Oracle Analytics

Oracle Analytics

Servicii IT și consultanță IT

Austin, Texas 23.490 adepți

See data in new ways, evaluate potential outcomes, and unlock endless possibilities.

Despre noi

Understand your business and make informed decisions through data-driven insights powered by embedded machine learning for all employees supporting a wide variety of use cases and data. Oracle Analytics addresses the needs of every step of the analytics workflow from data ingestion, through preparation and enrichment to visualization and collaboration. No matter where you are in your analytics journey, whether you’re in the cloud, on-premises or have a hybrid strategy, Oracle Analytics has you covered to see data in new ways, evaluate potential outcomes, and unlock endless possibilities.

Site web
Sector de activitate
Servicii IT și consultanță IT
Dimensiunea companiei
Peste 10.001 de angajați
Austin, Texas
analytics, machine learning, business intelligence, business analytics, data visualization, data flows, data engineering, data science, story telling, data analytics, dashboards, reports, mobile, natural language, artificial intelligence, fusion, data warehouse, data integration, data enrichment, data preparation, NLP și NLG


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