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Pacific Northwest Research Station

Wallow Fire Fuel Treatment Effectiveness

Start Date
August, 2011
Wallow fire fuel treatments. Aerial view of snow covered area of burnt and unburnt trees.

All of the fuel treatments studied in the Wallow Fire demonstrated reduced fire severity before encountering residences.

Project Description

Fuel reduction treatments are implemented in the forest surrounding the wildland–urban interface (WUI) to provide defensible space and safe opportunity for the protection of homes during a wildfire. The 2011 Wallow Fire in Arizona, USA, burned through recently implemented fuel treatments in the wildland surrounding residential communities in the WUI, and those fuel treatments have been credited with providing firefighter opportunities to protect residences during the Wallow Fire and thereby preventing the loss of homes that otherwise would have been burned.

Purpose and Scope

All of the fuel treatments studied in the Wallow Fire demonstrated reduced fire severity before encountering residences.


To characterize the spatial pattern of fire severity (represented by crown scorch and bole char) as the fire entered the treated areas from the wildland we fit nonlinear models to the relationship between each severity metric and distance from the treatment edge in the direction of fire spread.

The nonlinear curve we chose provides an estimate of the distance into the treated area at which the severity metric is substantially reduced.

Key Findings

Fire severity as measured by crown scorch and bole char was reduced a greater distance into the fuel treatment that allowed for clumps of trees and buffers for wildlife habitat than for the fuel treatment that resulted in evenly distributed trees with complete removal of ladder fuels.

Crown scorch persisted further into the treated areas than did bole char, which implies that a high intensity surface fire was maintained in the treated areas.

All of the fuel treatments we studied in the Wallow Fire demonstrated reduced fire severity before encountering residences in the wildland-urban interface (WUI), demonstrating that there are multiple paths to fuel treatment design around the WUI.

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Last updated January 19, 2024