AWIPS Sat FC-G
  • Scott Lindstrom
  • Shobha Kondragunta
  • 2016 2018 10
    GOES-R Cloud and microphysical products, fog and low stratus Sat FC-G
  • Scott Lindstrom
  • Andy Heidinger
  • 2016 2018 15
    GOES-R Legacy Atmospheric Profiles Sat FC-G
  • Scott Lindstrom
  • Jun Li
  • 2016 2018 10
    GOES-R Fire characterization, land surface temperature and snow Sat FC-G
  • Scott Lindstrom
  • 2016 2018 10
    GOES-R Fog / Low clouds: Formation and dissipation Mesoscale
  • Scott Lindstrom
  • 2016 2018 10
    GOES-R Baseline Product: Rainfall rate Sat FC-G
  • Dan Bikos
  • Bob Kuligowski
  • 2016 10
    GOES-R ABI Water Vapor Bands Sat FC-G
  • Dan Bikos
  • Ed Szoke
  • 2016 2018 25
    GOES-R Cyclogenesis life cycle Sat FC-G
  • Dan Bikos
  • Ed Szoke
  • 2016 2018 20
    GOES-R Cumulus growth Sat FC-G
  • Dan Bikos
  • 2016 2018 10
    GOES-R Marine and polar mesolows Sat FC-G
  • Dan Bikos
  • 2016 2018 10
    GOES-R Mountain waves and orographic enhancement Sat FC-G
  • Dan Bikos
  • 2016 2018 10
    GOES-R Boundary-forced convection Sat FC-G
  • Dan Bikos
  • 2016 2018 10
    GOES-R Low-level jet features Sat FC-G
  • Dan Bikos
  • Ed Szoke
  • 2016 2018 10
    GOES-R Pre-convective cloud features Sat FC-G
  • Dan Bikos
  • 2016 2018 10
    GOES-R Pre-convective environment Sat FC-G
  • Dan Bikos
  • Chris Gitro
  • 2016 2018 15
    GOES-R Introduction to Mesoscale and Synoptic Sections Sat FC-G
  • Dan Bikos
  • 2016 2018 10
    GOES-R Hurricane Intensity Estimate Sat FC-G
  • Tim Olander
  • Erin Dagg
  • 2016 10
    GOES-R Mesoscale Convective Systems Sat FC-G
  • Dan Bikos
  • 2016 2018 10
    GOES-R Discrete Storms Sat FC-G
  • Dan Bikos
  • 2016 2018 20
    Earth Networks Total Lightning Network (ENTLN) on AWIPS Lightning
  • Brian Motta
  • 2016 45
    Introduction to NCC DNB VIIRS imagery in AWIPS Satellite
  • Curtis Seaman
  • Dan Lindsey
  • 2016 20
    Applications of RSO Satellite Imagery for Winter Storms Winter / Sat
  • Ed Szoke
  • Dan Bikos
  • 2015 30
    A Brief Introduction to Social Science: A course for physical scientists Social Science
  • John Weaver
  • 2015 30
    NOAA/CIMSS ProbSevere Product Severe/Sat
  • Scott Lindstrom
  • 2014 2019 45
    Use of VIIRS imagery for Tropical Cyclone Forecasting Tropical/Sat
  • John Knaff
  • Galina Chirokova
  • 2015 12
    NUCAPS and Gridded NUCAPS Profiles Satellite
  • Scott Lindstrom
  • 2015 2022 20
    Can total lightning help with warnings for non-supercell tornadoes? Severe Course
  • Ed Szoke
  • Dan Bikos
  • 2015 2019 40
    Tracking the Elevated Mixed Layer with a new GOES-R Water Vapor Band Severe Course
  • Dan Bikos
  • Ed Szoke
  • 2015 2019 20 3.2.3, 3.3.2, 5.1.5, 7.1-5
    1-minute Visible Satellite Imagery Applications for Severe Thunderstorms Severe/Sat
  • Dan Bikos
  • 2014 2015 22
    VIIRS Imagery Interpretation of Super Typhoon Vongfong Tropical/Sat
  • John Knaff
  • 2014 10
    GPM Mission Overview Satellite
  • Josh King
  • 2014 8
    Forecaster Training for the GOES-R Fog/low stratus (FLS) Products Satellite Proving Ground
  • Scott Lindstrom
  • Mike Pavolonis
  • 2012 2020 60
    Synthetic Imagery in Forecasting Cyclogenesis Satellite Proving Ground
  • Dan Bikos
  • Dan Lindsey
  • 2012 30
    Synthetic Imagery in Forecasting Low Clouds and Fog Satellite Proving Ground
  • Dan Bikos
  • Dan Lindsey
  • 2012 2013 30
    Volcanoes and Volcanic Ash Part 2 Aviation/Satellite
  • Jeff Braun
  • Jeff Osiensky
  • 2011 90
    Synthetic Imagery in Forecasting Severe Weather Satellite Proving Ground
  • Dan Bikos
  • Dan Lindsey
  • 2011 2015 30
    Synthetic Imagery in Forecasting Orographic Cirrus Satellite Proving Ground
  • Dan Bikos
  • 2011 30
    Volcanoes and Volcanic Ash Part 1 Aviation/Satellite
  • Jeff Braun
  • Jeff Osiensky
  • 2010 140
    Aviation Hazards Aviation/Satellite
  • Jeff Braun
  • 2009 2011 180
    Basic Satellite Imagery Interpretation in the Tropics Tropical/Sat
  • Dan Bikos
  • 2010 60
    Water Vapor Imagery Analysis for Severe Weather Severe/Sat
  • Dan Bikos
  • Dan Lindsey
  • 2010 60
    Ensemble Tropical Rainfall Potential (eTRaP) Tropical
  • Dan Bikos
  • 2010 2013 18
    TC Intensity Model Guidance used by NHC Tropical
  • Chris Landsea
  • Mark DeMaria
  • 2009 2020 45
    TC Track Model Guidance used by NHC Tropical
  • Mike Brennan
  • Chris Landsea
  • 2009 2020 45
    GOES Imagery for Forecasting Severe Weather Severe/Sat
  • Dan Bikos
  • 2008 75
    Satellite Interpretation of Orographic Clouds Satellite
  • Dan Bikos
  • Jeff Braun
  • 2007 2015 90
    GOES 3.9 µm Channel Satellite
  • Dan Lindsey
  • 2006 2014 45
    Predicting Supercell Motion in Operations Severe/Sat
  • Matthew Bunkers
  • 2005 2020 75
    Mesoscale Convective Vortices Severe/Sat
  • Scott Lindstrom
  • Scott Bachmeier
  • 2004 2022 15
    Use of GOES RSO imagery with other Remote Sensor Data for Diagnosing Severe Weather across the CONUS (RSO 3) Severe/Sat
  • Dan Bikos
  • John Weaver
  • 2003 2015 130
    Cyclogenesis: Analysis Utilizing Geostationary Satellite Imagery Winter / Sat
  • Dan Bikos
  • John Weaver
  • 2002 75
    TROWAL Identification Winter / Sat
  • Scott Lindstrom
  • Scott Bachmeier
  • 2005 2019 30
    Page Contact

    Bernie Connell

    [email protected]


    Unless otherwise noted, all content on the CIRA RAMMB: VISIT, SHyMet and VLab webpages are released under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.