93783 Newport Lane, Coos Bay OR 97420
1 (541) 269-5485

Plastic Lumber Engineering Test Data

Recycled Plastic Lumber Engineering Data

The following test results were provided by Braun Intertec Corporation, Portland Oregon from tests they conducted on RESCO’s MAXiTUF Plastic Lumber during the month of October 1997. Project # EARX-97-0534; Report 05107-2740

Plastic Lumber Flexural Strength

A material sample is loaded as a single beam and is configured as a modified third-point load with a 24″ support span and a 12″ load span. The maximum crosshead deflection is the vertical displacement of the loading noses at failure. The maximum load is the load applied by the two loading noses which causes ultimate failure.

Table 1: Flexural Test Results

ID NumberMaximum Crosshead Deflection, in.Maximum Load, lbs.Maximum Fiber Stress, psi

Load Configuration: Third Point Loading

Test Specimen Dimensions: 2″x6″x26″

Load Span: 12″

Support Span: 24″

Plastic Lumber Shear Strength

Shear stress specimens are 4″x1″ diameter (nominal) cylindrical rods tested in direct shear. All specimens are turned to the test dimension from sections of the 2″x6″ product. Specimens number 1 & 2 have a long axis parallel to the long axis of the product and specimen 3 has along axis parallel to the width of the product. The average shear strength of the specimens tested is 1,010 psi

Table 2: Shear Test Results

ID NumberShear Strength, psi

Plastic Lumber Compressive Strength

Test results determine the yield and crush characteristics of plastic lumber specimens subjected to compressive loads. Initial nominal dimensions of compressive specimens are 2″x1″x1″. Yield is configured with specimen loaded in the long axis and the crush testing is configured with the specimen loaded in the short axis. All yield test specimens are sections of corners of the product and three out of five of the crush specimens are corner sections. Crush testing identifies an average permanent strain of 0.25 in./in. resulting from compressive loads of 12,000 lbs. The ultimate crushing load is likely in excess of 12,000 lbs. subjective to the determination of a designated degree of failure. Specimens subjected to compressive loads of 12,000lbs. maintain their basic shape with permanent deformation of the material voids and partial or complete rapture of some 1″x1″ faces. The Average compressive yield is 3,900 psi.

Table 3: Compressive Test Results

ID NumberCompressive Yield Strength, psi.

Plastic Lumber Fastener Withdrawal: Screws

Test screws are 6 gauge thread drywall screws threaded 1-3/4″ in to the depth of the product at least 1-1/2″ from edges. The average ultimate load required for the screw withdrawal is 940lbs.

Table 4: Screw Withdrawal

ID NumberUltimate Load, Lbs.Failure Mode
1995Broken screw
21,070Screw withdrawal
31,020Broken screw
4772Broken screw
5728Broken screw
61,100Screw withdrawal
71,078Broken screw
8910Broken screw
9894Broken screw
10818Screw withdrawal

Plastic Lumber Friction Test

This test has been performed by Northwest Geotech Inc. (NGI) – Product Testing Division, Wilsonville, Oregon, on August 24,1998. Project No. PT-98-0101

To determine the static coefficient of friction per the Requirements of ASTM C 1028-89, Standard Test Method for Determining the Static Coefficient of Friction of Ceramic Tile and Other Like Surfaces by the Horizontal Dynamometer Pull-Meter Method. The testing was performed on one 47-34″x42-34″ RESCO Plastic Platform made up of 2″x5-1/2″x43-34″ plastics planks secured side by side as in a decking application. Each 5-1/2″ wide plank had a textured surface simulating raised wood grain.

Three areas on the panel were chosen as determined in the specifications for the sequence of testing which consisted of four pulls of the rest assembly with each pull perpendicular to the previous pull. The force required to set the assembly in motion was recorded and used in conjunction with a test assembly calibration valve) in the computation of the static coefficient of friction.

For the first test sequence the area chosen was along the axis of a single plank, with each pull either parallel to or perpendicular to the long axis. For the second test sequence, each pull was at an angle of 45o to the long axis of a single plank. The last sequence of tests consisted of pulls across two parallel planks at an angle of 45o to the plank’s long axis.

Four surface conditions, wet as received, wet prepared (Cleaned Hillyards Renovator No. 12), dry as received, and dry prepared, were tested as described above.

Test Results:

FDStatic Coefficient of Friction for Dry Surface (as Received)FD = 0.69
FDPStatic Coefficient of Friction for Dry Surface (Prepared)FDP = 0.72
FWStatic Coefficient of Friction for Wet Surface (as Received)FW = 0.50
FWPStatic Coefficient of Friction for Wet Surface (Prepared)FWP = 0.48

Data is typical and not to be construed as specifications or minimums and proper safety factors should be applied. Resco Plastics Company makes no warranties, expressed or implied, concerning the suitability or fitness of any of its products for any particular purpose. It is the responsibility of the customer to determine that the product is safe, lawful and technically suitable for the intended use.