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Southern Research Station
Researchers deploying an infrared imager

Bipartisan Infrastructure Law & Forest Research in the South

Advanced supply chain engineering to support fuel treatment & forest restoration

Modeling supply chains to support fuel treatments

White oak at stave mill USDA FS photo by Thomas Brandeis

Full Project Title: Develop supply chain models: Database for treatment productivity estimation, model building, and validation

Project Identification Number: WIU4

This research will facilitate the growth of jobs and rural development tied to the restoration economy. 

Low-grade logs and other woody biomass can be used for lumber, biochar, liquid fuels, heat and power, and advanced bioproducts. However, current utilization is below production capacity. And production is set to increase because of the fuel treatments called for in the Wildfire Crisis Strategy and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.  

The new project is designed to improve forest management and forest industry supply chains. The team is developing new supply chain models, which will include low-grade logs and other biomass. The research is organized around several complimentary areas, including:  

  • Forest operations and logistics,  
  • Supply chain modeling and optimization, and  
  • Biohub siting and design.  

Case studies will focus on landscapes in the Colorado Front Range, Enchanted Circle, and Central Washington Initiative. These areas were chosen to span a wide range of biophysical and market conditions. The research products will be developed for use across all ten initial landscapes and across all ownerships. 

This project is funded by the 40804 provision of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. This research supports the agency's Wildfire Crisis Strategy. 

Key Personnel

Principal Investigators


  • Ecological Restoration Institute, Northern Arizona University 

  • Department of Forestry, Fire and Rangeland Management, California State Polytechnic

  •  Center for Sustainable Biomaterials & Bioenergy and the Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, West Virginia University

  • Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering and the Aviation Sustainability Center, Washington State University 

Last updated July 30, 2024