I Help Lara Croft With Her First Kill by Emily Zogbi

in high definition / I can watch her / get mauled by

a bear / a mountain lion / a man / impaled on

a loose piece of metal / a tree branch / a spike

protruding from the ground / drowned in

a river / the ocean / a shallow puddle

of mud / it doesn’t matter how


it happens / every time / she

screams / moans / grunts / gasps / she

makes it fun / makes me want

to hear the squelch / as she’s sliced apart by

an airplane propeller / a boat propeller

a chopper’s static wing


I’ve spent a lot of time / with her / Me + Lara

build a fire / Me + Lara

learn to / see in the dark / be invisible / weep

in private / light a funeral pyre / Me + Lara

learn to / be an animal / go into caves

full of / wolves / come back


changed / ravenous / when he / grabs us / his hand

slithers up our / arm / engulfs our / chin / we know

to / reel back / go for the eyes and / dig / gnash and

grab / anything solid / smash / smash / smash / not stop

till his skull is / a shattered teapot / Lara

retches / turns to the sky / cries


oh god as in / there is no turning back

oh god as in / I had no choice

oh god as in / this was going to happen anyway


in the beginning / Lara is / trapped / crawling

towards / daylight / she’s dirty

and broken / and bursts

through the earth / I think

she’s not gonna make it / then

she does


EMILY ZOGBI is a writer from Long Island. By 2021, she should have her MFA in poetry from The New School. Her poems have appeared in Chronogram, Rumble Fish Quarterly, Tinderbox Poetry Journal, Apricity Press and Blue Mountain Review. She wishes she had been a dancer.