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Most people had a gut feeling that the moderation of the debate was slanted somewhat (or a lot) in support of Kamala Harris.  Of course, when one loses a debate, the standard response is that the moderators were not fair.  If you haven’t listened to or watched the Ruthless Podcast, I highly recommend it for […]

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Kaylee McGhee White argues that Trump won the debate in a Washington Examiner article. She says that Kacklin Kamala’s main task was to explain what she would do if she won the election. Half of Americans think she’s too liberal, 55% think she’s no different than Joe Biden, and 30% say then need to know […]

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That Debate Thing


If you lived it, this was a somewhat similar morning to this on 23 years ago. The sky was clear like it is today. Temperature is cool but comfortable. For those who went to work in Manhattan or over at the Pentagon or in that field in Pennsylvania- we have been to all three locations, one of them that morning, it was a bracing and refreshing day of the new season. Until it wasn’t.

About this time on a bright morning in 2001, nearly 3,000 innocent people were brutally murdered. Two of them were shipmates from other places. Things changed.

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No need to worry, chaps and chapettes, the Trump campaign is in fine shape! Yes, his opponent outraised him by $230 million in August, but he’s a billionaire after all, so he could just write a check to make up the difference. It’s true he has to put aside $90 million to pay E. Jean […]

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On July 13th Donald Trump was nearly assassinated. He was saved by a movement of his head just before being hit. At the time, he had not nominated Senator Vance as his vice presidential candidate. Thus, his death would have thrown the country and his party into turmoil just prior to the convention. A week […]

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The Youtube channel “Tenet Media” might not mean much to you, until you realize that it is behind the broadcasts of many of our favorite centrist and to the right political voices. If you like Dave Rubin, Tim Pool, or Benny Johnson, then if you have used Youtube to watch their podcasts, you have been […]

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The question: If you win in November, can you commit to prioritizing legislation to make child care affordable, and if so, what specific piece of legislation will you advance? The answer: Well, I would do that, and we’re sitting down, and I was, somebody, we had Senator Marco Rubio, and my daughter Ivanka was so, uh, […]

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At noon on Tuesday, Oct. 29th, one week before election day, with no advance notice given to the press or the public, Biden should resign the presidency and allow Harris to be sworn in as his replacement. This unprecedented event would cause the greatest media sensation of our lifetimes and guarantee her an election victory […]

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CNN’s Dana Bash and the Oldest Profession


You can see it. Dana Bash struggled to ask questions she didn’t want to ask, because she knew that even the easiest question would tax the dim-witted woman Bash and her employer were committed to promoting. You could see the discomfort on her face. There may yet be a spark down there, deep inside, screaming at her betrayal of what she imagined her career would be.

Bash: How do you explain your apparent change of position on [name an issue; she’s changed them all]?



Apparently, the sustained attacks claiming that Donald Trump is a unique threat to democracy have some persistent traction in the polls. “Democracy” (sometimes called “our democracy”) is a strange ideological chimera.  Most people probably assume that the Democrats are referring to the January 6th fiasco, which they call an “insurrection,” aided by Trump’s alleged endorsement of the riot.  But there is a broader and deeper weirdness at work. “Democracy” turns out to be quite malleable.

First off, an election is not “democracy” when the wrong guy wins (e.g., Trump, Viktor Orbán, Benjamin Netanyahu).  When voters pass referendums by voting in what is normally considered a democratic act, their will does not count if not consistent with “democracy” (i.e., spending caps, no race quotas, no aid to illegals, and no homosexual marriage are all barred by “democracy”).

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I hesitate to post this at all, because of concern for the people that prompted the post. There is no reason to think it is traceable, other than the level of surveillance known conservatives are under. I’m past caring what happens to my wife and I for speaking out. She is a Republican County Co-chair, […]

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Joe Selvaggi talks with Tax Foundation Vice President William McBride about the details and potential effects of the tax policy proposed by Kamala Harris’ presidential campaign.

