boy swimming in river

How to prevent swimming-related illnesses

The best way to prevent swimming-related illnesses from spreading is to keep germs out of the water in the first place.

teen girl with stomach ache

Combating diarrhea and upset stomach from antibiotics

Most often, just time and light foods are the best medicine for diarrhea and upset stomach caused by antibiotics.

Boy holding kitten

Cat scratch disease: it’s exactly as the name implies

Cat scratch disease, also known as cat scratch fever, is a bacterial infection that is transferred through the saliva of your cat after it licks or scratches you.

perscription pill bottles and pills

Does my child need antibiotics?

When a child needs antibiotics, the potential benefits that the antibiotics will deliver outweigh these risks.

Girls getting their ears pierced

Is a tattoo parlor safer than the mall for ear piercing?

Dr. Yasmine Kirkorian answers a reader’s question about whether ear piercing is safer at a tattoo parlor or a mall kiosk.