Call for Comments

The Fairfax County DOT staff is studying the redesign of Wiehle Avenue from Sunrise Valley Drive on the South to Sunrise Valley Drive and the W&OD Trail on the North.

If you care about the Traffic, bicycle access, or pedestrian access and comfort along this corridor, you should educate yourself on the study details and comment to the county staff by July 1, 2024

The study details can be found here:

There are three main alternatives being studied by the staff- they are described on the study page above. These alternatives add pedestrian walkways; add bicycle lanes, and also remove various numbers of traffic lanes—depending on the alternative. HOWEVER, these alternatives are not the only set options.

If you care about traffic on Wiehle Avenue—you should comment!

If you care about bicycle access on Wiehle Avenue—you should comment!

If you care about pedestrian access on Wiehle Avenue –you should comment!

You may feel that none of the three listed options are appropriate or workable.  Again, please comment.