Making “Freedom” More than Just a Word


On August 22, Vice President Kamala Harris gave the speech of her life, accepting the Democratic nomination for the presidency. That speech was strong on delivery but weak on policy, making it ideal for rallying the faithful but less so for winning over her many political skeptics. But the speech was then pushed from the top of the news cycle by the announcement that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. had given up his effort to run as a third-party candidate. Instead, Kennedy announced he would join forces with Donald Trump in a move that may restore some of Trump’s campaign momentum lost at the Republican Party convention, where the former president’s acceptance speech rambled on far too long.

It is a maxim in politics that a concrete indictment has more legs than a general denunciation of a political opponent of the sort that Harris offered with such lines as, “In many ways, Donald Trump is an unserious man, but the consequences of putting Donald Trump back in the White House are extremely serious.” So what was striking about the Kennedy endorsement of Trump was that a lifetime Democrat of the purest type had issued a stinging indictment, filled with particulars, of what he regarded as the systematic betrayal of small-d democratic ideals by the Democratic Party. This included a full-scale attack to keep Kennedy off the ballot—which may prove to have been a strategic miscalculation if it turns out Kennedy, the historic Democrat, would have drawn more votes from Trump than from Harris.

Foo Fight Foofaraw Fizzles


Let it be known that the musical group known as the Foo Fighters, who have made a career of fighting foo, are in a hissy fit with the Trump campaign because their song, “My Hero,” which celebrates ordinary heroes, was used as entry music when Robert F. Kennedy Jr. took the stage to endorse Mr. Trump at a rally in Arizona. It’s not entirely clear if Mr. Kennedy or Mr. Trump are generators of foo, or financially support the spreading of foo throughout the land, but one could surmise that if they were, then the Foo Fighters’ song would have instantly cleansed the Trump rally stage of any offending foo. This leaves one wondering what all this foofaraw was about. The fearless fighters of foo had also previously objected to the John McCain-for-President campaign using the song many moons ago.

The fighters of foo are fighting mad and announced that any royalties from the followers of Trump or Kennedy who purchase the song will be donated to the Harris-Walz campaign. That said, the intrepid fighters of foo are also pondering possible legal action against the Trump campaign while…uh…Trump supporters pay money for their music and unwittingly support the Harris-Walz campaign…because…because…shut up, it’s the principle of the th- – …never mind. Never question the logic of the fighters of foo!

Democrats betting on the lowest common denominator


It seems odd that a party led by geriatric elitists like Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, Chuck Schumer, Bernie Sanders, etc. is still known as the party of America’s youth.  Part of this, of course, is due to the leftist control of our educational system.  This is very important, because Democrat policies on inflation, immigration, foreign policy, energy production, etc., etc., etc., are universally destructive to the interests of young people.  But the Democrats keep trying.  From today’s National Review, check out the “youth outreach” programs at the DNC last week:

Chicago’s hottest club this week was the Democratic National Convention, where Gen-Z TikTokers, Olivia Rodrigo stans (like fans, only more obsessive), and social-media influencers gathered to support presidential candidate Kamala Harris. Nearly 200 stars were in the United Center’s “Creator Lounge” this week, a zone with an open bar and string lights, reserved exclusively for influencers.

“Hotties for Harris,” a warehouse party thrown at the DNC by and for certified Brats, was the Gen-Z hot zone. In one corner sat a musty couch with a “Property of J.D. Vance” sign lying on top of it, a reference to the (very) false claim that Vance had sex with a couch, circulated online by Democrats after Donald Trump announced his vice-presidential pick. There was merchandise galore at the event, including “Hotties for Harris” bucket hats and tank tops and free condoms that read “F*** Project 2025.” GIFs of Kamala Harris dancing were projected, signs that read “Tim Waltz [sic] Got Me Laid” were hung, TikTok dances were danced, and feminist mini-golf was played. A gumball machine distributing the morning-after pill read “Plan B, nom nom nom.”

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You can, or at least I do, sing this. It has natural rhythm. Two rhythms, in fact! It doesn’t have much of anything else, though. The second, crisply dactylic part gets more implausible with each passing year. If office-seeking can be described as chronic, repeatedly trying to become Caldwell County Tax Assessor-Collector qualifies. Nobody has […]

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